Hands and Feet

As Dw and Emmy leave with the team this week-end I was able to have most of today off from responsibility.  I went and sat with an ice tea at a local coffee shop reading my Bible.

I was pondering a dream I had last night {and no, I don’t understand yet what it meant}…but anyway, I was reading my Bible and writing verses on a piece of paper.

After I was there for an hour or so a young man approached me.  He commented on how intently I was studying.  I remarked that it was my relationship with Christ and His Holy word that kept me afloat and how I didn’t know how I would have done my life without my relationship with Christ.

We got to talking and he told me of a situation he and his young wife are in and how they need some direction.  I asked if I could pray for the situation with him right then.  He readily agreed to it.  We bowed our heads as I prayed.

As he and I were talking, it turns out that he and his wife spent a few years living in Ch*na and she volunteered at an orphanage there.  I asked what city it was in and would you believe it was the same city that our Jubilee was in?   I could not believe it!  I am going to email her pictures of our Jubilee while at the orphanage….and there is a very real likelihood that she crossed paths with our precious girl, once upon a time!

My eyes welled with tears as this young man and I talked about those that the Lord has placed around this globe to be His hands and feet wherever we are.   Of course the thing is that each of us have to decide to be His hands and feet!  His wife had gone in at least two times a week {for years} to this giant government orphanage to serve those behind the closed doors.

I continue to well with tears as I type now, knowing that there is a likelihood that she even ministered to our sweet baby girl.  Can you imagine?  No doubt, this young woman could have chose to do something else with her ‘free time’, but there she was emptying herself to love on the special need orphans there.

It reminded me that there are people all over the world at this moment, many without anyone knowing, serving the hurting, ministering to the fatherless, providing for the widow, caring for the homeless….and I urge you to join me in praying for strength, hope, protection, determination, peace, courage and perseverance for their hearts.  

And praying also that we, too, would be His hands and feet wherever we are at this moment.  Because each personal touch matters.  Because we are not where we are by accident, whether we be in Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, Kor*a, Qat*r, Ch*na, Uganda, Ethiopia, Australia, the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Afgh*nistan, Ir*n, Ir*q, Ecuador, Mexico, or anywhere else!

Because if we aren’t His hands and feet to this world where we are, who will be?

And on a completely different note:

You guys have been amazing!  Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your generous gifts.  We’re just about there and we will be able to get it all done – the boys will get their court, Praise and her children will get clean water and the Pastor’s will be ministered to.  He is faithful and He uses ordinary people {like you and me} to accomplish extraordinary things!  You guys rock!

May God bless each of you exponentially for your generous gifts!!  We love you dearly!

8 thoughts on “Hands and Feet

  1. I love this, Linny…

    Amazing God!

    Praying for the team this weekend!!!! And thank you for the gentle but needed reminder that we are where we are for a REASON and we can be on the mission field HERE OR THERE….as the Lord leads! We just have to stay focused on HIS WORD!!!

  2. Linny, can I please ask you (and your readers) to keep my precious best friend in your prayers…she is 20 weeks pregnant and was told on Tuesday during her ultrasound, after having perfect blood work and tests up to this point, that baby likely has down syndrome, and if not DS, some other chromosome problem and in the doctors words, "IF he or she is born alive, they probably won't live to see their first birthday"…she has 3 little girls at home and their family is devastated. They had an amnio on Wednesday and waiting for results. I firmly believe God is a God of miracles (and so does she) and has the ability to save my precious Godchild's life and she has a perfectly healthy baby in October. Please please keep her and the baby in your prayers (and have permission to share it with your readers as well)

    1. There is a beautiful woman named Angie who has a blog called Poppy Joy. Her daughter had trisomy 18. Angie was on James Dobson's radio show recently to talk about Poppy Joy. I know Angie would be thrilled if your friend could gain comfort from her own experience with Poppy Joy . She and her husband are rock solid and so inspirational!

  3. wow! Let us know if she ends up remembering your Jubilee!! Wouldn't that be AWESOME!?! Also, I have been dying to know why you * certain countries… like Ch*na, Kor*a, is there a special significance?

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