My Laundry Room

A few posts ago I eluded to some big things I was doing while Dw was in Africa. I thought it would be fun to show you the “biggest” thing I did.

Well first let me explain….we have been married for just about 32 years. We have built a few homes in our day. We have lived in big homes and we have even lived in a single wide trailer. We really have lived in many types of homes.

When our little log home {all 2,011 square feet of it} burned down we were left with two choices. Scrape the land and build again or just sell the land and find somewhere else. The kids agreed that we should stay here and build again.

Having built before, let me just assure you it was not our idea of a good time. We have “been there, done that”. It is lots and lots of work. Just picking out all the stuff {cabinets, flooring, colors, sinks, lights, windows, you name it – ay-yi-yi!}

Sweat equity pays most and we have done lots in our 32 years. We have also bought some “fixer uppers” in our day (we affectionately have called them “dumps”) and done tons of sweat equity on those as well. At our age, with a boatload of kids and with doing all the inventory on the fire {still working on it} building a house just didn’t sound fun.

But Emma found a house plan and it was amazing because the outside looked like a home we had lived in for five years in Virginia and the inside looked like one we had lived in for 2 years. It would be familiar. We did not really go over the details. We just wanted it built, get in and settled and be done.

We were so surprised as we were moving in to find that the laundry room was small. Actually very small. I don’t know what I was thinking as we built the house. It is more like a closet with a bit of space.

Anyway, after living here and spending our days climbing over laundry baskets and “stuff” we decided to get some bids to put an addition on this home. Might sound crazy to everyone else, but we knew that with the very real possibility of bringing more kids home, we had to do something to make the laundry situation more functional. We prayed alot. We talked alot. We had the bids. We would kind of reconfigure the back area and add a little addition.

So a few weeks passed and Dw left with the Uganda 2010 GO Team. I spent more time praying about the laundry room. While praying about my laundry room I began to think of Africa. I am so thankful I was able to go and spend almost 3 weeks there.

One Sunday while I was in Africa, I spoke in Ssenge Village church. After church we walked to the African Hearts Boys home not far from the church. So about two weeks ago while thinking and praying for the laundry room, I remembered taking this picture and God spoke to my heart. If we ditched the addition we would have more money to help the orphans. We would have more money to help others bring kids home.

Above is the picture I remembered. She was so sweet as I asked her if I could take her picture. Look at her laundry room. Check out her front loader machine. {Can you imagine how much her back must hurt while she bends like that?} As the Lord spoke to me about my African friend, my heart was broken yet again. I asked Him to forgive me for wanting bigger. My little laundry room is gorgeous – just the size it is.
Then the Lord gave me an idea how exactly to organize it by putting up some shelves instead of upper cabinets…using baskets galore – enabling me to organize every bit of everything. I called our friend {a contractor who has had little work} and asked him if he would come while Dw was gone?

So when Dw came home I walked him around the house. And when I got to the laundry room I said, “Look! No addition! We’re done!! More money for the orphans and to help bring more kids home to their forever families!!” He was thrilled too!! Graham and Emmy both loved it as well. It feels wonderful! Like a mansion….and should I ever feel complaining coming on, Lord, may I remember my sweet African friend whom I met as I walked in Ssenge Village.
Lord, would you please continue to break my heart with the things that break yours???

46 thoughts on “My Laundry Room

  1. YAY! Great laundry room idea 🙂 I know I shouldn't have washer/dryer envy, BUT I DO! If ever we need new ones, THOSE are exactly what I told my hubby I wanted! Great job!! Prayers for your family.

  2. Wow – great post!! We have so much in this country. Thanks for the reminder!

    BTW, I ♥ what you did in your laundry room – it's awesome!!

  3. I love it! Would you mind sharing how it all works for you? Laundry is a hard thing and area to conquor. I see the baskets and they are beautiful is that how you sort clothes or store clean clothing? If it is to personal I understand.

  4. I just love reading your blog. 🙂 I think the laundry room looks great! Praising God for you and your willingness to follow His ways. 🙂

  5. I love your laundry room. I don't have a laundry room. Our washer/dryer are stacked in a hallway. I always say when we move to a bigger house I want an actual laundry room. I think after your story I will appreciate my laundry hall even more!! =) Love how you organized it!! It looks beautiful.

  6. I love this post! I love your heart! And I love your laundry room! It really does look adorable with all the baskets. If it makes you feel any better your laundry room actually looks like a little mansion compared to mine. : )
    My family does live in a singlewide that we purchased on purpose(hee,hee) sooooo that we too could have extra money to give. I love it, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. The added bonus being that it doesn't take as long to clean.

  7. such a great reminder! we are praying through some similar things…. more space etc… it is crazy to think of how little people live on. i am praying for the Lord to remove blinders from me.

  8. What a great reminder to be happy with all we are blessed with instead of wanting more. We have so much and sometimes we don't see it.

    Thank you for the reminder to have a thankful heart and be giving to others.

    God Bless you Linny!

  9. I think the laundry room is awesome… I think you are awesome… I think your heart for the Lord and orphans us awesome!

    Praying for you health too:)

  10. Wow, I know you think it's small but man I would love to have a laundry room and you did an awesome jon with it.

    PLEASE, PLEASE explain the baskets. Our laundry is in our kitchen and it gets very overwhelming. This looks like something I could make happen if I knew hpow it worked.

  11. Love your laundry room. Mine is just a little corner of our garage and it is perfect for us. I have front load machines . They are a great blessing. We have so, so very much compared to most of the world. What a wonderful thing to be able to use that same money for something much more important.

  12. Thank you for this reminder! We live in a little condo that always leaves me feeling crowded by neighbors, stuff, my own kids, etc. Sometimes I just want more, bigger, better. And sometimes I want simpler and less, so I can give more. It is an ongoing battle within myself. God is patiently helping me to get my priorities straight and it really helps to think about my "needs" in comparison to the real needs of so many in our world. Praying daily that we experience the JOY of living with less and giving more!

  13. Details, Linny? I need to know what you put in all the little baskets. It's beautiful and functional. Love it. This is exactly where I am. I need ideas. Seriously, you need a button or navigation bar for 'organization in a big family' to help moms like me that have half the number of kids you do. 🙂 And I want more. 🙂

  14. liked the pictures of your laundry room, Linny 🙂 thought I'd add something interesting. When I was in the US, a relative said that people in the US change clothes every day. Here in Aussie we usually change our outer clothes every second day (at least I do). In Europe, they change every third day… if you change every day that's a lot more laundry, so if you change every second day, that about half the laundry you do a week! 🙂

  15. I had to smile. Your first photo looks a lot like my laundry room. It does get the job done however–and it gives opportunity for both employment and discipleship of a local lady! The Lord has His ways–even if that includes two wash basins on the ground and a wire overhead.

    What a wonderful God-sized idea… it's a win-win deal 🙂
    I actually LOVE your laundry room, it's lovely! We actually DO have a closet for a laundry room. It's inside a bathroom and barely holds our washer and dryer 😉 We've had to get creative as well!!
    Well done, Linny! I am sure Dw was thrilled to see how it all turned out 🙂

  17. BEE-U-TI-FUL! Will you come to my new house and help me get organized! We are moving the last few things out of the old house and now my attention turns to this place. We no longer have a basement and I am a bit overwhelmed!! Just so you know when I get everything in its place I will be ready to go to Africa! Praying for your health! Sheri

  18. great idea and i am so blessed to see someone put what they want on the back burner in order to be able to do more for God. i hope to continuously have God break my heart in this way as well. thanks for leading the way.

  19. I like the looks of the new room but like others I wonder what is in all the baskets.I also wonder how you reach them. It can't be easy so you wouldn't want to be using them all the time. I don't think I would be able to afford to even buy the baskets.

    Enjoy. enjoy anything to make the chore more enjoyable.

  20. I read this yesterday but thought of it again today. I was listening to good ol' Bob and Larry in the car with my kids. They were singing:
    You can't get to heaven
    in a washing machine
    No you can't get to heaven…
    'cause God don't care if your clothes aren't clean
    All my sins are washed away I've been redeemed!

    Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I said a prayer of thanks for your gift of perspective on this post. I love your laundry room – great job!

  21. I didn't read all the comments so maybe this has already been mentioned. Blow up that photo that you posted, frame it, and hang it in your laundry room as a constant reminder!

  22. This post spoke to my heart. We have a very small laundry room also and I complain very often as I climb over the baskets stacked in the hallway. I was wondering if it might work better if we had shelves instead of cupboards. I think the Lord sent me to you today for a reason:) Such a great idea, I think I am going to borrow it.


  23. HI Linny

    It is amazing how we take what we have for granted!!

    I always use to feel do "done in" because I didn't have the beautifull new house I wanted, the fancy car,etc.

    But it took me a long time to realise that i have a roof over my head, light and water, I never go to bed hngry, and people that love and care for me!

    I have everything I will ever need!

    Thank you for the reminder, sometimes it good to hear it from someone else's mouth!

  24. I'm not sure I have ever commented on your blog, but I've been a reader for a while now. I am a young-ish mom, and so often your posts touch me in such a personal way. Thank you for writing and for sharing what the Lord has called you to share!

    As I look at your laundry room, and that sweet picture, an idea came to mind. I notice you don't have anything hanging over your sink…might I suggest having an 8×10 printed of that sweet photo, and hanging it there as a reminder for your family. 😉 I imagine you will have days of doing piles of laundry, and it might be nice to remember this revelation you've had! Just a thought…blessings!

  25. I read your post yesterday, and its stayed on my mind, even today when I received a letter in the mail informing me that my doctors appointment was cancelled and postponed again! A second time!

    Normally I would have gotten annoyed, but I thought of those who don't have access to a doctor, or health care, and I felt greatful and blessed.

    I may have an old washer/dryer on it's last leg, but I'm greatful, just thinking of the African laundry room. The message you shared in this post I know is going to make a big impact in my life, it already has. Thank you.

  26. I love your spirit!
    I do have a closet for a laundry room… you can barely open the door and not hit the machines. It is a hassle, but I look and think, "I am SO blessed!!! I have a door to close and machines to do the work for me!!!"

    It looks lovely, by the way!

  27. I love it! I also love your pocket door into the laundry room. I can't wait to hear more about how you organize a large family. We are only a family of four almost five and I feel like we need some pointers. We are currently downsizing our possessions in yard sales to build our adoption funds and to make more room for another little one. I know we have so far to go. Blessings!

  28. Hi Linny, I found your blog thourgh my friend Denise. She linked something on one of her adoption pages to your blog. I just have to tell you that you are such an inspiration. I love reading your blog! Your blog and reading CRAZY LOVE by Francis Chan have inspired me to simplify and allow God to work in and through me. Thanks!! Shanna
    PS LOVE LOVE LOVE the laundry room!!!

  29. Oh goodness, I am so emotional today, and I have no idea why! I guess a great weekend away with more time with the Lord will do it to you, but I was moved by that lady in Uganda washing her clothes, and the thought of all we have here. Praise the Lord for His blessings on us. And I'm so glad you have found a great system that works! Can't wait to hear your secrets!

  30. I love it!

    People often wonder why we buy our little "dumps" to fix up with lots of sweat equity, why we drive junker cars (hey…they run!) and dress our kids in super duper cute, but 'experienced' clothes… And, I'm SO thankful it's because there's a bigger picture God has for us to see and be a part of. We are so anxious to begin the process to bring home another child. The finances aren't close to ready, as we do have some seriously deferred maintenance on cars, etc and some debt to dump… But as we pray for our new child, and know that he/she will be revealed in His perfect time. We are wanting it sooner than later for sure! (tomorrow would be GREAT, Lord!)

    The baskets are beautiful, the room is stunning, practical and that window surely makes it a sweet space to fold and pray in.

    Have ta say, I am a wee a bit jealous, as my laundry room is in a rather dark, dingy basement. My red hot front loader & it's mate were left behind in PA. I do have a set of Maytags from the early 60's. By golly, they run like troopers though! I can't complain really.

    Oh, boy do we ever we have so much to be thankful for in America, especially when thinking about your sweet friend in Africa. America is such a nation of "everything."

    PS….Ty….thanks for serving, and Sarah for you being a faithful and sacrificing wife. :0)

  31. Your laundry room looks beautiful:)We have 12 people in our home with 1 bathromm and its a small bathroom too. We've talked about adding on but we would have to go in debt for that and it would eat up our money that we use for Kingdom living. God give us wisdom in these times, on what to do!

  32. Just got my weekly fix of your blog. It is so hard for many of our friends to identify with how the rest of the world lives. Once you;ve been to a 3rd world country- it definately changes you!
    We are (trying) to downsize our home so we can have more money for more adoptions. We are discouraged, as there has been no interest in our house. Please pray that the right person comes to our open house on Sunday.
    (Sorry to put a prayer request here- but my computer will not let me go to your e-mail).
    I will be praying that you find the right Dr. for your needs.
    Janet–blessed with 6 kids so far

  33. I never appreciated laundry rooms until I came to England, they don't really exist here neither do basements or garages or even drive ways, in fact 90% of people still hang their laundry outside (yes, even in rainy England)! It is very rare to see a dryer here even in large families as there is usually only space for a small washer in the kitchen. In many ways, it has been a wonderful lesson to me, to wait until the Lord brings a bit of sun, to appreciate and wait.

    What a fabulous lesson, thank you so much for sharing it 🙂

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