People continually ask how we afford all of our adoptions.
And really, it’s a legitimate question. It is. On paper it doesn’t make sense. But God is not limited to paper and a pencil. Here’s just one more story to substantiate my case.
The other day we received the update on Vernon complete with the pictures. In the update it said that we would need to bring a wheelchair. No problem. At least no problem for our great big God.
Dw and I talked about it and as a family we prayed about this new need. I decided to look on the Phoenix Craigslist. I saw two pediatric-ish smaller ones. I reasoned that with Liberty and I alone, maneuvering Vernon, the smallest one possible would be best. I mean we are envisioning having to lift him and possibly the chair in not necessarily a super handicap-friendly country. {We have it so good in the US!!} All of this while holding or chasing Pearl.
It kind of all makes me giggle {I must be out of my mind.} Who knows what to expect. We’ve had some big surprises when we’ve gone to adopt before. We’ve been praying for smooth transitions, obviously, but still, who knows. And Liberty and I will be tending to our handsome Vernon in his wheelchair and sweet little Pearl. Liberty and I are stoked for the adventure!!
Anyway, I reasoned that the smallest and lightest chair that could possibly work would be the best. Ruby’s chair is heavy as lead. Anywhere I go with Ruby, I have to have one of the kids with me because I cannot get it in or out of the car by myself – and that’s empty!! It seriously is lead.
Searching I found two on Craigslist. Both looked interesting but both were in two totally different parts of the city. Like 40-50 miles each way from where each of them were and where we live. Like a giant 130 mile triangle. So we prayed some more.
And one day, I happened to pass a thrift store that I had never been in before. I whipped our van in to take a peak – looking for more Memorial Boxes {and yes, I found a beautiful one!! Yippee Jesus!}.
But what else was there sitting out in the center, right near the register? You guessed it!! A sweet smallish wheelchair that is so light I can pick it up myself!! And it folds easily!! The kids were with me and so I had Nehemiah try it. In fact it fits beautifully!!
By the way, the two on Craigslist were each $125 and $90.
So I took the beautiful-looks-brand-new wheelchair to the register to pay. The tag said it was a sah-weet $40. And the man ringing it up said, “That will be $26.” I was like, “WHAT?” He responded, “Today we are having a sale. It’s 35% off.” I began to bubble out our story of Vernon…{he actually remained grumpy} but he did add, “By the way, it just came in a few minutes ago.”
Just like our faithful God to have it show up minutes before we arrived and have it marked 35% off.
And do you realize that it was right on the way home from outing? I didn’t have to drive to the other side of the city!! How amazing is that aspect too??
And that’s my friend how we afford to adopt medically fragile and medically challenged treasures. God shows up. He moves. He cares. He provides. He does it all cause He sets the lonely in families.
In our Memorial Box I am hoping to find a sweet little wheelchair.
Our Memorial Box is a daily reminder to all God has done for us.
Here’s the background behind it:
This story brought a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing. I love your memorial box stories. Lego is making a Wheelchair Figure. Maybe that could go in your box.
I am thrilled at the Lego idea!! My kids will be too – they LOVE Legos!! Thank you Katie!
So funny…I immediately thought of the new lego wheelchair mini figure as the answer to your memorial box too!
And we haven’t even seen it yet! I keep forgetting to tell the kids! I will try to do that tomorrow! Love hearing from you, my faraway friend!! xo
I love it! Our Heavenly Father just loves to dote on his kids!
It was such a beautiful provision AND I didn’t have to drive to kingdom come to find it!!
Linny,, I’ve never commented before but have been reading for years. I think we would be unlikely, but fast, friends. My heart is for the orphan as I was one at 17. Anyways, I would love to send you a small toy wheelchair for your memorial box if you will let me.
So you came out of the shadows to offer us a tiny wheelchair? That would be wonderful!! YES! YES!! YES!! Thank you so much!
Our address is: International Voice of the Orphan
3655 W. Anthem Way
Suite A-109 #305
Anthem, AZ 85086
Attn: Linny
Thank you for your generosity and for coming out of the shadows to bless us!! I will always remember it came from a once-lurker turned friend! Now stay out, pretty please?? xo
When I opened your blog and saw the picture of Nehemiah in the wheelchair, I was concerned. What in the world had happened to your sweet treasure?! Obviously I had not yet read the post. 😉 Such sweet provision!
Yes! I thought that picture might have people think something had happened to him! He’s just about Vernon’s size though!
Wow! Love that story!
How is Eisley?
Just heard tonight that Eisley is the worst she has ever been. She needs a mighty miracle! Thank you for asking and thank you for praying!
Isn’t that just like our good God! Love hearing about it!
So totally God! Love you friend!!
What a great example, can’t wait to read this to our daughter. We read a chapter of Ruscuing Ruby each night. Lillian holds your Christmas card while we read, pointing out all the kids as we read. Lillian is already talking about doing an internship with Emma … And she is only 9!
I LOVE that she points to the pictures of each as you read Rescuing Ruby!! She would probably have lots of fun playing over here! And I think it is amazingly awesome that she would already be talking about doing an internship!! xo
This brought tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful reminder of God’s love and provision. Praising God with you!! I love a great thrift store find and I think this one is the very best I’ve ever heard of!!
Isn’t it just the BEST?? And I didn’t have to drive a mile out of the way!! I was stopping anyway! Praise the name of the Lord!