The Miracle of Ruby – Part 1

This powerful story is lengthy, so I have decided to divide it into two parts. 
It is a vivid reminder of the mighty hand of God.  But it is also a very personal and private story.  A sacred story, if you will. A story that I do not share lightly. I have literally spent months praying about opening up about this. I suppose my hesitancy in sharing is partly because of the way I was wired by God. Fiercely protective of my little ones and extremely private. Yes, I know, I know, having a very public blog doesn’t really fit with an extremely private woman, now does it?   You have to agree, the Lord definitely has a sense of humor in all that.  
I have shared a few things in the past that are very personal and private. And just like those specific times, I have only one request. If you are going to read this, would you please read it thoroughly without skimming? There is a tendency in bloggy land to hop on each blog for a second, skim and hurry` away.
Out of respect for this intimate story, I would kindly ask that if you do not have the time to take to read this in it’s entirety that you stop now {and move along} because this is not a ‘skimmer’ type of story. We have a God who is very detailed. And trust me, in this situation, each intricate detail matters. Because it is in those obscure details that we see the most powerful miracles of Almighty of God on our behalf.
And so the story begins…
Just about one year ago today Dw called me from Africa. He was there, with Emmy, leading a large team. He kept starting to cry as he told me about a desperately sick little baby girl at the baby home. The very same orphanage where we had brought Elijah and Elizabeth home from. Now my Whitey is a tender hearted man to begin with, but this was different. She was deathly ill. Yes, deathly. He kept crying as he spoke.
He didn’t know if she would live through the night and he felt frantic to save her life. He felt, if you will, a sense of responsibility to her. He had held her. He could not turn his back. She needed him. Desperately. Frail beyond words. So incredibly weak. Several on the team were actually afraid of her. They even shied away from her, she looked as though she might break if held. As though death could take her at any moment.
Her skin was transparent and there was not an ounce of anything on her. The old saying, “Skin and bones?” She was the living version of it. At just about a year old, she weighed only a fragile 6 pounds.
When he told me she was just about a year old and only weighed 6 pounds, I gasped. Six pounds is pretty low birth weight, but at a year old? I began fasting for this baby girl. Hearing him describe her, knowing how passionate he was about saving her life, and the sound of him choking back tears from across the ocean, I instantly fell in love with her.
Each day Dw would call to make sure all was well at home, but immediately would say, “I have to run and check on my baby girl, please Linny, please pray she is still alive.” I would assure him, I was praying like crazy.
He petitioned the director saying, “What do you need for her care? Linny and I will do anything, anything at all.” The director said she needed a CT scan to confirm the hydrocephalus. It was set that he would take her with a mama from the baby home.
A day or so later, Emma sent a few pictures to my email. Emma had taken some pictures of the baby so I could feel it with them. She told me not to post them anywhere or to send them to anyone, but she wanted me to see just how sick this little girl was. My eyes filled with tears and I couldn’t believe the pictures. I had never seen anything like her in all my 50+ years. {There was even a picture of her without any clothes on. I still can hardly bear to look at it. It is a powerful picture that words cannot adequately describe.}
On June 14th, 2011 I told you, my bloggy friends, about her. I asked for special prayer for her, that God would spare her life and heal her. I know many, many, many of you were moved and began to pray for this little treasure.
In the meantime, Dw continued in close communication with the director. She is a woman who deeply cares about the little ones she has been entrusted with. She was, no doubt, willing to do anything for this baby and so were we.
I could think of little else. I pleaded over and over with the Lord, petitioning Him to spare her life. He reminded me that He had preserved and protected her in the garden near Kampala, Uganda where she had been abandoned, fragile and dying. He had spared her life for a purpose. He would not allow her to die now. He had a very specific plan that only she could fulfill.
As the days passed and I continued fasting off and on for her, I began to petition Him that we would be chosen to be her mommy and daddy. I sensed that this was going to be His plan. I began to get so excited dreaming of having a baby again – I could hardly stand it.
Mind you, I had been talking on the phone to a friend not even two months prior and mentioning that if the Lord brought us the opportunity to have a baby I would firmly pass. We were over our baby days. I giggle to think of that now. And I’m quite certain that the Lord gets quite a chuckle out of our random comments from time to time, you know what I mean? When I told my friend that, He probably was thinking, “Oh bite your tongue Linny Lee – seriously girl – just you wait and see what you yourself will be {literally} begging me for in about 2 months!”
When Dw and Emmy were leaving Uganda {to head to Ghana for another Legacy Pastor’s Leadership Conference} Dw went down to the director’s office three separate times to make certain she understood that we were willing to do anything {anything!} for this precious baby girl. He wanted to be absolutely positively assured that she knew, without a doubt, that we would pay for any medical care she would possibly need in the future.
So it was on the 22nd of June, 2011 as he and Emma were landing in Chicago after being in Ghana another week, that there was a letter in the his email from the director reminding him that he said that we would do anything and asking if we would consider adopting her and bringing her to the United States for medical care. Her letter also contained something else though.
And that is where we will pick up tomorrow. 
But for now, it is with great joy and overwhelming thankfulness to Almighty God, the maker of heaven and Earth: our healer, our protector, our provider, our shelter, our comforter, the only God worthy of all our praise…the one that we refer to in our home as our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God –
Just look what HE HAS DONE….
 Before taken on June 7th, 2011
After taken on June 2nd, 2012   
{the day before Dw and Emmy were leaving for Uganda this time around}
Look at her leg.  Last year, it was the same size as Dw’s thumb.
Look at her now!
Look and see what Almighty God has done in one year!
How we praise HIS name!

70 thoughts on “The Miracle of Ruby – Part 1

  1. Thank You Jesus for the miracle of Ruby Grace! Thank You for D.W. and Linnys hearts for the orphan. Please Dear Jesus heal Ruby Grace of the illness she has now, and give her Mama a good nights rest! Janet

  2. She looks so frail and near death in that first picture…i remember being shocked and just cold not believe she was still in this Earthly world. But look closer…look at her fists- she is a mighty fighter….its as if her arms and fists belong to another person- there was and is strength there….amazing!

  3. Absolutely amazing! There is absolutely nothing that our God can't do! I needed that reminder! Thank you for sharing your miracle girl with us! Can't wait to read the rest of the story tomorrow!

  4. I remember oh so well your little miss Ruby Grace. Your husband spent each free moment down at the orphanage just making sure she was getting fed properly. I will forever remember Dw cradling her and singing to her and praying over her that her feeding would stay down. I continue to marvel at God's goodness and power at sparing her her life. Can't wait to read the rest of the story.


  5. Oh Linny, you stinker! You did it again! UGH! I wish you wouldn't keep us hanging like that!

    I can not see sweet Ruby Grace's picture without tears. I want you to know that God continues to wake me in the night to pray for Sarah Jane. He is working. You'd better believe it!

  6. Beautiful story Linny and beautiful pictures…a miracle in the making…Looking forward to the "rest of th e story~ tomorrow and in the days, months, and YEARS to come!!

  7. Linny- I can't even begin to thank you enough, for how you and your family's obedience to The LORD has touched my life. You guys love those near and far with such passion that loudly proclaims The Father's heart towards each of us- that we matter to Him. Thank you for loving me afar sister. Whether it be Heaven or Earth or Heaven on Earth 🙂 we will meet someday with our hearts busting of joy being together in the presence of The Author and Finisher of our faith. The One who loves us more than we can begin to imagine. It will be, what an exciting thought! Really I mean all that from the depths of my heart, thank you.

    It is no coincidence that I have a free moment to hop on your blog just now (to catch up on many days of posts) and read THIS story. Truly a sacred story. One He is still writing. He is Glorified! Your daughter couldn't have a more perfect name. What a treasure, Ruby. The more I have prayed for her, the more I have fallen in love with your little gem. All I can even think to say now after reading this and looking at these pictures- God is good, in every detail, He is so good all the time.

  8. God is so amazing! Look what he's done in such a short amount of time. Ruby is beautiful and I believe with you that God spared her life for a very specific purpose and is going to use her in amazing ways. I can't wait to snuggle and love on her!

  9. i have been following your family for a long time. i love this. i love what God can do when we have faith in Him. i love that you are soo strong in your faith.

  10. Oh Linny, couldn't you please just keep going? I really want the WHOLE story NOW!

    Praising God with you for the wonderful things He has done for sweet Ruby! Absolutely amazing!

    Amy P.

  11. Oh, Linny. This story ALWAYS reduces me to tears. I gotta warn you…I am a crier. Happy…I cry. Sad…I cry. Moved…I cry. And when we meet in just a few days in Phoenix, and I get to sweet THE miracle that is Ruby Grace, I'm gonna cry. I know it. The power of God, and His Love is just so all over this precious story, and this most beloved little baby girl. Can't wait for part two!

    Hugs and love…and tears…Nancy in CT

  12. Wow! I didn't have time to read all that you wrote yet, but I did look at the picture. She is such a treasure! So miraculous!

  13. Praise God! What a MIRACLE of a story! Miss Ruby is absolutely radiant! I have said thee exact same thing about adopting "older boys" and I have absolutely fallen in LOVE with an older boy and I would LOVE to be his MOMMY! I am just waiting on a green light! Please pray! Please, Linny…you of all people know what it feels like to be in such a situation! If God says no though, I will be at peace. I know God has a plan for him and for us. I am just not 100% sure how we fit together. He gives "just enough light for the step we are on!" I thank God for bringing me to your blog. God has given me so much insight, so much courage, a more open mind, a heart that desires to fully serve HIM and be in the very midst of HIS will through reading your stories. Thank you, Linny and family!

  14. My heart breaks every time I see Ruby's younger photos. The change is amazing. She reminds me so much of my own little one(20months) with all that beautiful chub!

  15. Such a miracle! I absolutely can't wait to read the rest of "tHis" story… I was in the hospital giving birth to my precious miracle baby on 06.22.11!

  16. Love, Love!! She was knitted in her birthmother's womb by an awesome God who has earth shattering plans for this sweet pumpkin!!!! I am so very thankful that you and your family listen to Almighty God and are willing to answer HIS call!!!! Looking forward to hearing the rest of the story and watching miss Ruby grow in the ways of the Lord!!!

  17. Oh Linny, I cannot wait to read the rest of the story tomorrow. Thank you for being willing to share Ruby's story….to God be the glory!! 🙂
    I appreciate your blog so much…thank you!


  18. Oh Linny….my heart is so full as I read this! God is so Good…and I can't wait to read the rest. What a privelege you have granted us to hear all of the details and to be part of this journey over the past year as we have prayed for Ruby and your family. Thank you!!

    Lots of love,
    Jenn H

  19. When I think of the word miracle I instantly picture your sweet Ruby's face! It truly is beyond amazing to see the pictures and see what God has done. I began hoping that you would be her mommy the moment you first told us about her. Her little life has already had such a huge impact on so many! Her face and what I know of her story is forever etched in my heart. Thank you for sharing this story Linny. Every word has such power and value!

  20. Thank you so much for sharing. I remember your request for prayer. Oh, little adorable Ruby! So thankful to God she is with you wonderful, God fearing, orphan loving people. I await your next chapter. Hugs and good night!

  21. God is so good!!!!! And now I have to wait a day to hear the rest of how awesome He is in this circumstance… dun dun… Looking forward to tomorrow! 😀

    Also, I remember praying for little Ruby and I cannot believe it has been a year now. Wow.

  22. That is just such an AMAZING story and testimony, Linny! With tears in my eyes, I thank God for sparing Ruby's life, and YES, it was with a very specific purpose that he did it! What YOU have done in this whole journey speaks VOLUMES about who GOD is and how HE CARES for the "least of these" – sooo much! Your life has a ripple-effect all over the world – and will continue to…
    Hope last night was better for you! I will continue to pray for you as I know what it's like to be back home when hubby is on a missions trip – and all the "stuff" that happens…
    You're a true hero, Linny! Be blessed and encouraged! Looking forward to part 2!!!
    Love from New Zealand,

  23. Linny,
    God is very good, and your family does a wonderful job at remembering the ways that God has blessed you. THANK YOU for being willing to share the personal ways that God has worked/is working, in your life. I as well, do not like to go too deep in a public way. So, I know that it can not be easy for you.
    Thank you agian.

    P.S. I cannot wait for part two!

  24. Oh wow. Jesus is truly Lord!!! Praise God!!! Only Him could have done this. Father, we bless and glorify Your name. May You be praised forever and ever. Thank you Lord Jesus.

    This picture just spoke to my situation. There is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that God cannot do. Even dry bones can be made flesh. Oh wow. Truly astounded by God's faithfulness.

  25. If I didn't "know" you, I'd say you were lying!! That is one amazing transformation!! I've so enjoyed (and will continue to enjoy) watching God move mountains in your family. Can't wait for the next installment!

  26. Absolutely AMAZING what God has done through your willingness to say yes, even when it is scary and unknown. She is BEAUTIFUL and looks so peaceful in her "after" picture. What a testimony of God's love.


  27. WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!! I guess following along since the beginning and having seen the changes along the way I had forgotten the HUGE difference. thanks for posting this. Praise God!

  28. No one should be able to hear her story or see her pictures, without falling to the ground and crying out to the Lord God Almighty. Send me Lord, to care for your children! Forgive us Lord, for dismissing your precious ones. Ruby is fearfully and wonderfully made. Praising God along with you for her life!

  29. Obviously this is God's story because you have got me hanging on every word! I so love Him. Thank you for sharing this precious testimony of His faithfulness and goodness.

  30. Such a precious miracle! Thank you for trusting us with her story. My girls have loved watching the transformation since they prayed for her from day 1 when we had her first photo on our fridge. Blessings.

  31. Although I've seen that first picture of Emma with Ruby a number of times on your blog, this is the first time I really noticed the comparison between Ruby's leg and Emma's little finger…..oh my goodness. Her leg is barely bigger than Emma's finger! It just hurts to think of how much that little baby was suffering. So happy to see her today – surrounded by love and so content.

  32. Linny, I am so happy to see MBM again! Those tangible reminders in our Memorial Box are so very important. For me, it's as if God understands my feeble little mind and that I need those items that I can see and touch and be reminded of His powerful presence.

    I well remember you posting about Ruby Grace and our family has prayed for her often. I rejoice every time you post pictures and I see that cute baby chubbiness. It's that visible, tangible reminder of how powerful He is. Thank you for sharing from your heart, for the encouragement that it brings to me.

  33. Hi Linny,
    I am in tears just looking at the vast difference in those pictures. He is so faithful. Praise His great Name! I don't even know you but He prompted me to pray for Ruby in the middle of the nights months ago. I actually awoke and felt a strong urge to pray for her. The next day I checked your blog and you had been to the ER with her. What a special girl you have.
    Wausau, WI

  34. It was about this time last year that I was introduced to your blog. I have been so incredibly blessed by it over and over again. This is such an amazing story…I am eagerly awaiting part 2.

  35. Thank you for sharing Linny! We have been following Ruby's story from the beginning (and the blog for quite some time). I saw somewhere DW's post about Ruby's-and your rough time right now. Praying for you! Wish I was close so I could hug your neck and just hold sweet Ruby awhile so you could rest.

  36. Linny,
    Thank you for sharing your story. I knew Ruby was small but wow! She was tiny. It is truly God's work that she survived until DW got there. Now, she is thriving. I pray for her and her continued health. Praise God!!! Bless you and DW for listening to Him and stepping out of your comfort zone and into babyland once more.
    I bet you just have so much fun just hold those cute little feet! She is adorable!!!!

  37. Oh Linny… Ruby is a living testimony to His absolute, unwavering and unconditional LOVE of the orphan!! Seeing these pictures, side by side taken less than a year apart is nothing short of witnessing a MIRACLE!!
    oxoxox to you and that precious jewel of yours 🙂

  38. I love that wonderful set of photos of Ruby Grace so much that I am going to print them out to put on the wall near our Memorial Box photos. God is good, all the time! What a story of His love!

  39. So I don't normally have time to comment, but this story is so near to my heart because I was there. I can't help but praise God when I see before and after pictures. I remember Dwight singing over her and begging God that He would make a way to have him be her father. In the orphanage when we first met her, my heart broke. No one there seemed to want her and all seemed hopeless. Now when I see pictures of her, it's so evident to me that she KNOWS she's loved and it radiates from her. It's a perfect picture of the Gospel. Ah! I just love you guys 🙂

  40. Pausing to comment before going on to Part 2 . . .
    The first picture I remember of seeing Ruby was just one of her little fudgy-black hand gripping your white finger. You weren't able to say much but it was evident a miracle was in the works! I'll never forget that picture. As I've followed y'all all these months later, praying and praying and praising, crying, sharing, rejoicing, I am reminded over and over again that God moves in our very lives and He has. a. purpose. for each one of us. Now, I already believed that truth, but like your memorial box, I see Ruby in my box too. I have a dear friend whose daughter came from similar circumstances as Ruby. As we waited and waited to get the call from our agency telling us our baby was "here", I often reminded myself that if God could watch over a tiny newborn who needed Him so badly and bring her into my friends' family, from Africa to TX, then I KNEW He also had our next child in His protection. When my faith was weak, I reminded myself that God can move mountains and cross seas and hear the kitten-cry of an orphaned baby. I hope you don't mind that your sweet Ruby and your family is *in* my memorial box. 🙂
    When you first posted the photo that Emmy sent, I actually gasped and then began crying. Oh my! Now, with the two pics next to each other, I not only see the physical health (body fat, wrinkles, glowing skin, beautiful hair, shining eyes), but look at her emotional change! In one she's turned out away from Emmy and now, she's perfectly snuggled into her and loving her back. Perfect!

  41. I just am shocked and amazed at these photos. It is 100% miraculous that she lived. Praise God Almighty! It just reminds me so much more to give without worrying about how we are going to pay this or that bill and just let God handle it. Thank-you!!!!

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