Thank you so much friends for all the prayers for Jubilee.
Taking her into the O.R. was much worse than I had anticipated. She rarely cries, but crocodile-size tears ran down her cheeks as she pleaded with me, “Mom. No, mom. Why??”
She’s so brave. Seriously. So brave. Even in her questioning, she didn’t fight or scream. Just quietly pleading.
As she fell asleep in my arms with the mask over her mouth, I fought back tears. Life is hard for kids with broken bodies. We really have zero clue.
I remember bringing her home from China. She was 8 years old and weighed 27 pounds. It seems like yesterday that I met her in that little room. And yes, we knew when we started the paperwork to bring her home that she would likely be a “lifer” and we knew we needed her just as much as she needed us.
Can you really imagine her aging out in the government orphanage? She already would have ‘aged-out’. Can you imagine her being set on the streets? I shudder at her vulnerability.
So they let us go home late yesterday afternoon. I wondered the sanity of that with the trouble she has throwing up so easily and trying to manage her pain with that going on.
And as I drove, she threw up off and on. Then she kinda of moaned as we got closer to home and I glanced in the mirror to see her white as white can be and sweating profusely. I’m pretty sure she was about to pass out! Oh me. So she put her head between her legs and we made it home.
Jubilee had a sweet welcome committee as we pulled in. I mean. Every time one of the kids has surgery or has a procedure at the hospital, they come out to welcome them home. It’s the best thing ever. They love each other so much!!
Liberty carried her out of the car and put her in Vern’s wheelchair (yet another reason wheelchairs are a good thing!!). Daddy had gone to get the pain med and antibiotic scripts filled.
As most know, I call her “my shadow”…rarely leaving my side – ever. No exaggeration, she is usually within a foot of me at all times. I’m thinking she’s thinkin’, “I waited 8 years for you mom~! I’m sticking with you – like glue.” So when we got home she didn’t want me leaving her. So I snuggled up with her on the couch and she entwined her legs and arms in me and she seemed so glad we were home, all things considered.
We camped like that all night…and it was a wild one, to be sure. So thankful for these two bad boys…they helped so much with the nausea…(which is still very much touch-n-go).
So very grateful that we’re home and the long-dreaded surgery is over. So very thankful for your prayers.
Her day has been rough, so far, so if you happen to think of her, a prayer offered up on her behalf would be greatly appreciated.
Sweet baby girl. Such a beautiful treasure. So, so, so grateful for her.
I’m praying for sweet Jubilee, and her mama.
Praying for sweet Jubilee’s comfort. Anesthesia and pain meds can make a girl feel yucky!! 😥
I have the weakest stomach on the planet! Really. So when I was pregnant and puking three times a day ( including waking up at 3am to do just that!) I tried anything and everything. Acupuncture was my only relief . But I learned a bit about pressure points. They weren’t perfect, but sometimes gave me relief. Rubbing the muscle/skin in-between your thumb and fore finger, rubbing under the ball of your foot, below the second to big toe, putting pressure three fingers down on your wrist. I also found rubbing your belly in a circular motion counter clock wise helps a bit too. Poor girl. I just prayed and will continue. I HATE nausea! Had it all three pregnancies until 20 weeks. NOT fun and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Lord Jesus take this part of Jubilee’s pain away!
Sweet Jubilee, my prayers are with you!
Waiting to get surgery over with is hard. You did it! Every minute you will be feeling better and better. When you cry, Jesus cries. See him coming in and holding you in his rams too.
He gave you the BEST mom and dad, and the BEST family, and I know if we all could stop your pain instantly, we all would!
I am in bed recovering from a dislocated hip. If I could have Jesus give me your pain too, I’d gladly take it for you. Please know I will be lying here talking with Jesus about you, blessing you with every wonderful gift from God, and declaring, in Jesus’ name, a very fast healing, and that the pain and upset stomach leaves quickly!
Hugs & lots of Love, Cheryl Beck.
*holding you in his ARMS, not rams… let’s just laugh about that! Can you just see Jesus holding us up with all the wonderful wooly rams he has created in the world? It could be quite cozy and fluffy as long as Jesus is in control of them, right?
I hope this makes you smile.
Oh sweet Jubilee, recovery from surgery is no fun at all.
Know that there are many people thinking of you in many parts of the world. We all hope that you can find relief from feeling sick, and that your recovery is uneventful.
If there is anything that Jubilee would like, that your readers could send, please let us know. It would be a real pleasure to put a smile on her face!
Praying tonight. Love from CO.
Wish I could hug and love on her right now. Love you, Jubi!
Iam the foster mother of Jubilee we called her then Teresa, Iam in Phoenix visiting my sister. Will it be possible to visit Jubilee tomorrow or Wednesday, my sister live in Peoria but you may call me on her cell no.623-606-6790 my husband Mike still in WI. visiting his families. We did not know anything about Jubilee’s sickness, we lost contact after our computer crash few years ago. You use to email us in China today the first time I got into your website someone gave it to me. We are so sorry the orphanage never tell us everything our foster children have special needs. Jubilee looks so grown up and so beautiful she still have her facial expression hope to hear from you I leave the 1st of Dec. to join my husband in WA. where our daughters live and our adopted son who grew up with Jubilee thank you for love and Jubilee your forever daughter GBY.