Would You Please Pray for Me?

Dear Precious Friends Around the World,

So many of you have followed our family for many, many years now. I know a few have said that they began to Journey along as we were bringing Isaiah home. Others began stopping by Our Place right after we lost our home to the fire. Some are much newer friends. All of you, I am so grateful for – you truly have been an incredible blessing to me personally. The Lord knew how much I needed all of you.

Anyone hanging around at all knows how I believe in the power of prayer. Our astoundingly faithful God delights in working the miraculous when we humbly come to Him. We have seen Him do “above and beyond all we could think or ask” time after time after time and I have shared many of our Memorial Box stories here – proving over and over His incredible work in our lives.

Well, truthfully, this is way out of my comfort zone as I really prefer to keep myself and my needs out of the picture. However, I feel strongly that I am to share this because I know many of you truly love our family and you will understand the ramifications of this need. And I know many of you will earnestly pray with us.

Interestingly enough, on a side note, my word that I am studying this year is “trust”. Oh boy. What a word for this year on so many levels.

Here goes:

About six weeks ago I began to have pretty severe headaches. Those up close know I am not a headache person – ever. My eyes were also quite painful with the headaches and it all made me just want to lay down so I could shut my eyes. The stabbing pain in my eyes even on occasion woke me at night. I had no other symptoms. Around that time, although I didn’t correlate the two things, I began to have trouble seeing things that had been no problem to see a few weeks before. For instance, a pair of dark shoes on our dark wood floor were no longer very visible.

Moms of many will understand, we are not sitting around adding it all together. We are caring for sweet treasures whose lives are complicated and little thought is given to anything outside of their needs. Although the headaches were awful, I just went about life.

I began to wonder if it could be that I needed new glasses as it was increasingly harder to see things and the headaches were persisting.

Actually in February I had had a check-up with my optometrist and she had given me a new script. However CoVid hit, everything closed down and I was unable to fill the script. So a few weeks back I thought I should just go get my glasses filled with that script from February. In hind site, probably not my brightest move, but oh well – I figured it would be a quick and easy fix.

Two weeks later they arrived and the new glasses did not improve my vision – in fact the headaches became even more intense and my vision was now seeing double. Wearing them made me feel sick.

For the record, I’ve been wearing glasses (or contacts back in the day) since I was in second grade – so I am not a newbie in getting used to new glasses.

After attempting to just “gut it out” wearing the new glasses for 10 days (although my eyes felt worse) I made an appointment to go back to my optometrist for a re-check. After all, I reasoned maybe the glasses were accidentally made wrong. Since ten days of gutting it out hadn’t worked, while waiting for the next appointment to see my optometrist I went back to wearing my old glasses.

It took a couple of weeks to get in but finally this week I was able to go. She’s a precious woman who I have been seeing for a few years so she definitely knows me a bit.

It was an appointment that I wasn’t prepared for because I hadn’t really stopped to put it all together. She was shocked (literally) repeating three times, “This is really serious!” She found (and it was easy for me to realize) that something is truly wrong with my vision/eyes and that I have had rapid vision loss. I can no longer even see the largest letter on the screen with the corrective lens on. I couldn’t even tell there was anything there on the smaller letters – it looked like a blank space. She tried everything and ran a few (albeit limited) tests.

She knows I have MS and Sjorgren’s Syndrome as well as the other autoimmune disorders but it does not look like it is those causing this problem from the few tests she was able to run. She referred me immediately to an ophthalmologist and eye surgeon.

I have had zillions of eye exams since second grade and to not be able to even tell at all what the largest letters were blown up to their largest size with the corrective lens machine was alarming to my soul. I am one who is pretty good at denial, however, you can’t deny your eyes having a problem when you are trying to use them all day long!!

No doubt, I need my vision! I have a lot of short people who rely on me every single day and night to care for their needs – which is my greatest joy!

The good news is that obviously, none of this comes as a surprise to our powerful God. I’m so grateful to know that while we are all shocked, scared, dumbfounded and overwhelmed, He is definitely not. He has a good plan in it all, regardless of what things look like.

Not once, since I asked Him to come into my heart some-fifty-seven years ago has He ever let me down – He has been so very wonderful to me. I will trust (there’s that word again) Him now. I will choose to trust Him!

So here I am. Asking. Would you please pray for complete healing and restoration of this rapid vision loss? Would you pray for wisdom for the doctor on Monday? Would you please pray that God would restore my vision completely so that I can drive again? Would you pray that the vision loss does not continue?

And yes, it is very difficult to see my computer to type this. I’m so thankful I spent several years as a typist putting Dw through law school when we were first married. No surprise, even way back then, the Lord had being a typist as part of His plan that would help now.

Thank you my dear friends for praying…I am, again, indebted to you forever. xoxo

39 thoughts on “Would You Please Pray for Me?

  1. Linn,You are in my prayers today. We know that Jesus healed the blind, and I am believing that He will do it again. Yoir faith has always been inspiring to me. I am honored to pray and believe on your behalf. My God work a miracle in your situation.

      1. Lin, I am so sorry to hear about these painful headaches and loss of vision. I will start today and continue to pray for God’s healing and wisdom. As always I admire your heart for serving others. I know God will continue to bless you in all things. ♥️

  2. Oh Linny,
    My sweet sister, i am praying for you right now. I can imagine how scary this must be to you. But, God! He knows and He sees! I am praying for your eyes to be completely restored, beyond what they have been. I am praying that His peace will fill your heart and mind, and that your appointment with the doctor will be informative and encouraging. I am praying for DW and the family, that they will feel His peace as well.
    Love you,

    1. Linn,
      How well I remember interceding and “reminding” God how important your presence was in the lives of your kids when you were in the hospital. I will begin “reminding” Him of the importance of your sight in the care for them. Praying…knowing He is faithful.

  3. Absolutely praying very hard! I work in ophthalmology so am so familiar with what you are describing. Praying that yours heals completely and soon!

      1. Dear Linny,
        Praying for complete healing of the vision loss!
        “The Lord is good, A strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; He cares for those who take refuge and trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7
        Believing our Miracle-working God will completely restore and renew your vision, that it will be better than ever! May God’s peace fill the hearts of you and your family during this time!

  4. Sweet Linny, I am praying right now and will continue to pray. You have taught me (more than anyone else!) that God is indeed still in the miracle business! I pray God will do a miracle in such a way there will be no denying that it is Him alone that heals you. You have been such a blessing to me in all these years! I am eternally grateful someone asked me to pray for y’all after the house fire.

  5. We will be praying that you get some answers and that they will know how to restore your vision. As caregivers for our precious ones we must take care of ourselves and I am so happy you are getting this taken care of . God is with you in your journey and He knows your every need.

  6. Sweet Linny, I can only imagine how scary this is. I also know from reading your communications, that you do completely and totally believe in our Miracle Working God. We pray for the best outcome and for peace inside this journey. ❤️ Marian

    1. Linny- prayers going up for your complete healing and restoration- also to be covered in HIS Peace. I’m trusting and believing our God has got you covered.

  7. Living with a blind husband I know how debilitating loss of sight is.
    So here in England I wlll be praying for you to e completely healed.

  8. I admire your unashamed trust in Almighty God. I think I was telling God this morning that I admire how you think high thoughts of God and that is what I like about you.

    This might possibly be caused by a brain tumor. “Partial or complete loss of vision is caused by a tumor in the occipital lobe or temporal lobe of the cerebrum.” https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/brain-tumor/symptoms-and-signs

    I really hope that the headaches and vision loss stop soon. I even more hope you are not shaken and that your faith and love for God grows even stronger. Take care.

  9. Of course! So sorry to hear about this. Your are already on my daily list and I will add this. I don’t want to alarm you but
    I think you should see a neurologist ASAP…

  10. Praying for you now Linny! I began to follow your posts years ago and haven’t checked in in some time. Vision, friend. Complete and whole in Jesus name.

  11. Sweet Linny, I’m just now reading this and am taking you before the throne of our sovereign and all powerful LORD and Great Physician!!
    “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭33:18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  12. I don’t often comment, but I’ve followed you for many years. Your life example has been such a blessing and encouragement to me! I pray (without commenting) whenever you ask for prayer, but this time I wanted to chime in to let you know: I’m praying!

  13. I just sent you a private message and THEN I opened Facebook and read your post. HE KNOWS, and oh, how He loves us. Here is what I just sent you in FB Messenger:
    Good morning, Linny. 🌺🌞🌸

    I was in Lebanon recently (with Samaritan’s Purse), feeling totally overwhelmed by the task I’d volunteered for. God impressed this scripture upon my heart, and I wanted to share it with you:
    “His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Psalm 147:10-11
    If you are weary this morning, and feeling inadequate, He loves and delights in you!
    And I’m praying for you. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

    1. Praying for you and that your sight is restored! Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. “

  14. Praying for wisdom and discernment for your doctors that is beyond their natural ability. Praying for complete and rapid healing. Praying that God will guard the hearts and minds of both you and your sweet family as you walk this path.
    He is ever faithful. He is always good. His lovingkindness endures forever. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

  15. Praying for complete healing for your eyes, for those nearby to be willing to make sacrifices to see that all your needs are met, wisdom for doctors and assurance that He is very near.

  16. Like the song Way Maker goes ” Way Maker, Miracle worker, Promise Keeper” ….Praying to Jehovah Rapha for complete healing.

    God bless you Linny

  17. sweet friend..I am lifting you up on prayer right now. God is an amazing healer and I am praying he completely heals you my dear. We love you dearly from Wisconsin. Please keep us posted on your exams too. love you Linny!

  18. Linny, I know that you are completely sincere in trusting God as your great physician. But having said that it is God who has put wonderful doctors in your life here on earth. Please if you haven’t already done so , call your friend Stewart the neurologist. You may need an MRI. Also, have you been tested for covid? Even though headaches are not the most common symptoms many with covid have reported headaches. Perhaps covid affects people with autoimmune disorders differently? This is also something you could talk to Stewart about. I am not a physician but I am concerned that this is more than an ophthalmology issue. Of course I will say a prayer for you and your family but please please reach out to your friend or another neurologist that you TRUST.

  19. Thank you for sharing this, Linny. I am standing beside you trusting our Daddy God with regard to this. He loves you so much, and He never lets His beloved children down. May glory come to Him and souls be saved through this trial. Sending you hugs!

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