Our Miracle God!

I was going to share about an enormous answer to prayer, and mentioned so the other day….but after posting the post I realized I hadn’t asked permission to share the answer to prayer.  Even though I guessed it would be okay, I don’t ever want to assume anything.  =)
So now that I have secured permission, I want to share a wonderful answer to prayer so that you all could rejoice as well.  On that note, if you have already seen God move after the day of prayer and fasting yesterday, please tell us!!  We are so excited to hear what God is doing or has done for you as well!!
Anyway, my big brother Dan, whom many of you have been praying for, had surgery two and a half weeks ago for what was suspected to be appendicitis.  Only thing was that it turned out it was cancer. The following week the doctors took him back in to surgery and removed 14″ of his large intestine and bunches of his small intestine. 
And two days ago he met with the surgeon to get the final report.   Ready for this?  There was not a speck of cancer anywhere in all that they had removed.  It had not spread from his appendix at all!!  It is a miracle!   His appendix were said to have a hole in them and “stuff” was leaking out….but in the biopsy of all that colon that was removed there was no cancer – at all!!  Rejoice with us!!  
And if you have some praise reports, please post them as well.  And really, if you have some prayer needs and you missed yesterday’s post, please add them to YESTERDAY’S post….many are going back and reading through and praying for all the needs….so please don’t hesitate….we desperately want to be part of the mountains God is moving on your behalf.   Thank you to all who participated….you guys are just the best!
After I help Liberty with her Math  will be back to post about the bloggy friends who joined me for coffee on Tuesday….and as God so likes to do – there was a surprise!! You will love it and laugh, too, I’m sure! 

26 thoughts on “Our Miracle God!

  1. Dear Sweet Blog Friend, I asked that blog friends pray for Haven House of Monntrose Colorado. We were looking at a building.An aricle appeared in the Daily Sentinel and a group traveling trough Grand Junction Co. stopped at a coffee shop picked up a paper read the article and called to say: We have several shelters up, We want to come to Montrose and mentor you! Yippee Jesus!!

  2. Also Dear Blog Friend, The Lord has been pouring out His Love to the poor! I went to Walmart to look for a tent for a homeless person. The Lord told me to go now. I did not understand but a person I know gave me a tent. Is that not just like God?

  3. Happy dancing right along with you for your brother's good report!!

    Prayer was answered for us, we have not had any harrassment from my x-husband's current wife. We have had two days of peace, two day sof no harrassment at my work place. Praise God!


  4. so I posted yesterday about praying for my daughters healing.
    Today I visited the neurologist and the GI. I am very excited to see the doors that God has opened. The damage to her brain is severe, very extensive. But God opened the specialists hearts/minds to allow me to do some alternative treatments. Its a miracle that they agreed without hesitating and agreed to help me where they can!! Praising God for his goodness!!

  5. What an amazing story! It's been so long since I've posted on your blog or updated mine, you may not remember me! Anywho, I need prayer for my parents. My parents lost their only account (commercial janitorial company) due to a very long story involving someone else's fraud and their innocence, but lost it nonetheless, which in turn is causing them to forfeit their beautiful home and one car. On top of that my dad has been in the hospital for almost two weeks and is now in ICU after having lung surgery yesterday. Honestly, more than physical healing, I want them spiritually healed and restored back to FULL fellowship with the Lord, particularly my dad, in a way that fruit is evident. And for my mom, for her to KNOW and FEEL that God loves her. I think it's easy for her to believe for others but not for herself, and I want her so desperately to know and even feel how much He loves her. Sorry so long, but I would take all the prayer I can get!
    Thank you sweet lady!

  6. Yeah!!! Loving that God works in so many ways. Within 5 minutes of me posting my prayer request yesterday, my daughter told me her head didn't hurt anymore. In fact the only time she complained of a headache since is when she didn't want to do something (in typical two year old fashion). Then today not only was her iv started on the first attempt, she had a great day at transfusion. I could feel your prayers surrounding me today. Thank you, thank you,thank you.

  7. Praise the LORD!!

    I'm so happy to hear about your brother.

    I also got a strong sign today that God is at work in our lives and busy answering our prayers!!

  8. Wonderful news, so happy for your family.

    God is doing his work in our lives. Had some hopeful news today and a wonderful blessing from a stranger. And to top it all off I was able to share the power of corporate prayer with my husband. I told him about the day of prayer and fasting and the private matter I had asked for prayer. He was without words, he just couldn't believe it but now he BELIEVES in it.

    Thank you Jesus for Linny's beautiful heart and her ability to minister to so many over her blog.

  9. You're praise report for you're brother reminded me of something I've been praising God for for a couple weeks now. My grandfather (to make a long story short) have to have 8 inches of his large intestine taken out about two weeks ago. Before they biopsied it, the dr. said that there was a 95% chance that they would find cancer. The biopsy came back clean! Amazing! Now, my family and I are praying for another miricle for my grandfather. He's been running from God all his life…please join me in praying that he will find peace with God before it's too late.

    And thank you SO much for the prayer and fasting day. It was so wonderful knowing that other people were praying for me and it felt just as wonderful to pray for others.

  10. Oh Linny, I have such exciting news. The LORD is AWESOME. Today I had my interview at the American Embassy and despite the fact we didn't meet all their requirements – THEY GRANTED MY VISA. Within 2 weeks our family will be reunited in Missouri after a 4 month separation.

    Thank you everyone for your prayers. The LORD just doesn't move mountains – but the American government as well 🙂


  11. I posted a prayer for our church's adoption ministry/church leadership and God did a miracle Thursday!! For the second week in a row the weekly Pastor's email left out the information about our next adoption event. The County HSA is coming to do an orientation for our church for foster care and adoption during the Sunday School Hour, and I was so frustrated that we have not been able to promote it (keeps getting edited incorrectly for bulletin or forgotten all together). I want to show our County that we want to help and partner with them to care for orphans and was sad that we just can't get the word out. So I called the pastor(to at least make sure it was put correctly in this week's bulletin) and he felt so badly about it that he said he and his wife would come to the presentation themselves!!!!!! He is the pastor that we pray for earnestly to adopt and I know God has been working on their hearts in this area. They definitely would not have just decided to come, but now they will hear about orphans in the foster care system first hand. Thank you for your prayers!!! Yipee God!!!!


  12. Linny – What an AWESOME answer to prayer for your brother…to see the Lord's hand at work so evidently! WOW! Our God is AMAZING!! 🙂 Praising Him with all of you!

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