Did You See War Room?

Friday evening Savannah texted me and asked what we were doing.  The Bossman and I were actually driving toward church where we had been invited to a sweet meeting!!   She was wondering if Liberty and I would want to go to see War Room with her at 9pm?  (She even treated us!) Perfect!  I had wanted to see it since I saw the trailer a few months ago (when my eyes had bubbled with tears just watching that!)..but not being much of a movie-goer I had completely forgotten about it!

Oh my friends!!

You must, must, must see it!!war-room

After War Room ended, I literally wanted to run from the theatre and speed toward home to start working on a War Room!!  There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit was working in a transforming way throughout the filming of this movie!!  It was that inspirational, that motivating, that powerful!!  

It reminded me of a rough season in our lives when I told Dw that I was going into our closet to pray and I wasn’t coming out until I had heard from God.  I meant it.  Many, many, many hours, tears and pleas later I emerged having heard one of the sweetest and most powerful whispers I’ve ever heard from our loving God.

Despite negative reviews, (of course what else would we expect from mainstream media who despises the thought of a God who loves each of us and wants a personal relationship with us?) War Room was the Number 1 box office hit over Labor Day week-end and an immediate success!!

Let me just tell you, if I had the ability I would pay for everyone of you and your loved ones to go see it!  Heck, if I had that kind of money, I’d pay for all of you to come see it with me!!  We could then come outside the theatre and do some prayin’ together!!

This movie unashamedly reinforces the fact that not only does God hear our prayers, He moves in rockin’ powerful ways as we earnestly seek Him.

Go see it!!  If it’s not in your area, rent it when it comes out!!

I cannot thank the Kendrick brothers enough for their courage, perseverance, diligence, determination and Godly Biblical values that echo throughout the movie!!  There is no doubt that thousands of hours of prayer went into the making of this excellent movie!!

In the days ahead, I hope to show you a glimpse of our War Room that is in the planning/making stages.  And yes, when it comes out, my children will be seeing it.

Did you see it?  What did it mean to you?


2 thoughts on “Did You See War Room?

  1. I went to see this film ; when my church had special showings of it through a theater. I was moved because of that movie to create my own War Room. This took courage to film. I am so glad that the makers did this movie as it shows just how much God can do in our lives if we allow him to

    1. You are so right that it took courage to film!! And you created your own War Room?? I love it!! I am working on figuring out a way to have a family one. I think I found the perfect spot – a little nook…just have to figure a way to have some privacy in it. And actually Liberty is already making one in her closet for herself. It’s not a walk in closet…just a regular little one, but she’s already cleared the floor out. I’m so thrilled about the lasting ramifications of it.

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