No Regrets

This past June was a most monumental event that almost slipped by!  What was the event?  Oh how kind of you to ask…  I celebrated 30 years of homeschooling (with only 12 to go!) And that to me, calls for an enormous celebration! So while Dw was in Africa for The Gem Foundation groundbreaking the…

It’s That Time Again…

Although many of you don’t homeschool, you might wonder what it looks like.  And for those of you who do, three cheers for staying at it! With our second week of school in full swing I thought it would be a good idea to cheer on my other mama-friends out there who spend their days…


Thank you Almighty God for hearing our prayers – It did NOT pass!!    The vote today at high noon was 61 – 38. They needed 2/3 to pass.   It was sooo close. Your calls, emails, tweets made the difference! Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you! Here is the email I just received from…

We Could Lose It All…

How was your week-end sweet friends? Can you believe it is already December? I have not been sleeping well lately.  I wake up and my very first thought in the middle of the night is this:  How many more days until Emma moves to Africa? It’s kind of funny to think that there is one…

Please Would You Help? {NOW!}

If you have a child with disabilities, plan to adopt a child with disabilities, or even if you think that disabilities is not on your radar – please, listen up! Mike Farris is the man who began Home School Legal Defense Association {which is a group of lawyers whose families also home school} that has…

That Was Pretty Fun

I admit I can’t always leave replies on your comments, time just won’t permit me, but yesterday – well that was just plain fun.  Usually I can’t because some days my chores just don’t seem to end or they end abruptly with me sitting down for a minute and instantly falling sound asleep. Some evenings…

One Closing Thought…

I was talking to a precious friend late last evening as I drove to pick up Dw and the kids.  It was such a blessing to have a good heart-to-heart with my friend {I was so thankful she picked up the phone.} One of the things we were talking about was how the whole “homier…

It’s Your Chance…

A couple of months ago I felt like the Lord was speaking to me about an idea for a little series of blog posts for the future. The idea wasn’t all that extraordinary {in the scheme of some of the things I’ve heard Him speak to my heart}….in fact being perfectly honest I thought, “Okay,…