Yet Another HUGE Milestone

While sitting down to write this post, I started texting with Ruby’s former caregiver, Lindsey, about some essential oils she had ordered.  I remembered that I hadn’t told her about Ruby’s latest milestone.

Although Lindsey stopped caregiving to attend Occupational Therapy school, she was a significant part of Ruby’s healing.  Ruby adores her and Lindsey adores Ruby!  She comes to visit when she is able.  Whenever I mention Lindsey, Ruby beams and wiggles with joy.  If you’ve read Rescuing Ruby, you may remember that I dedicate part of the book to Lindsey.


Ruby just hanging out with her niece Everlly.

Anyway, while texting Lindsey, I started to cry.

We will never, ever take for granted any milestone of Ruby’s, no matter how seemingly ‘tiny’ it may be to some.  This girl of ours is a miracle.  A true miracle.  Listen guys, even medical professionals here in Phoenix said quietly they didn’t know if she would ever be able to hold her head up!!  Well they sure did not expect her to do what she did today!!

If you read her book, you will understand.  And friends, miracles only come from Jesus. They don’t come because we ‘tried enough’ or ‘invested more’ or ‘fought better’.  They come because our God is gracious and kind and loving – He loves each of us more than we could ever begin to imagine.  I mean, He sent His only son to die for our very sinful selves.  I’m a sinner, you’re a sinner, all of us have sinned.  We don’t “deserve” good.  We only are blessed because the God who made heaven and earth loves us unconditionally.  

God in His mercy, grace and healing has allowed our precious Ruby yet another milestone!

Imagine the joy when I was able to pick up wifi in one little spot while on the safari with Josh and Emmy.  The tears that came as I saw the text open from Dw and read:  “Look what Ruby did today!”IMG_1249

Yup.  She got herself into a sitting position without any help!  And looky, looky, looking just how pleased she is!!

The rest is history!

She is getting herself into the sitting position on her day chair, in her bed, anywhere we put her down!  She does it with lightening speed too!!  She is even sitting up on her own in the bathtub…which kinda’ freaked me out, to be perfectly honest.  Her head is still heavy…more proportionate then when she first came home, but it hasn’t gotten smaller.  Yet, even in the tub, she is able to wiggle and gently lay it down.

This miracle girl continues to astound everyone!!

I texted her neurosurgeon (he gave me his personal number years ago – he adores our girl and knows she is a miracle!) and sent him the picture from the Nile. He said the picture of Ruby made his day!


This is yet another celebration in our Memorial Box stories!!  God has been so faithful to us!!

30 thoughts on “Yet Another HUGE Milestone

  1. Holy Cow! God is amazing and so is Ruby! I did a double take when I saw her sitting in that picture! Thanks for sharing this miracle with us!

  2. God is so good! Little Ruby sure is a miracle that only God could perform. She is getting so tall. No longer the little girl but getting to be a big girl. Can’t wait to hear more of her milestones. And many more there will be!

  3. Do you know I was just thinking again this week (telling the Lord) about Ruby making some more progress! How amazing.!
    And she just looks like she has been doing it all along! God is Good!
    Sandy in the UK

  4. Yay!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!! This excites the Killman family so much! We are celebrating with Ruby and her family!!!

  5. Praise Jesus!!!! I’m SO excited with you! 🙂 Thank you for sharing and reminding us of our miracle-working Father!!!

  6. YAYYYYY FOR YOUR MIRACLE GIRLIE!!!!!!! <3333 God is doing AH-MAZING things through your dear Ruby's life–He has been showing over and over that NOTHING is impossible!!

  7. I love your updates and especially your faithfulness in God. Your daughter IS a miracle and has touched so many lives. Never stop rejoicing and celebrating the milestones.

  8. Hooray for Ruby! Another challenge conquered. I was so happy to see Everlly too. She is slap dab gorgeous, isn’t she?

  9. She is absolutely beautiful ❤ She has come so far and I can see she is so loved! Praise God!
    Sirpa from Finland

  10. Oh how my heart bursts with joy seeing your precious girl sitting unassisted…and to know she got herself into that position!! Praise God!!! He is SO very, very good!!!! I just love how He is using her in so many “only God” ways to glorify His holy name!!! Big hugs from Texas! xoxo

  11. Many prayers are being prayed for Linny and your family with my prayer group. I also have been blessed to see Ruby’s amazing progress and God’s mighty hand at work at Special Needs. This is our reward for serving in this ministry. What a great honor. God Bless!

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