Recently I learned of a situation that took me by surprise. I mean, it really shouldn’t have. But sometimes, no matter how much of life I’ve lived, I’m taken back by circumstances. What is it with that??
I don’t know your situation, yet, maybe you have been thrown a curve ball.
Or maybe you’ve encountered a storm you didn’t expect.
Or maybe you or someone you love has been given a diagnosis that no one saw coming.
Maybe you’ve found yourself in a trial which took you by surprise.
Maybe you’ve even found yourself on the receiving end of betrayal that you never would have dreamed of.
Maybe you’re experiencing financial struggles that you were convinced would never happen to you.
Maybe you’ve had the loss of someone you dearly loved.
Friends, let me tell you – you are not alone!!
Here’s what the Lord told me when life recently took me by surprise. He very clearly whispered, “No matter what, my word never changes! I am on the throne. I am aware of this situation and I am working the night shift. No matter what circumstances can look like, I am at work all around you!!”
Immediately He brought some of His promises to mind for the situation I had learned of. Just like that. His promises assured me that He was working. Interestingly in scripture the Lord reminds us that although the grass withers, and the flowers fade, His word, His promise, His truth remain, steadfast, immoveable, firmly planted forever.
The thing we always have to be aware of is that God’s word says, “The rain falls on the just and the unjust.” We live in a broken world filled with broken people and we will never be exempt from seasons of unexpected struggles, betrayal, illness, financial difficulties, loss and perilous times…yet one thing remains firm: The word of our God will stand forever.
As we navigated life we must cling to His word, His truth and His promises. One of His promises is the promise of peace when we keep our heart and mind on Him (Isaiah 26:3).
We have to trust Him and Him alone. Because the bottom line is this: He is the only one trustworthy. The only one that is always faithful. The only one who can move any mountain.
His promises remain forever.
No matter what.
Oh how I needed to hear his voice through your words today. I find it simply amazing that while praying here this morning and shedding tears and feeling so awful, that I received your email or Facebook and God spoke to me using you and reassuring me. Thank you so much for posting. I am sorry for your trials and hurts. I pray they pass quickly. I learned today that I choose not to live, sort of acting like s spoiled child, because things in my life are not as I would want them. But this is not the way God wants it. I realize that through trials, upsets, life happening, that we are fallen and broken but our awesome God wants us to live , find joy in all the world around us. Summer is so beautiful and by my wishing things were different, I have been so focused on that and not embracing all God’s gifts around me. We have to trust that all things work for the good of those who love him, and trust him. I will try not to keep focusing on the hurts, the disappointments , but trust in our faithful God who loves us more than all the mothers in the world love their children. Help me God to live and be loved in this broken world. May we trust in you to carry us and give you all the glory.
I rejoice that God used the truths of His word to minister to your hurting soul. I pray you see His hand working all around you!!
Thank you Linny. God bless you. Wish I could have a cup of tea with you! Bless your kind heart.
That would be so very sweet. xo
Thank you so much for sharing this, Linny. This is exactly where our family is right now – a storm, a stunning betrayal we never expected. I’ve been struggling so much, telling God, “I know You’re here, I know You see us, but are You REALLY working behind the scenes? Are You really doing anything?” This is so much what I needed to hear today. I feel like your post is a reminder straight from God to me that yes, He really is working, even when it seems like not one single thing is happening and we are out here adrift on our own. Thank you, Linny. <3
I am sorry for your betrayal friend. It is such an ugly part of life. We have had more than our share (pastoring was so HARD!) but God still was working and we’d like to believe we learned more about forgiveness and learning to trust others in spite of serious betrayal.
Thank you, Linny. You know what’s on my mind…
But for a little light relief, Hilaire Belloc’s poem about the rain came to mind:
The rain it raineth on the just,
And also on the unjust fella;
But chiefly on the just, because
The unjust steals the just’s umbrella.
Okay, that totally made me laugh. Love you friend!