
Well since several of you have asked how one fasts with toddlers, I thought I would do a post about it all. First, God is looking at our heart. He is well aware of our responsibilities as mommies.

I have been fasting since I was a teenager. I fast regularly. I am continually hearing of things that break my heart. Most of the time the person with the need has no idea that I have fasted for their need, well, except for my family. And then they usually just know I am fasting when I break away and go to my room to pray.

Nowadays I have big kids who can eat with the little ones {since we home school and we are all home during the day}. But when my big ones were little, I would just make the food {usually making things that were less tempting – haha!} Like if I open a can of Spaghetti O’s {seldom bought at our home, but on a fasting day? Perfect!! {Cause the kids love them and I despise them – so they are not even really tempting!}

What if your kids won’t eat unless you sit down and eat with them? Well, if you’ve been visiting at this Place Called Simplicity you will know that I am not a pushover with my kids. So if my kids said, “We won’t eat unless you sit down and eat with us” I would respond, “Okay! Then we’ll both fast and pray for the orphan!” Not.Even.Kidding. Most kids will decide that they will eat without us. =)

Seriously, tomorrow is a fasting and prayer day for the orphan. Today during our Bible study I explained some of that. My kids are well acquainted with praying for the orphan! And yes, they are well acquainted with fasting.

During today’s study I asked if anyone wanted to fast with Daddy and I. Many times our kids have fasted with us. Obviously, the little guys don’t understand fasting, but I am explaining it to them anyway – because one day it will click!!

I remember when we were pastoring in Virgina we got word that close friends of ours {from where we had pastored in Charlotte, were in a horrific car accident}. Two of the kids had been Med-flighted to uptown Charlotte. They were not expected to live. Really friends, at a time like that, the best thing we can do from out-of-state was to fast and pray! And we did. Almost daily. I remember Emma crying about her precious friend and saying, “I want to fast with you Mom.” She was probably only about 6 at the time. She fasted a meal. It was a great thing to start to understand and learn at her age.

I often think that parents underestimate the privilege of sharing things like fasting with their children. It is never a forced thing. But what we model and talk about, we also often talk about with our children as well!

Okay, my last posts have been soooo long, so we will keep this one short.

As for Memorial Box Monday, I felt like the Lord would have us move it to tomorrow, because as we fast and pray for God to perform miracles, why not share some of the things He has done in the past?? Kind of a victory post, while we plead on behalf of those precious ones, who have no voice.

13 thoughts on “Toddlers

  1. Just an honest question… Why do you LEAVE the table when you're fasting instead of remaining with your family and just not eating? I do fast, but family meal time is so important to us that I couldn't bear the thought of missing out on that important time… especially our evening meal when DH arrives home. Can you explain? (asking sincerely, not snarkily in case you're not sure of my tone!)

  2. Hi Linny.

    I love orphans.

    I love Jesus.

    Of course, I'm fasting, since He loves orphans more than we can imagine…

    Big hugs,


    P.S. I think it's easier to fast when you're so tired from working in ministries that serve orphans and adoptive families that you can't even think about food… My kids currently love cereal… Aren't pickles a vegetable?

  3. I'll be fasting alongside you tomorrow! Praying for the orphan and those who advocate for orphans (including you!). May you feel God's healing hand and may we all witness His mercy and provision in bringing orphans home to their families.

    You remain in my prayers.

    Much Love,

  4. Thank you for allowing us to be part of something so Big for the orphans–no matter where we are in the World. My day of fasting is coming to an end here in Oman and it has been such a blessing! I was able to share about the needs of the orphan with friends who invited me to lunch– I decided to decline so I would not be tempted. I am so excited to see what God is going to do!


  5. this post is beautiful. yes, i love the idea that we just live it and share and pray that our children will see this modeled & it will be imprinted on their heart.
    as i've shared with you, i'm newer to fasting. i have thoroughly loved fasting with you all for the orphans today. i am praying that God strengthens me as i continue this practice, as i literally become sick [throwing up] and migraine almost everytime i've done this. i'm not saying that to complain, i just hate that it takes away from my ability to whole-heartedly pray & care for our 5 young children.
    looking forward to God moving many mountains for the precious orphans!!

  6. This has been an awesome day. I have been fasting alongside of all of you and feel that God is working and moving mountains! I too have toddlers around all day, I have an in-home daycare. So fixing the many meals they have each day and snacks that I would tyipically take part in have been very tempting but I look at that as more of a power hype as in YES I CAN DO THIS! I so pray that those babies get to come home to the Mommy and Daddy that want them so much. I just know we are going to see a miracle happen…

    In Prayer…


  7. I am unable to fast due to my health issues as I need to eat protein every 2-3 hours, BUT I did give up a staple for me ~ Almonds~ and everytime I think of eating some or see the container I am praying for the orphans….and I wrote a post today connecting MBM to the orphans too…God bless you Linny!

  8. I joined you today as well. Praying for the mountain to be moved for this sweet family! My daughter, Alei, told me she and Gabriel met you. My son, Gabriel, is safely in his new "home" of Durango for the year. Although he is far from us, we are so excited to see what God has in store for him this year. You can read the story about God making clear his path a few days back in my blog post "Big Kids – Colorado" if you'd like.


  9. I have never fasted before. But I did fast today for breakfast and dinner. I felt I had to eat lunch as I was meeting with a girl who is struggling with an eating disorder (but I didn't eat as much as I normally would). Anyway, I know this is a discipline that as a "maturing" believer I should have, but I have always written it off for my "medical" reasons. I wanted to thank you for pursuing Christ in the ways that you have/are and encouraging others along the way to do so with you! You certainly have beyond your "fair" share of medical conditions and yet you do not let that stop you. I know mine was just a terrible excuse to not be obedient! I did today and will continue throughout the rest of the evening to fast and pray. It's been a challenge but not without victory and freedom for me and of course for the orphan and my family as well (we are in the midst of preparing for our 2nd adoption). Thanks Linny for being the hands and feet of Christ!


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