Ruby and I have a most miraculous story to share that I thought I would share today. However, we changed it up a speck..
After hearing the story, anyone who ever has wondered if God really exists, if He even cares or if He is involved in our lives…..
Hold that little thought…because there will be NO denying His active, miraculous, most loving involvement in our lives. He truly does above and beyond all we can think or ask! He is our miracle-working, mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving God. And this story is a gasper! Makes me giggle just thinking about it.
Soooo Ruby and I have been thinkin’….Let’s get this celebration started…
We must do a giveaway FIRST before we tell you what God has done! Giveaways are Ruby and my very favoritest! They make for a wee bit more anticipation, excitement and giggles and to get this party started…and it’s always best to give things away! Woot! Woot!
Comment on this post or the FB post. Anyone who comments is automatically entered IF you include these two things…
- Your comment must include when you (approximately) first started stopping by Our Place Called Simplicity.
2. And please tell us IF you have ever read the book I wrote: Rescuing Ruby.

The winner will be picked Friday, June 23rd….and will be able to choose ONE of these gifts:
A copy of the Rescuing Ruby book (signed by Ruby herself – big smile)

A copy of The Memorial Box book (also signed by Ruby)

A small Memorial Box to put your own special miracles in.
There you have it friends. Next Tuesday I will share the miraculous story (complete with video).
So let’s get this party started cause this is gonna’ be fun!

Count me in! Umm…I started following when you adopted Elizabeth…a long time ago! Have read Ruby’s story AND the Memory Box. Would LOVE a memory box of my own!!!!
Just before the fire i think.
I first stopped by before you adopted Elizabeth and Elijah and I’ve never read the book about your precious Ruby-girl but I’d love to!
Oh my-a giveaway? Count me in. I can’t even remember when I stopped by your blog for the first time but it was long before you brought Ruby home but after your house fire. Thank you for opening your home, your life, and your heart to us.
I believe I started following a place called simplicity near its conception? Maybe. But I think around 16 or 17 years ago. ❤️ I have read Rescuing Ruby, but not The Memorial Box!
Hi Linny! I’ve been stopping since maybe 2010 or 11. I have read both your books and given many, many copies of both away. Can’t wait for your latest miracle story.
I first stopped by after I met Emma and Josh in Uganda in 2019.
I fell in love with them and the Gems. And with you all when I first heard Ruby’s story
I have read both books and they refreshed my faith in our God.
Love you guys. 😍
Im not sure when I started. I know it was after the fire but had been reading a quite while before Ruby came home. I have read and have a copy of Rescuring Ruby. I have not read Memorial box yet.
I started following at least three years ago. My how time flies. I have not read the book Rescuing Ruby but would like too. I always enjoy reading A Place Called Simplicity.
Hi Linny! I’ve been following your adventures for too many years to count….maybe close to 10 or 11….has the blog been around that long? I can’t remember! Also, I have read the Memorial Box and was able to meet you when you came through Michigan for a meet and greet. <3
Love this! Can’t wait to see God’s latest miracle in Ruby’s life. I’ve been following since 2012! I’ve never read your books, but would love the opportunity!
Hi beautifuls
Started following along your amazing blog when you were racing to Ruby ❤️
Have followed ever since
Read both books multiple times, they are a faith builder that never gets old !
Thankyou for writing them❤️
Love these new photos of Ruby !
Someone posted your story on the day after the fire on one of the adoption sites I was on and asked everyone to pray for your family so I went to the blog and have been there ever since! Watch Ruby’s story play out in real time through the blog ! Love her and most of all you for making me feel so normal about loving kids and adding them to the family in any manner God leads you to.
I have been following you since the fire, and I did not know that your wrote a book!! Surprise to me!!
This is makes me think of all the fun and challenging times you have been through. I remember all the things u did in Durango and mountain lions and crazy people and bringing all the kids home.i just can’t pinpoint when I found you..I love your books and love sharing about your family with others…like your my close coffee friend that just lives farther away😊
Linny, I came across your blog some time around 2013. I have laughed with you, cried with you and prayed with you. You and your husband are so blessed and you honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ everyday.
Your children, each and everyone of them have found safety, courage and love, having you as parents.
I read your stories with glee or sometimes tears. I have not read either book. Side note, “You look Beautiful Ruby”. God bless🍃
I started following when someone asked for prayers during your fire, and yes I have read Rescuing Ruby.
Hi Linny! I have been here since you guys first brought Ruby home! So yes- I have read Rescuing Ruby and have since given it away because how can you not share her miraculous story!
I can’t even remember when I started following! It’s before Ruby joined our family. I have read both of your books. So excited to be celebrating Ruby’s birthday with you all! ❤️
I started reading your blog right before you got Elizabeth and Elijah. I also read Rescuing Ruby.
I have been “lurking” since you were Pastors in beautiful Colorado. I have read Rescuing Ruby.
I don’t recall how I found your little internet space but it was right after your post about getting out of the house after the fire many years ago!
I realized never commented that no, I have not yet read Rescuing Ruby!
I have been following A Place Called Simplicity for at least 15 years. I have read Rescuing Ruby but not the Memorial Box. I love all of the memorial box stories though!
Yay! Lisa!! You are our winner! Congratulations!
Please email me:
I believe I started following you around the time you first met Ruby. And I have not read either book yet!
I started following some time before the fire. I have read and enjoyed both books.
I started following before the fire. I have been following through all of the trials and tribulations AND the amazing things that God has orchestrated.
Hello, Linny! I started following your blog when I read a prayer request for all of you right after the fire. Yes, I’ve read both of your books.
Hi Ruby! I haven’t read either of your books, but have always wanted to! I can’t remember exactly when I started following your family, but probably around 2010 when I was in high school, learning about adoption!
You are such a TEASE!!!!!
I first started following y’all when you were in Africa to bring home Elizabeth and Elijah! I have absolutely read your book about Ruby! I love your family and watching God move! It strengthens my faith with each story!
I started reading about your adventures about 15 years ago. I read Ruby’s book as a read-aloud to my now-young-adult children when it came out. I plan to read it to my younger set of kids this school year. We would also love to read your Memorial Box book!
Feb 2023
Yes I read Rescuing Ruby
Just after Amber’s husband’s accident.
I have not read Rescuing Ruby (yet), but did read Memorial Box.
I might be just a little late, but I’ll comment anyway for fun!
I think I found your blog maybe 9 years ago… and it never failed to boost my faith every time I’d read it. Life got busy (I got to work at a group home with some awesome foster kiddos! The experience was insane and amazing.) I got married. I had a baby. Somewhere along the way I forgot about your blog. But this April God reminded me of you out of the blue and reminded me that you’d written a book about your memorial box. This spring was very stressful and difficult and I was greatly overwhelmed and needed encouragement, so I bought it. And devoured it. Every single story just encourages me so much, and boosted my faith that God had not brought me into this wilderness to perish, but rather he had provision right there for me, hidden like water in a rock. And he HAS provided!! In sooooo many ways.
Also, I’m going to start my own memorial box to share with my kiddos.
I have not read Rescuing Ruby yet but I sure plan to!