“Just In Case”

We are heading to the one year anniversary of meeting Vern and Birdie (can you believe it??) and bringing them home and what better time to share a beautiful Memorial Box story of what God did while we were in China.

Some very crazy-only-God-sized miracles happened while there and each time something happened it was so spectacular that we were left shaking our heads, knowing God had just shown up in a enormous way!!  And we must share our stories with one another because they encourage our faith, affirm our confidence in Christ and remind us just how miraculous God is!!


Sometimes people wonder if God really cares about the little things.  How could He, they reason, He’s so busy with big stuff, isn’t He?  However, the truth is that God cares about every teeny-tiny detail we encounter and He promises to bless us for our obedient hearts!

Here’s a beautiful reminder of just how much He goes before us, looking out for each detail!  A set of chop sticks are in our Memorial Box to remind us of His exciting provision!


Before heading to China the thought did cross my mind about what I would eat since it is necessary for me to eat Gluten Free. Having been in China twice before I know that language is truly a barrier (for me) in many places.  I love Chinese food, but there can be hidden wheat or gluten in so many sauces….so what would eating look like as a Gluten Free gal?  I didn’t worry about it because I’ve come to realize that God really does take care of us and actually if I had to basically eat steamed white rice the entire time I was there, no biggie.

After meeting Vernon the three of us headed back to our hotel to eat.  There was a cafeteria buffet-type place and we decided that would be one of the easiest places to eat.


Prior to going to China I had printed out some Celiac cards to carry with me.  They were written in Mandarin and specifically spelled out all the things I couldn’t eat that would make me sick.

Being a bit chicken to show them the Celiac card, I looked at the menu.  Up and down I looked at all the items written in Chinese and longing for some yummy Chinese {rice} noodles I decided to show the waiter.  He looked at the card and motioned that he would be right back.  Before long the manager arrived to talk about the card.  I really am not a fan of making a big deal of anything, so already I was feeling rather embarrassed.

He read the Celiac card and said that he would go speak to the chef.  Before long the chef arrived with the manager.  Now I’m getting very, very embarrassed.  Both spoke English well.  I explained that I loved making Chinese {rice} noodles at home and was wondering if there was rice noodles on the menu where they could just leave off the sauce, but perhaps put some plain vegetables on the side.

Are you ready for this?

At that very moment, the smiling chef held up an unopened bottle of Gluten Free Soy Sauce and said, “Actually I was in Hong Kong recently and saw a bottle of Gluten Free Soy Sauce aKikkoman_soysauce-258x300nd thought, “I should buy that just in case someday a guest needs their food to be gluten free!’ ”  

I gasped in amazement as he held the bottle closer for me to see!!

Only our great big loving God would have prompted a chef from a hotel in a faraway city in China to not only see the Gluten Free Soy Sauce while in Hong Kong, but to purchase it – “just in case”!!

I mean really guys!!  A chef in a city definitely not around the corner from Hong Kong, is in Hong Kong and sees the Gluten Free Soy Sauce and decides he should buy it “just in case” a guest might need it someday.

And of course, I didn’t have to have the GF soy sauce, yet it was a beautiful reminder that God is faithful, in every way.  He is always loving and He is always looking out for His kids.  He meets our needs and sometimes our wants. He lavishly loves to love us.

The chef and manager then went one step further when they asked, “Would you like us to make Gluten Free Fried noodles for you every time you come down to eat?  Would you prefer vegetables or meat?  We will make them when we know you are here to eat.”IMG_8555

And every time we went to eat, within minutes and always without asking, someone would show up at our table with a delicious, mouth-watering, plate of Gluten Free Chinese noodles.

We had just arrived in China and in no time the Lord had shown up in such a crazy-and-least-expecting way!! I knew that He was confirming that He would be answering my longtime prayers for each aspect of the trip.

He had us, every need and the entire trip in the palm of His hand.  He would be doing the miraculous.  He would be providing for every need {and some of our wants too!}.  

His word is true friends.  

Our powerful and loving God had indeed “gone before us” and would clearly “be our rear guard” – even when it comes to what we need to eat.

“For the Lord will go before you and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”  Isaiah 52:12b


6 thoughts on ““Just In Case”

  1. God does this! You are like Mrs. Spurgeon, one of God’s “spoiled daughters”. 🙂

    (side note – 15% of Downs population is gluten intolerant so make sure you have Birdie tested as she gets older.
    eating gluten free has helped us with Naomi’s overall health and behavior.)

    1. I never heard Mrs. Spurgeon called that, but I’d say it fits me pretty perfectly! Actually since Ruby, Elizabeth and I eat GF, I feed Birdie that as well. I just felt it was better for her brain and probably GF’s better for everyone (although my hubby loves Gluten!). Thank you for telling me though -I’d never heard it!

  2. MAN OH MAN this was an epic post. God certainly does look out for us!!!
    I can remember one way in which God blessed me in the little things…our family was having a bakesale to raise money to bless missionaries. Lots of people had already come, and as the stream started to turn into a trickle, I prayed, “Just one more providential someone?” And He did–in fact, He gave me two people. He does work in wonderful ways!

  3. Oh WOW! As a fellow celiac and traveler to China 3x’s I totally get this and how much a blessing that had to be!!!! I lived off of hard boiled eggs, PB and bananas. (And snicker bars!) What a neat God Story! <3

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