Third Day? Nu-uh!??!! Are you kidding me?

I just had to share with you, my sweet bloggy friends, a wonderfully fun surprise I had recently. One Sunday morning, in the early morning hours, I checked my email. There was a letter there that I didn’t recognize. I started to read it and it went like this: “Hi, My name is Aimee Powell. My husband is the singer with the band Third Day. I have been following your blog……”

I read it again. Then I went back and read it again. Nu-uh??!?! I was dumbfounded. Each night as Dw and I climb into bed we have our local radio station on and some of our favorite worship songs are by Third Day. Needless to say, the letter shocked me!! Who’d have thought? I read the letter again. No kidding. Dw came out to the kitchen and I started squealing. I could not wait to read the letter to him. And then to the rest of the family….and then we told our staff and our close friends….we were so tickled!!

Dw was equally as dumbfounded!! The kids were ecstatic. It was such a sweet out-of-the-box surprise!!! Yippee Jesus!! Who’d have guessed?

Anyway, the letter from Aimee went on to say that with all the struggles we had had that maybe, just maybe, having God’s word song over us would minister to our souls. So she was wondering if she could send us a Third Day CD? Ummm, let me think about it. LOL

Aimee and I corresponded back and forth and one day a package arrived. It was stinkin’ full of Third Day stuff – including lots of CDs, tee-shirts galore, stickers, key chains, wrist bands, a sweet picture of Third Day and a letter from Aimee…..really – it was amazing!!!

We wear the tee-shirts all the time!! And the music has ministered to our souls. I recently added some of my favorite songs of theirs to my playlist at the bottom. If you are in need of encouragement, I would urge you to slide down to the playlist and listen to the very first song…..”My Hope is YOU”….unbelievable!! I have been singing it over and over….then there’s Psalm 36: Your Love Oh Lord…..ministers to my soul….and their Christmas carols are oh-so-beautiful!! I may be in Ch*na (praying hard, but still not even a speck of a word from that side of the world – ugh) just before Christmas, and if so, I need to get my fill of Christmas carols, so yes, I posted them about a month ago!! I wondered if any of you would notice and a few of you did – too fun!! All that to say, if you are in need of Christmas presents, maybe a Third Day CD?? They totally minister with their comforting words of the Hope and Faithfulness of God!! And to Aimee and Mac and your sweet boatload of kids – thank you from the bottom of our hearts for ministering to our souls at a time when we so desperately needed it!! xo

30 thoughts on “Third Day? Nu-uh!??!! Are you kidding me?

  1. SO COOL!!!
    I LOVE me some Third Day… Sing Praises is my very favorite (it's one of the reasons we created the 'sing praises' shirt at Wild Olive :))
    You totally deserve some lovin'… how awesome that Third Day ministered to your soul!!

  2. Whoa! That is way cool! We love Third Day, too. We saw them in concert with Michael W. Smith a couple years ago. Hey, maybe Third Day cds would be fun caretaker gifts in China!

  3. I love God. Seriously.
    He gives the best gifts and just delights in His kids.
    We are so blessed. Every day I think, He chose me. He chose me!
    Amazing! And to be the mother of each of my children…through birth and adoption…He chose me.
    Happy for you my friend….still praying and trusting God for your daughter on the other side of the world.

  4. That is precious! How sweet of her to minister to your family in such a special way. I can hardly make it through a day without listening to Third Day and Casting Crowns. I throw some other fabulous artists in there as well, but they are my "staples".

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  5. Too cool! Wow Aimee- what a great gift!! Linny I remember you wearing that 3rd day t-shirt! Wasn't it the great pic of you sleeping in the hard chair!!

    I love Third Day, too! I'm always hearing them on our local christian radio station! I love their music!! What a blessing!

  6. Oh man! I am soooooo impressed! We absolutely love Third Day. I have taken our youth group to see them at least 8 times. We were looking at the pic going "I have that tee!" So totally cool!!

  7. Third Day is one of my favorite bands! I love Mac Powell's voice and style, but most of all I love the way the words of their songs really minister. I remember when they released "Cry Out to Jesus" early, so that it could minister to people after Hurricane Katrina.

    I'm so glad God blessed you and your family through Aimee and Third Day! He is so full of great surprises.

    Our familiy's best new blessing is Isaiah, from Uganda. I'm Justin's Mom, and today is Isaiah's first day home with his forever family. I called to see how he was doing, and Justin told me he looked around this morning and said, "Family . . . happy!" Doesn't that just melt your heart!

  8. Amazing!! I have some of their songs on my playlist to. They really help minister to my family as we wait for our LOA. This is our third adoption and the struggles with each one have been hard but oh, so worth it.

  9. So stinking COOL!!!! Your blog is amazing. It has had a profound impact on my life. I am quite confident that there is a boatload and more of your followers that would say the same thing. Thank you for always choosing to be transparent and a mentor and teacher. I am sooooooooo GRATEFUL!!!!

  10. That is so cool!! I've been listening for 11 years now and I never grow tired of their music. And just a word to Aimiee, Thanks to you and the other wives for sacrificing such precious family time so your husbands can minister to others.

  11. wooohoooo sweet friend, that is absolutely fabulous. I cannot think of a more deserving family. LOVE Third Day too. A little surprise straight from the heart of God just for you.

    Trusting with all my heart for good-Jubilee news soon!!!!!

  12. Wow. What a special gift for a special lady. (Those rollercoasters aren't as bad when you're wearing a Third Day t-shirt listening to their tunes.)

    I'm a big fan, too. They were in concert in Atanta about a month ago and I took my 12 and 9 year old daughters. It was a precious night we will always remember. You can tell onstage that Mac Powell is all about God's fame, not his own. I agree with Cindy that I appreciate the sacrifice his wife and children make so we can enjoy his music.

    The evening ended with Mac singing Agnes Dei with an orphan choir from Africa (Linny, I wish you could have seen it). My mascara didn't have a chance. I truly believe that song is sung around the throne of God and that night I felt like I was there.

    For you Mac Powell fans, check out music from Glory Revealed. It's Mac plus many other artists singing scripture with a bluegrass feel.

    (Yikes, sorry my comment is longer than your post.)Thanks for sharing about your thoughtful gift from God via Aimee and Mac.

    Trying Not to Be Jealous,
    Kathie from Ga.

  13. Seriously!?…How completely cool is that? Such a blessing Aimee poured out upon your family. I absolutely LOVE,LOVE,LOVE Third Day…they are amongst my faves!! And the best part is their heart for Jesus…so many of these Christian bands are such big advocates for the orphans! Praise God for her outreach to you!! <>< Have a blessed weekend!

    love ya,

  14. Okay, that's just stinkin' cool! I concur to Aimee thanks for the sacrifices her family makes as Third Day travels. I've loved Third Day since they were a little band from Atlanta back in the day.

    Love that they thought of your family.

  15. How totally sweet is that!!! I adore THIRD DAY and their music, when life gets crazy around here I just pop in the music and sit back and let the peace and clam return to the house!

    And I have LOVED the Christmas carols for the past few weeks!!

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