It’s a huge day of celebration in our home!! In fact step outside and maybe you can hear the singin’ and the cheerin’….we are honoring our littlest baby girl!! She’s SIX!! SIX??!!!! Yes, SIX.
So much healing for our Birdie in the two years since she and Johnny came home forever. I look back on those early months and whisper words of gratitude, praise and ahhh, yes, even relief. There were many really hard days and even with all the previous adoptions I began to wonder if Birdie would settle and begin to heal. God’s grace was so evident and in the midst of boatloads of prayer sweet Birdie’s healing began. When she began to relax and settle, she was able to start to bond – ever so slowly but step by step – look at her! We couldn’t imagine our lives without her! She is such a beautiful treasure and today we celebrate her turning six!!
Breakfast in bed with gluten free donuts for the win!
Looking at Birdie I stop and remember the words from our treasures who were in government orphanages in the country of her birth, “Mom, babies just like Birdie and Ruby were put in a room where they weren’t fed. They were put in there to die. I saw the room. And I saw the babies laying there.” Yes our kids remember and were traumatized. Miraculously Birdie is one that made it out, truly only by God’s grace and my eyes well with tears. Her life is such an incredible gift. We celebrate her and her healing!!
And while starting to write about Birdie’s birthday I realized I completely missed acknowledging Ruby turning 8 in June!! So here’s a few pictures from the girl who lives each day like it’s a party! Ruby’s joy is evident to all – she love, love, loves to party!
For Ruby-girl it was strawberries on gluten free pancakes cause she loves strawberries and they were in season!
It was June 16th and Graham and Savannah came to help celebrate Ruby!! She’s such a miracle. Next week I will share what Ruby’s been up to. Seriously, there is no stopping this miracle-girl who defies every medical boundary set by man.
Ruby loved having her birthday celebration and yesterday Ruby was squealing that today we would be celebrating Birdie. When I told Birdie that today we would be celebrating her she put her arms out straight and shook with joy while shrieking. Oh gracious – our two sweet baby girlies – what a privilege – we get to!
Sure love your family! Love to both birthday girls from central Illinois! ❤️❤️🎂🎂🎈🎈🎉🎉
they are all so happy and cute!!