Tag: Birdie
Thank You for Praying – Birdie’s Home
Birdie’s Surgery
Our Girl Birdie
As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve found bonding to be a delicate dance. Some steps forward, some back, some round-n-round, some waltzing, some tripping, maybe even some head-banging…always overshadowed with large doses of prayer…and then ever-so-slowly things begin to breakthrough… True smiles begin….. And they just keep coming… And most mornings I’m greeted by this expression…
Africa & Birdie & That Thing Called Bonding
How Birdie Got Her Name
Many people have asked how Birdie got her name that I’m guessin’ it’s time…. [Lucy! Lucy! You’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do!] It’s simple. Shortly after coming home we noticed that anytime anyone had food, little Miss would scoot over and quietly position herself as close as possible. Birdie does not nudge, push, whine or…