ONE Daring Challenge – “JUST ONE”

So there’s this thing that has really been on my heart lately.  We could safely say 
that it’s been almost consuming me.  Most days I’ve been thinking about it off
and on all day.  It’s not a new idea, but I’ve been praying: 
“Lord give me a different approach  
because the old one is not working all that well.
We need a fresh way of doing this.  
Whisper it to me.”
It’s true, some times we just need a very different way of looking 
at divine opportunities in life.  
Bear with me for a minute. 
Here’s a true life story.
Once upon a time personal friends of ours heard me mention a summer hosting program. 
They desperately wanted to make a difference to JUST ONE.  And they really, really, really
wanted to host, but they knew that they could not adopt whoever they brought 
into their home to host.  I know their situation, because we are personal friends and it was 
true that they would not be able to adopt due to a heartbreaking situation.   Yet, their hearts 
wanted to make a difference to
So they began to pray months before the summer hosting program,
 asking the Lord specifically 
that He would direct them to 
that they would be instrumental in helping
   find her forever family.

And just like the Lord, 
He was hearing their heartfelt prayers
and He was moving for that precious ONE.
Soon they brought a sweet little girl from an 
Eastern block country for a summer hosting program.
They were smitten!!
They’re grown children were smitten!
Their grandchildren were smitten!
{Yes, hosting programs are not just for younger families.
This couple, who are a their 60’s wanted to make a
difference to JUST ONE.}
Well a family in a neighboring city heard 
of this ONE hosting.  This family contacted them and asked 
if they could meet.  They had been praying
that the Lord would direct them to a specific child
for their family.  The two families met
and the rest is history.
They had made a difference to 

Each Christmas and Summer a couple of countries allow
a few orphans to be hosted in families.
{Few in comparison with the millions of orphans in each country.}
The thought and hope is that maybe they will find their
forever families.

Friends this is a divine opportunity!!

We must not take it for granted!!!
A window of opportunity, yet
sadly, not all the children available for hosting 
find families that step up for them to be hosted.
So quite a few don’t get to be hosted.
So I’ve been asking the Lord what I can do to
advocate for the hosting programs.
And here’s the challenge
that I know is from His heart:
What if we began to pray now for the Christmas 
hosting opportunity?
What if we began to ask the Lord to soften our 
hearts to this possibility?
What if we began to pray that God would direct us to
that we can host, advocate for, love on and give hope to?
And yes, some will actually pursue adopting the one
they hosted.  Ummm, is that actually a bad thing??  
What if we began to fundraise now for our opportunity?
Summer is the season for yard sales.
Summer is the season for car washes.
Anytime is the season for bake sales.
What if we changed our mindset from 
“I don’t think I have time for that.”
to this instead:
“We are hosting this Christmas and 
we are praying, planning and preparing.  We
are giddy to see what God does as we 
have been praying long and hard for 
Heads up friends and family – 
All the other usual things that keep us so busy
each year will include this ONE that
we have been praying for, planning for
and hoping for.  We are dedicating four
weeks out of our lives and we will do that
for JUST ONE.”
Can you imagine what would 
happen if each hosting program
were filled and not one child
who had the opportunity to 
come was left behind?

So there’s the Challenge friends.
From my heart.  
And yes, Dw and I have begun to pray and this 
Christmas we will be hosting 
I can hardly wait!
Will you please join us?

Cause really,
we all can do something 

6 thoughts on “ONE Daring Challenge – “JUST ONE”

  1. We are hosting this summer from Ukraine! An 8 year old boy named Denys will be with us for 11 weeks! Please pray for our family to make an impact on "just one" precious little boy!

  2. I’m commenting on an old post, but wanted to let you know that your post was one of the inspirations for our family hosting two orphans (sister/brother — 7 & 6) from Latvia over Christmas. They are from a sibling set of three, and we are actively praying about the Lord’s will regarding adopting all three. I’m curious if you’ll be hosting as well, and would love to hear an update.

    1. Oh Beca! I am overjoyed at your hosting!! You will have to send me a picture {pretty please??} that I will not share, but just rejoice over!! My email is: We are not hosting this year because of getting everything ready to go to China to get JonWesley and our #14. I pray we can next year!! Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for welcoming 2 treasures for Christmas!! xo

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