His Prayers

The other night I was helping get the shower ready for Vernon when he noticed something on our bathroom sink.  (Yes, there is pile on my bathroom sink.  Doesn’t everyone have one? If you don’t have one, please don’t tell me.)

What he had noticed was a tee-shirt we actually had had made for him with our family picture on it and the caption “We Love You” above it.  Our plan was to send it to him when we received Pre-Approval (PA) for him (a year ago) but the home he was in would not allow him to be told that he had a family coming.

We knew that he was old enough to know and understand that his 14th birthday (which now is next week!!) was quickly approaching and on that day he would age out and no longer be allowed to be adopted.  We also knew that he was likely losing hope.  The updated pictures we received last fall showed a boy whose ever-persistent smile had faded significantly.  No doubt, realizing his chances were fading as well.  We desperately wanted him to know that we were frantically pursuing him, yet we were not allowed to tell him.  It was unbearable knowing he had no idea we were coming but his 14th birthday was!

Through the translator app the other night I explained that we had had the shirt made but were not allowed to send it last Spring when we were given permission to adopt him.

His mood turned serious as he pondered that for a bit.

Then, through the app, he slowly opened up and began to pour out his heart about his life.  He told me of some extremely painful events that had prompted him to begin to pray for a family.  His face and voice filled with deep, heartbreaking emotion.  My heart tore in two.  After these events, he wanted a family that would love him and his broken body.  A family that would understand his needs.  So he began to pray, earnestly.

It was a very solemn time as he opened up.  Just Mom and son.   Heartfelt emotion exchanged and then calm assurance that he was safe with us.  Forever.

Eventually he showered and the next day was Sunday.  After church Graham and Savannah came for dinner and we were all out on the veranda eating.  Laughter and joy was everywhere.  I glanced at Vernon several times making sure he was enjoying himself.  The conversation the night before had been hard for him as he exposed his pain.   Yet today, though language still a barrier, he was laughing and smiling and participating in the fun!

What a beautiful day together as family.

After dinner ended and everyone had had their fill of grilled chicken and potato salad, I noticed Vern had moved his wheelchair over and slid down on the ground.  He had found a piece of chalk and had begun to write Chinese characters.  He was very serious as he worked.

Graham, Savannah, Dw and I were busy talking as I watched from time to time… he was  working hard, laboring as he wrote and wrote and wrote.   He wiggled himself across the pavement very purposefully writing.  He was oblivious to everything around him. IMG_9662

I asked him if he could pause so I could take a picture.

He smiled his precious smile and then he went back to work.

Chinese characters meticulously written one by one.


And then he finished.   He had managed to work his body across the entire pavement, writing the intricate characters.

I spoke into the translator app….


God used us to answer Vern’s prayers.

Could you be the answer to someone else’s prayers?



25 thoughts on “His Prayers

  1. Tears for his past and joy for his future. Praising God with you that he is home!!!! We are in the paper chase to bring our 11 year old daughter home from China. She will be twelve when we get her. Would your family join us in praying for her heart to be prepared for a new family after all theses years of not being chosen?

    1. Yes, tears and grief for his past, but tears of joy for his present and future!! He is loved and wanted and accepted.

      I am so grateful for your pursuit of your new treasure. We will join you in praying for her heart to be prepared. May God knit your hearts together as one family. Share her name is you will. APlaceCalledSimplicity@yahoo.com

  2. Linny, so moving and powerful. A testimony of God’s faithfulness to His children. Your posts about Vernon have spoken to me in ways only the Lord himself knows. I sure wish I could hug you all and tell you in person how much your family has blessed my heart…even though we have never met. Heaven is going to be such a party!!!
    I’m so thankful for technology. What a blessing to be able to read what his heart wanted to say. Much love!!!

    1. I am grateful Autumn for how the Lord uses Our Place to speak to your heart. The Lord is so faithful!! And anytime I see a comment from you, I smile. As you know, I love the name Autumn. xo

  3. You know, I have imagined having a similar conversation with my future child. I am praying for her (?) and believe that she will somehow be praying for a family…..

  4. God is so good!! This bright handsome young man of God has been blessed by you guys as his forever family. I am still praying for his heart that very soon all his sad memories will be replaced with happy and joyful memories and his heart will be filled to overflowing with them.

  5. My husband and I are traveling to China this November and will be traveling to 4 or 5 different orphanages for children with special needs. I was wondering if you might share the app you use to translate. I can’t wait to read more of your posts. This was the first post I stumbled upon and I’ve already made my husband read it!

    1. Welcome to our Place Called Simplicity! The app we use is called Speak & Translate. We paid $2.99 (I think) for it. The free version didn’t work well and was interrupted regularly for ads!

  6. How precious. What a sweet boy God has given you. The whole part about him not knowing you were coming and time was running out was so hard to read. I can only imagine how hard it was for you all. Again, thanks for sharing 🙂

      1. Thank you. That’s wonderful! Tears……
        We just finished certification for foster care in our new state. Let’ the kids come!!! 🙂 I feel as if this is the mission field God has called me to and how blessed I am to watch Him move in these children’s lives. It’s like having the best seat in the house!

  7. Tears! So incredibly grateful that God placed him in your family. We are also months away from adopting a girl from Colombia before she ages out (at 16). But she, at least, knows that we are coming.

  8. I am so overjoyed for this beautiful young man. His smile says it all and he is so blessed to have not only a mother and a father but sisters and brothers. I know our Heavenly Father listens to us and he knew the precious Vernon needed a large family. I love seeing the constant joy in his smile 🙂

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