
The little boy, Mukenya, in the gray shirt has been kidnapped, along with 3 other little boys. It was witnessed by the boy in the green….please read to see how you can help.

Although Emma’s heart had long been drawn to Africa it was our dear friends, Steve and Celestia, who proposed that Dw and Emma go to Uganda to spend time with a ministry called African Hearts. (That’s Steven and Celestia’s two daughters, Abbie and Elizabeth pictured above. Abbie is living in Kampala and working with the street boys.)

Former street boys playing a song for Emma, Graham and I in December….(we had brought them the trombone from one of you bloggy friends)

The boys at the Ssenge Village Home when we were there in December….

We helped with the feeding program in the slums….
Sunday night was the first night of the “gradual” home program. The night before the program was to start (Saturday evening) they had a huge Praise and Worship celebration. It was night of great rejoicing. The first children had been selected to begin their transition off the streets by being part of the “gradual” home and Sunday night the program would begin.

After the night of praise and celebration though something horrible happened. The details are still not completely known, but four little boys (ages 4 to 12) were kidnapped from the new program. A fifth little boy fought off the men and has been deeply traumatized. They do know that the kidnappers were all caucasions, except for one Ugandan. It is believed that the boys were kidnapped to be taken for child trafficking.

There is no doubt that the enemy of these little boys souls hates them being taken off the streets and put in a loving “gradual” home where they will hear about Jesus and meet him personally. He hates that their lives will be forever changed. He hates that they will learn the meaning of family, in hopes of one day being adopted.

Sunday morning we got a desperate phone call and email asking us to pray, asking us to spread the word to pray, asking us to post it on the blog and asking us to ask all who have a heart for the orphan to beg God with us for the safe return of these little boys. These little boys have already been victimized more in their short life than we could ever imagine. They had gradually been learning how to trust.

We are reminded that on many occasions throughout scripture God released the prisoners who were being held. He intervened on their behalf. It is clear that God’s heart is for the orphan and His will is that there would be no orphans anywhere.

I have heard many say that they are unable to adopt for one reason or another…but we can all pray and yes, most of us can fast. We can ask God to move heaven on behalf of these orphans. We can ask God to free these little boys. We can ask Him to reveal these evil people and their evil plot against these precious little boys.

I am reminded of this scripture when I think of these little boys….

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
“Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:34-40 NLT

Steve and Celestia asked if we would fast with them. Celestia asked if I would ask you bloggy friends to fast too? (She loves you too!!) This is another opportunity to grow in your walk with God.
Would you join Dw, I, Steve and Celestia?

Wednesday, August 5th
Fast: breakfast, lunch, dinner or all day
Yes, I know many of you fasted two weeks ago for Cindy. We can ask God again if He would please heal her?! And wouldn’t it be amazing to fast together now for the release of these little boys and for whatever else God lays on your heart??

Wouldn’t it be awesome to use this bloggy thing for God’s purposes?

Yes, now that I have shared my heart about fasting….I will be asking, from time to time, for you, my sweet bloggy friends to grow in your walk with God. To sacrifice your love of food for a higher purpose. To be an advocate with me for the sick, the hurting, our nation and always for the orphan.

34 thoughts on “Kidnapped!

  1. I came to work this mornign and read your post about Autumn and wanted to fast immediately for her but know that it is smart to prepare your body nad mind first so I had decided on wednesday. now not only will I be fasting for autumn but these little boys as well. I wish I could rescue all of them, but for now I will pray.

  2. Of course, Linny, I will fast with you on Wednesday! I LOVE the idea of using the blog for God's higher purpose. Please keep us all posted with any news of the boys. Thank you again for leading so many of us to join in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ!

  3. My heart breaks for these boys. These sweet, innocent boys. Pawns. The enemy is so sneaky. Linny, I will pray. I will fast and pray. I will BEG God to be merciful to these boys. Count me in…for these boys…for Cindy…and for Autumn.

  4. My heart too breaks for these little boys. I will definitely be fasting with you. I'm glad you are calling us to fast and using your blog to do so.

    I sent you an e-mail. Hugs and love

  5. This just broke my heart when you tweeted about it yesterday, and I am so glad you posted more information. I will fast with you! What a horrific thing to happen in the midst of such celebration, and I imagine this makes it even more difficult for the boys that remain as well. Thank you so much for passing this on and I will continue to pray!!

  6. My heart is just crying that this has happend to those boys!!! We will also be praying!!!
    Lord God, defend these children and bring justice to them!

  7. praying Linny
    I was already fasting today and i will add wednesday to another day this week.
    Is there a site where we can get more info on the program?

    thanks dear sister.

  8. Oh Linny. I'm in.

    Innocent little boys. Oh Father please hide them under your wing. Release them Lord from their captors, that they may know You, and may tell of Your great works! Comfort the little man who was able to escape, and bring peace to his heart.

    Linny, my heart aches too, for Autumn, and what you all have been through due to the doctors irresponsiblitiy. Not to mention what you were already going through with her diagnois itself. Continuing to lift your blue-eyed baby girl up to the Ultimate Healer.

    So much for you to handle. Praying that the Lord will fill you all with a mighty portion of His grace.

    Thank you for bringing us together again, for His purpose!

    Love you friend,


  9. My heart was brought to tears…my eyes can not hold the hurt for God's precious little ones!!! I will join in prayer, and fasting!!!! Please let them all know that we are sooo excited for their ministry and of course we are honored to pray beside them!!!!

  10. Oh, this issue of child trafficking is soo heavy on my heart. I'm sure it is heavy on everyone's! If there is EVER a time to fast, this is it. I will be joining you on Wednesday. (Along with continuing to intercede for Cindy!)

  11. So Sad! I have posted the picture on my blog with a link to yours. Thank you for sharing this need with us. We will be joining you in prayer and fasting for our Lord to help these boys!


  12. I'm with you. When they find them can we bring them here. We don't have much room and we are really loud but we can make it work!!

    This is breaking my heart. On paper we are not great adoption prospects but gee whiz we could love them.

  13. Thanks for sharing this!! I'll be praying for them. This is horrible for them but also for adoptions in Uganda. The government officials are already so afraid that all white people coming to adopt children are REALLY child traffikers and things like this only feed this fear. Unfortunately it only takes ONE story like this. Praying, praying, praying for these orphans and the 2 million others in Uganda who need family, love, hope….

  14. Count me in Miss Linn. You are exactly right about the enemy of their souls. He hates it when Jesus and the truth and all that is good will be proclaimed. God is SO big and good and awesome. I am praying for protection today, I am praying like others that He keep them under his wing. I am asking for peace in their hearts and for conviction to their kidnappers. Lv, jen

  15. so heartbroken. can't get them off my mind!

    praying for Gods protection.
    and also for all that knew the boys…like Abby and Jess and the "guys" (abbey, kennie…etc)

    praying praying praying!

  16. Thank you Linny ~ AGAIN!…for taking the leadership roll in starting an organized fast and prayer chain for those in need. I first read about the boys kidnapping yesterday through Lexie, and then followed her link back here. I knew that both she and Graham had traveled together when they went to Africa, as I quickly recognized him in her photos…such a small world, really! Anyhow, I will most certainly join along with you again on this fast…and include others, along with Autumn and Cindy again in these prayers. I know the Lord is bringing us together for a reason…for a much greater cause in His name! <><

    Blessings and Hugs,

  17. I will be fasting in prayer for these boys, and still for Cindy…
    I'm praying Psalm 91 over these little boys…
    Thank you for letting us know about this situation, Linny! We are ALL called to rise up for the orphan!

  18. Linny,
    Last week's fast was my first ever in 26 years of following Christ. I was actually amazed how easy it was – how I was physically sustained by the Holy Spirit. I was also surprised by the attack of the enemy on me that day.

    As I was reading about these boys, I thought another fast would be in order, and then you asked us to fast again. 🙂 Hmmm, could be the Spirit speaking in my thoughts, putting us on the same page?

    I will fast.

  19. My beautiful little boy from China has been so traumatized from what happened to him before he came home. We don't know what but we know he is so hurt and more and more comes out as he trusts more and more. I cannot imagine the pain these little beautiful gifts from God have had and are having to endure. I cry to God, "why" . i will fast as well on Wednesday. I have to hold out hope that our God is bigger and greater than all of this and he will bring these boys "home", and hopefully one day home with their adoptive families.

  20. Linny,

    I am a freind of Karin's (Jacobs Journey Home) and have been lurking on your site since the fire. I hope you do not mind that I posted this on my blog I know that the prayers of many will touch God's heart and that miracles do occur when we all come together for a common purpose. I will be joining you tomorrow and hopefully many others will participate and our prayers will be sweet music to the Lord's ears.

  21. Somehow I missed this post–but it was reposted on another blog I follow. I am often just struck by how much satan HATES orphans…how he fights tooth and nail to keep them. Since joining the adoption world, I have seen him pull out all the stops to prevent people from adopting, or to prevent orphans from getting families. But God is on the throne! He is stronger than anything satan can throw our way. Praying with you for the safe return of these precious boys.

  22. My heart cannot sustain this so I lay the shattered pieces down to the Lord and brokenly ask that, like Daniel and the lions, he freeze these captors' eyes and hands; and that his precious little lambs walk safely out of the den and back to the fold.
    Do you know of ANY WAY, dear Linny, that we could hire law enforcement (public or private) to assist?
    Fasting, praying, and weeping for these precious little angels,
    Kelli GNG

  23. I am definitely praying for these sweet boys. I can't imagine what their eyes have seen and their bodies have endured. I hope you don't mind if I link this post to my blog – I want to spread the word. I can't even imagine…

    In Him,

  24. These boys have been in our hearts and minds since I first read the post. Hoping for a positive update… Praying for their comfort and endurance and for their safety. Posting on my blog to encourage more prayer for them. I can't begin to fathom their confusion and hurt. Keep us posted if there is any news.

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