Will You Join Us?

 If you have been hanging around our Place Called Simplicity for any length of time,
you know how important prayer and fasting is to me.  
Why is that?
Cause God’s word says that there are some things that just don’t happen without prayer and fasting.
But why does God do things like that?
I frankly have no clue, but I suspect that it has something to do with the body of Christ joining together for a common cause.  Scripture is filled with verses about unity and the importance of it.  
Remember Queen Esther {who by the way was adopted – how sweet is that?} and how the Isrealite nation was about to be annihilated until she calls for a three day fast?  Remember how God moved and spared the nation of Isreal?  Remember? 
Since I started asking my bloggy friends to join in days of prayer and fasting, many, many, many of you have written and said that you have seen your life change as a result.  And many, many, many of you had never fasted before!!  Your letters have encouraged my heart – there is no doubt that God moves when people fast.  
So sweet friends, let me tell you what is going on….
On the other side of the world {in Russia} there is a little boy….
His name is Kirill.
Kirill was found by his mommy and daddy on an adoption list.  They worked feverishly to get all his paperwork in so they could bring him home.  And during that time of working to bring Kirill home they found that Kirill is the first child from his region in Russia EVER to be adopted with Down Syndrome.  

A birth mother keeping her child with DS is unheard of in this area of the world.  Adoptions of children with DS just don’t happen in this region, these children are literally hidden away from society in orphananges and mental institutions.  As it turns out Kirill would be a pioneer.  If Kirill’s adoption was approved, it would pave the way for other children with special needs to be adopted from this region as well.  
And so just two weeks ago, Kirill’s mom and dad were there in Russia headed to court to fulfill the necessary steps to bring Kirill home…
and they were loving on Kirill….
and after enduring five agonizing hours of difficult questioning before the judge…with strong statements on their behalf from two doctors, two social workers and the Minister of Children’s Services fighting on their and Kirill’s behalf…and prepared for the court’s stamp of approval,
the Judge gave her ruling:
“Your application to adopt is rejected” 
The Judges reasoning:
Kirill is “not socially adaptable” due to his “medical condition” and he is better off in an institution than in a home with a family.  The Judge did state several times that Greg and Tesney were a good family, that they met all the criteria to adopt a child, but that she would not approve the adoption because Kirill has Down Syndrome.  She told them that they could adopt another child, because legally Tesney and Greg’s application had no problems according to Russian adoption law.  The judge said she would approve their adoption for a ‘typical’ child, but not this child.  
The ONLY reason?
Because Kirill has Down Syndrome. 
{Home study approved and Immigration approved for a child with Special Needs}

and so here’s where we come in…
I just can not believe for ONE second that Kirill is supposed to stay in an 
institution in Russia for the duration of his life.  
Almighty God’s heart is for the orphan and it is attentive to their cry. 
Almighty God’s heart longs for every child to be in a forever family.
“He sets the lonely in  families” Psalm 68:6


If God’s heart is for the orphan and He longs for every child to be in a forever family…then God wants to and will move to bring Kirill home.

But some things do not happen without prayer and fasting….

So I wrote to Tesney and asked if I could call for a fast on Kirill’s behalf…

Her response:


Yes! We would LOVE this…Wednesday is better for us; and it coincides with our appeal being filed at the Supreme Court. It should be filed on Tuesday of this coming week, so the Supreme Court will hopefully begin the review shortly thereafter………….and we are humbled and honored….

Would you be willing to join with us in a day of 
{possibly a meal, two meals, all day}
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Will you do battle on your knees for Kirill?
For the other families who are in the process of adopting treasures with DS from this same region….
one even going to court on Thursday for a daughter with DS…
Will you please pray {and fast}with me?
Please spread the word to every one you know 
{Bible studies, small groups, bloggy friends, relatives, your children}
a world wide fast this Wednesday to set Kirill free!!

“Once our eyes are opened, we can’t pretend we don’t know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and holds us responsible to act.” Prov. 24:12

79 thoughts on “Will You Join Us?

  1. YES! Awesome Linny, I read about this little sweetie yesterday and cannot get this family out of my head, we are to storm the heavens and get this boy home! Let's do it! All glory to our Beautiful Savior who fights for His children

  2. Yes I will join you in fasting and praying for Kril that he may lead the way for more special needs children to be adopted. Can not even imagine that only perfect children get to be adopted from that area of Russia, what if God only adopted perfect people, we would be in big trouble.

    Kril has found a family who knows he is a perfect for them, God grant them the desires of their heart, may you be glorified. Amen

    will be posting a link to my facebook page. fasting and prayer works.

  3. Yes I'm in. Been praying for this whole situation. I firmly believe Kirill is going to be going home with his forever family. Thanks for calling a fast. I know fasting and prayer works. Hugs

  4. Linny – PLEASE – THE HOOK FAMILY NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO YOUR FAST AND PRAYER!! They are facing the SAME Judge on Thursday. Please mention them. They are in country now and desperately need us to pray. I wrote this morning on my blog as I have been doing for weeks now – http://www.covenantbuilders.blogspot.com – These families need to know there are thousands praying. BOTH FAMILIES… There is one more waiting in the wings (The Moreno family ) who just came home from seeing their little one for the first time. All three families face the same judge – same circumstances. Please add the Hooks to your call to prayer!! I have links to their blog from my blog if that would help.

  5. ABSOLUTLY IN!! Been praying for this sweet little guy since I read about his story just this last week. So excited and antiscipating what the Lord will do! CANT WAIT!

  6. Yes, Linny, I've already been praying for Kirill and will join the fast and pray on Wednesday for all these families. Thank you for your heart!

  7. I will pray and fast, Linny. Due to being treated for H-Pylori and ulcers I cannot fast from food, but will fast from something difficult for me….Praise God for the answers coming!!!

  8. We've been praying for Kirill. I will fast from certain foods as I'm pregnant and the children will be giving up something that day as well. I'll post about the fast on my blog to help spread the word for the Davis family as well as all families facing this same situation. As Scrappy Quilter said, "I know fasting and prayer works." Couldn't agree more!

  9. When tears aren't enough…we will pray and fast. God is righteous and can move the hearts of Judges/Pharoahs/Kings.

    I will fast Wednesday to so this little boy in a loving home over an orphanage.

  10. I am in. I have been praying for this family and the next 2 families there. I have never fasted before, but what better time than this to bring these sweet little ones home!

  11. Linny,

    You could set up an "event" on Facebook so that when something like this comes up everyone can be notified. Plus, we can recruit more prayer warriors through contacts on FB. Think about it..

  12. Oh Linny!

    How heartbreaking! You know that I know what it feels like to be "different" and to be thought better off in an institution, but God is so much bigger than this! The enemy would like nothing more than to block adoptions… and I am in prayer against it.

    Praying specifically for this judge – whether they hear anything more in this case, that GOD will work in their heart and move them for loving families for these children.

  13. Been praying for him, and other families that will come before that judge. It's so heartbreaking to see a judge deny a child a home not out of cruelty but out of lack of faith. May her/ his heart be changed. Never fasted before, but I would .

  14. I hope you don 't mind I posted this also on my blog. God has been opening my heart more to how important adoption is. It's something that's been on my heart so much more lately. Thank you for posting this. I will be joining in fasting on Wednesday during lunch time.

  15. Hi Linny ~ I will also be Praying and Fasting on Wed.. I want to let you know that I borrowed some of your post and put it on my blog. My brain just can't focus well enough to write something so well. Hope that's okay. Hugs ~ Jo

  16. my husband and i are praying for this whole situation. i cannot wait to see how God answers and receives all the glory! keep us posted! haley in florida

  17. I will pray, but am not able to fast at this time, but will be in prayer…Prayer is so powerful on behalf of the orphan and I know that God is Faithful to complete what He starts and He can change the judge's heart just like the woman begging the unrighteous judge.
    After all, we all have been adopted into God's family and not without a fight from the evil one.

  18. From my email:

    Dear Linny,

    Count me in on the Kirill prayer and fast effort. Oh, I can't wait to see how God moves on the hearts of the Supreme Court. Little Kirill, you are coming home soon!!

    The Wedding Clothes Feast pre-party was exhilarating!! What a wedding it will be. I'm so glad you will be there – an on the spot reporter!! Already, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. God will be so glorified.

    God is soooooooooooooo goo…


  19. Another emai:
    I will be glad to join you in the FAST AND PRAYER for this beautiful little boy and all the others too. So sad to have such a rotten attitude about special needs Children.
    We need to pray that the Judges heart will be changed!


  20. I will be fasting and praying. I read about his story on sunday and I just sat and sobbed! It broke my heart into pieces. He is one cutie let me tell ya! My son who has a heart for DS kids was shocked that they wouldn't let his parents adopt him. He decides HE is praying and fasting as well for Kirill (did I mention he is 16? and LOVES food? lol) but he is willing to do this because he knows how wonderful these kids are! So half my family will be praying and fasting for Kirill and all the sweet DS kids in his region! God WILL hear our prayers and bring this sweet one home to his forever family. I have Faith for things I cannot see!! Count us in Linny!! Love ya girlie…no Lamar's for us ha ha!!

  21. Will join in. We have a daughter from Korea with similar SNs and we could not/would not have adopted her unless God had intervened in a mighty, miraculous way. (Different circumstances because it was OUR hearts that needed to have clear direction and fears taken away, rather than the heart of a government official. But God was gracious and merciful to give us the signs we needed and now we are blest to have our girl!!)

    Carrie T. – mom to 4 from Korea

  22. Kirill looks so sweet and huggable, I am so sorry that the judge couldn't see that 🙁

    My mother and I will be fasting for him (and the other family as well) a day earlier (tomorrow, as we have a cafe outing for a friend's birthday the following day (your Wednesday).

  23. I would be honored to Fast for little precious child.. We to are in the middle of a Adoption threw St.Petersburg with a Last Chance Orphan and our heart is breaking as well. God is able to do exceedingly and Abundantly more that we can ever ask hope or dream. We will believe for a Miracle for Kirill. I leave with a verse God has given us in our own Journey. Jeremiah 32.27 Behold I am the Lord, the God of all Flesh. Is there anything to HARD for me?
    There is POWER IN PRAYER and Power IN any in PRayer. This baby is coming home and our SON Kolya is coming home in Jesus NAME.

  24. Oh boy! I missed a TON of fun stuff when the kids and I were on our little spring break getaway! I will be joining in the day of prayer for sweet, sweet Kirill and many others waiting to come home to their forever families. I have a friend that is waiting on a child from Ethiopia which has also came to a stand still. God be with us!

  25. Yep,this one did it! Finally pulled me out of the shadows! Gave me big time goose bumps because I have a 20 year old daughter with DS.And the words "not socially adaptable" made me want to punch someone (preferably that Russian judge). Those are the most ignorant words I have ever heard. My daughter is the biggest blessing to our family ( 4 children in all) and she has a very real relationship with Jesus , raises money for the handicapped , single handedly had a toy drive to collect toys for the chidren in our local childrens hospital,voluntees at blood water mission, feed the children,ect. ect..I will definitely be fasting and praying for this little boy and this ignorant judge a well. She has so much in jesus' eyes as do al these children. Jesus gave them to us as a blessing . We musn't refuse to receive that blesing!

  26. I too will join you and all the other believers on his behalf and many other special needs children in Russia. I will fast and pray that God changes the courts minds . Ellen W

  27. I have been praying about this since last night. I will join the rest in fasting on behalf of this sweet little guy and all the other beautiful children in this region tomorrow. Then I'll be waiting to hear the good news of when Kirill is coming home.

  28. † Standing with you on Wednesday in prayer and fasting because "if one member suffers, all suffer together."
    We are so blessed to have a Father who is near to all who call on Him in truth!
    I am watching with the rest of you to see how God reveals Himself through this set of affairs…much glory to His holy name, and blessed be little Kirill through this historic tug-of-war that is reverberating from the Russian courts to the heavenly places. †

  29. Barbara said….
    I am praying and fasting with you all….Check out this beautiful verse the Lord gave me this morning as i prayed for Kirill…Ro.9:17
    "I raised you up for this very purpose,that i might desplay my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
    v16"It does not therefore depend on man's desire or effort but on God's mercy!!!"
    Let's pray that sweet boy home !!!!!

  30. We are in – my kids made the decision to skip dinner tonight and pray instead. May God take care of this young child – one that He loves so tenderly!

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