Punking Dw

Over Christmas something happened that brought far too many giggles not to share. Dw’s big brother Steve and his wife, Diane, had sent us a monetary gift for Christmas.  It came with strict instructions:  Blow it on something fun!!   We laughed when we read the note.  They know us all too well – blowing…

Our Graham Josiah

So very difficult to imagine that 18 years have flown by since I birthed Graham on February 11th, 1995. I was telling Graham the other day how I would stare at him as he nursed… I could not get over how different he looked than Abigail and Emma. Square jaw.  Fair skin.  Light eyes. Blonde…

Graham’s Prayer

Almost daily we need reminders. Think about it. That’s why we have alarm clocks and calendars. We have day timers and cell phones with alarms. Sticky notes in any color of the rainbow! If you need to be reminded, there are literally, bunches of possibilities at your fingertips. And let’s be honest. So it is…

It’s Okay….

And so it was that yesterday was the official ‘send-off’ for our family – Emma moving to Africa {permanently}. I’ve heard it said that Americans {and probably most of the world} don’t really like to allow time to properly grieve. No doubt, grieving, in any form, can often make people quite uncomfortable. There’s a loss,…

From Our Home to Yours

Whatever you do.   Look away. And oh, yeah.  Don’t smile.    The big kids. Doing that serious thing.   Which they clearly can’t hold back for long.   But they can try. {Although Liberty was havin’ a hard time not laughing.}   Forget a kid named Jubilee not being Jubilant…. But they can say they tried. A…

A Visit of the Funnest Kind

Our little Finn man arrived late Friday for dinner… and can you believe it? Our three boys were getting their jammies on and Abi said,  “Mom, Finn has the EXACT same pair…” so we gathered them together…. Graham refused to put matching jammies on…. such a party-pooper kind of guy {haha} Come on Graham- get…

MBM: Our New Home

Ahhh, my friends.  Thank you for your gracious love and support when I revealed our blunder.  Yes, Kelly G, we are indeed very, very, very human.   We have made many mistakes over the years and although we were hoping they were all behind us, we are so thankful that God covers mistakes and His…

The Hunt

This year Dw and I will have celebrated  35 Christmas’ married. Every year {with only 2 exceptions – for medical reasons} we have gone to cut down our Christmas trees. The tradition is one that we can’t miss. It’s just too stinkin’ fun. This year we wandered up to Flagstaff… we’d tried to get a…