Tag: Graham
The Overwhelming Response
Home From Church Today?
If you happen to be home today, my hubby, Dw, has been given the amazing privilege of speaking at our week-end services at our church Phoenix First this week-end. I said, “Babe, Pastor Luke only has people like Joyce Meyer share his pulpit, no pressure.” Picture taken last year at Letchworth State Park, Letchworth, NY…
I was thinking about the words “well rounded” lately. Over the years I’ve often heard people say, “We want our children to be ‘well-rounded’.” But what in the world does that even really mean? So glad you asked… The definition of “well-rounded”: someone who is skilled, capable or knowledgeable in a lot of…
A Yukky Story That Must Be Shared…
4.3 Million People and He Chose Us
Big News for our Graham {Memorial Box}
They’re In Labor
Feeling Pampered
There’s a wee little miracle-girl laying beside me squealing, giggling, kicking, “talking” and gently rubbing my leg…{and she’s been doing it since somewhere around 1:45 am}. Jet lag has had me up as well…and so I’ve been awake since 1:15am. Clearly little Miss Ruby is happy her mommy is home and her mommy is…
Many of you have wondered what family life at our home is like on a day to day basis…here’s a little of an average Saturday with our large family…. This morning the boys stayed home {they cringe at the thought of yard sales, hanging with big brother is way more fun} with Graham while Dw chauffeured us…