Our Miraculous Van – Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of Our Miraculous Van story, please go back and catch up, as this is just too good to miss!!

When God does something, He just does it up so crazy-amazing!!

Back to the miraculous story:

In the midst of the time between looking at the van, praying like crazy about what to do and actually purchasing it, precious friends of ours had asked if they could take the kids to the movies.  However, since we have a pile of kids, they mentioned that one of us would have to drive our kids in our car as they couldn’t accommodate all of ours in theirs. No problem!!  It was decided that Dw would go with our pile and I would stay home with Ruby and Birdie.  And off they went to see Miracles From Heaven.

The kids were beside themselves with excitement!  Movies are not part of our routine.  Ever.  And they had already been told by this sweet couple that they would have popcorn and soda while watching the movie “because you can’t watch a movie without popcorn and soda!”  Enormous treat on every front for our pile!!


And so as this beautiful movie was ending my tenderhearted husband was crying.  Having so many special needs treasures, it hit home hard.  He told me that he was having a hard time getting a grip as they all walked to the cars.

Dw and our friends were talking about the profound impact of the movie and miracles and how we all need miracles…and it was just about that time, that the husband turned to Dw and said, “We were going to wait to tell you something, but it seems like now would be a good time.”

He continued, “So we’ve been thinking and we have decided that we want to be a part of helping your family and we are going to pay $200. of your van payment each month!”  Dw couldn’t believe his ears!  He then started to really, really cry!  Such a beautiful gift from these generous friends of ours!!

God in His great goodness had done something that was crazy-amazing and “above and beyond all we could think or ask!”

So we have this beautiful van for just $31. a month!!

Can you stand it friends?? It totally makes me giggle.

Faithful, faithful, faithful God.  Always, always, always at work in ways we have zero idea!!  From an Uber customer, to a friend of hers, back to the Uber customer to the owner of a car dealership to close friends of ours…God’s generous provision!!


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I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever;

with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.

Psalm 89:1

14 thoughts on “Our Miraculous Van – Part 2

  1. I absolutely love the stories of God’s extra ordinary goodness to you & your family! It gives me such hope & faith that He does care about ALL the big/little details in our lives. To be honest though it makes me wonder if I’m missing something when I talk to God about our needs & concerns. We haven’t gotten many clear answers lately but I do know He is mighty. Pray I can see those mighty things from Him.

  2. “What you say goes, God, and stays, as permanent as the heavens. Your truth never goes out of fashion; it’s as up-to-date as the earth when the sun comes up. Your Word and truth are dependable as ever; that’s what you ordered—you set the earth going. If your revelation hadn’t delighted me so, I would have given up when the hard times came. But I’ll never forget the advice you gave me; you saved my life with those wise words. Save me! I’m all yours. I look high and low for your words of wisdom. The wicked lie in ambush to destroy me, but I’m only concerned with your plans for me. I see the limits to everything human, but the horizons can’t contain your commands!” Psalm 119:93 MSG

    HALLELUJAH! Praise to Him who is able to do more than we can think or imagine!

  3. Very wonderful indeed.
    So does everyone have an assigned seat (like our bus driver used to do to try to maintain order)? or do they argue over who gets to go in the ‘back in the back’? I grew up with 8 people in a station wagon. My dad even built 2 bunks to go across wheel wells when we went on a road trip. we were packed in there!
    Sandy in the UK

  4. Please do not take this the wrong way. I am truly curious. How can you feel comfortable allowing your friends to make your car payment? The gift of the movie was a one time extra gift, but to depend on someone else for your family’s basic needs is something I could never be comfortable with. Please know, i am not criticising, just truly curios your take on this.

    1. I have very similar feelings as you do in my own personal life BUT when you are in situations like this you have to allow the people who want to bless you to do it. In turn, it is a blessing to THEM to help in this way.

      When you adopt a ton of kids (I have adopted 6 so far), you know that you have taken on a task that is bigger than you are. If God is providing a van for them in this way then who are they to say ‘No God, I wanted the payment paid in a different way.’ Sometimes it is learning to humble ourselves and let God provide for us how He sees fit.

      I totally get what you mean, or more so why you are curious, but once you are ‘walking on water’ you just keep your eyes on Jesus and keep moving, you don’t ask Him to change the way He is taking care of you.

        1. I would also add that many of us would like to either adopt more (me!) or adopt one! and for reasons that are too many to name, we can’t. This is a way to honor Gods calling and support the orphan-through a loving family willing to give all they have to give children a wonderful home, a family. It’s an honor to support a worthy cause. It doesn’t have to just be to a non profit or to a missionary or church (although they are all worthy of it!) to make a difference. I hear what you are saying though and it’s a humbling experience to receive help. But it just shows you how much a person is willing to trust God and throw pride out the window.

  5. What an amazing generous gift from your friends! It’s truly a gift to be able to give as they are! Enjoy every mile in the van. Safe travels.

  6. So stinkin’ awesome! And I just know it is blessing your friends’ socks off to be given the opportunity to bless y’all this way!! I just love how when we step out in faith, the blessings go both ways!! He is SO good!! And thank you for typing so quickly. It made intermittent Internet service bearable. 😉

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