Thankful Thursday (and my sweet hubby’s surgery today)

It’s Thankful Thursday again! Do I hear a hearty ‘yippee’ out there in bloggyland?

Before I name a few things I am thankful for this week I wanted to mention something…

My sweet hubby is having surgery this morning at 10:30 Mountain Time.

Three weeks ago I was the one speaking at our morning services, so Saturday night I had gone to finish “tweaking” my message at my office at the church. It was about 9:30pm and Dw was beginning to get concerned that the building was empty and wondering if maybe I should head for home soon. He was talking to me on his cell and was also coming down the stairs. His foot slipped and with the cell in his left hand where the railing was, there was nothing to grab…so he reached out with his right hand and braced against the wall. Only his body didn’t stop…his body slid rapidly toward the floor all the while his hand stayed on the wall where it was originally placed. I heard all this while on the other end on my cell phone. When he landed on the floor, he pulled his now extended arm down from up there on the wall where his hand was still positioned and he said his entire arm was numb and shaking.

The MRI showed that he had torn 3 of the 4 rotator cuff ligaments and he had actually torn his bicep away from his bone. Now, I have been thinking about that bicep thing being torn away from the bone thing and all I can picture is pulling raw chicken off the bone and it just grosses me out (quick – – – – think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts).

Dw is not a complainer at all, and he is definitely NOT the normal manly wimp who belly aches about his measly little stuffy nose, it’s just not in his DNA…….but looking at his face – he is in deep pain. His shoulder keeps him awake at night and should he doze off he often wakes me up at night, moaning as he turns in bed — just so much pain.

The Orthopedic surgeon said, “You really did a hummdinger!” Our friend, Cheryl, is the director of the surgical area and will be assisting in the OR and Cheryl said, “Boy Dw, when you do it, you do it up big.” He will be in a sling and not be allowed to lift anything for 6 weeks. Then he will be allowed to lift 1 lb. The healing process will take about 6 months, with lots of physical therapy. We have also heard from lots of people that shoulder surgery is the most painful surgery of all to heal from (folks who attend our church reminded us of that as they were leaving this past Sunday) – thanks guys -ummm I think!??!?

Anyway, I thought all my sweet blogging friends might be willing to pray for my man this morning and maybe in the days ahead?? Most of you don’t know him, but really – he is the most godly man I know, and I still even think that after living with him for 30 years! He is tenderhearted, full of compassion, generous to all and passionate about the orphan’s plight. And he loves kids – lots of kids – he is also a dad to many who have no earthly father. He is a man of utmost integrity, full of valor. He has a strong work ethic and gives 225% to all he does.

He loves to tell people about Jesus and he has gone many times to faraway places to train and encourage pastors in countries (see inset below of his pastor training in Uganda) where there is little available resources or to minister to the orphans (countries like Uganda, Nicaragua, Mexico, Guatemala, and Jamaica) …..He has such a gentle way about him that I am in awe of his grace he freely extends – even to downright dorky people! =) He is so really funny too. He loves to laugh and loves to do outrageous things that make us laugh.

He is not perfect, but he is the best example of Christ I have ever known (and remember being a pastor’s wife I have met alot of pastors and spiritual leaders!) Yup, even after 30 years of marriage I am still pretty smitten with that hunka hunka handsome husband of mine! He would blush if he read that! =) And for the record, I love embarassing him…….
Thank you for praying for him if we should come to mind.

Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful for my best friend husband – Dw.
2. I am thankful for all my children – those we have held and those we long to hold.
3. I am thankful for God’s faithfulness bringing us more kids thus fulfilling a lifelong heart’s desire.
4. I am thankful for laughter with wild, crazy funnest friends.
5. I am thankful for hide-n-seek.
6. I am thankful for crunching fall leaves.
7. I am thankful for soft, squishy feather-tops for beds.
8. I am thankful for friendship with our three grown kids.
9. I am thankful for Rocky mountain views.
10.I am thankful for Mums – burnt orange, bright gold, burgandy reddish…
11.I am thankful for hot showers.
12.I am thankful for toilet paper.
13.I am thankful for our hot tub & being able to sit last night with Dw gazing at the stars.
14.I am thankful for eyelids.
15.I am thankful for skilled surgeons.
16.I am thankful for close friends who oversee OR’s, enabling them to assist in my hubby’s surgery.
17. I am thankful for friends who have answered the call to minister to the orphans around the world.
18.I am thankful for sailboat rides.
19.I am thankful for eye glasses that allow my (basically) blind eyes to see.
20.I am thankful for my car’s heater and how it’s seat warms my bee-hind up too. ahhhh

What are you thankful for this Thankful Thursday??

3 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday (and my sweet hubby’s surgery today)

  1. Last time I posted my thankful list on your comments. This time I’m going to do it on my blog so I can inspire others like you did me. Thanks for the great idea. We all need the attitude of gratitude. And I am both thankful and grateful for you my friend! Love you. And we are praying for Dw and you.

  2. Ditto – I’m became a Thankful Thursday Blogger today, too. I think we are starting a new trend.

    And for the record – I had the same surgery. Was up the next day, took few pain meds. Did 3 months of rehab therapy and was 4-wheeling by the 4th month. When God is in it, it’s all okay!

  3. Hey L! Sorry to hear abt. the surgery. We will also keep him in our prayers. Just call me Elmers.. (I’m sticking w/ you on the conservative agenda..) Thanks for your sweet comment.

    I have decided to give Obama followers that e-mail/ or comment anything mean spirited, nasty, etc..a little head start on their quest for Socialism. I’ve decided if I don’t like the comment, I’m cutting them off. I’m deleting the comment, not posting it, and only posting what I agree with on the comment section. Tough Cookies if they don’t like it. They better get USED TO IT!

    I’ve taken to heart the reaction the Obama followers had when the Florida T.V. station tossed the tough questions to Biden and then Obama and co. cut off the station from further interviews. They did it a 2nd time in Phil. not to mention if you cross them they attempt to destroy (ie, Joe the Plumber, Palin etc…) So, feel free to jump in the Socialism experiment and delete all comments asap if you don’t agree w/ them and don’t feel one bit obligated to post them!

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