I’m guessing that many of you were kind of disappointed by the post yesterday {Part 3}.
In today’s society, sweet friends, we want the answer and we want it quick. And often, we find ourselves wanting to get that answer from someone else.
I know.
I’ve done it before. Way too many times.
“Someone please just tell me what to do about such and such. I don’t care, just whisper to me what I should do. I won’t tell anyone you told me.”
Okay, so the Lord has ministered so much to my heart recently through this song.
You must hear it.
It is one of our worship songs that we sing at Phoenix First.
Hearing God is not for an elite group.
He wants to speak to each of us.
He is always for us. He has our back. He has a plan.
He has never, ever left you or I alone.
Not even for a second.
And He has ALWAYS been faithful.
He is NOT a Deadbeat Dad.
Let the words minister to your soul…even if you’ve heard it a zillion times before.
And then, the Lord gave me another thought.
I will share it in the next day or two. But I have to have the time to write about it. Actually, somebody out there in bloggy land come lend me a hand and I’ll get to writing it. {haha}
Seriously, doctor’s visits, therapy…and the joy of Autumn and Savannah visiting for a few days {they arrived yesterday} and Sean, Sarah and Jethro {IVO missionaries} arrived last week, here for about a week as well. We have a crazy-kind-of-full house {there is always room for more though}…..
But yes, He has given me a super awesome idea…to Lord willing, to bless those in the process of adopting…so hang out…and stay tuned {and pray I get what needs to be done quickly, actually done quicker than dreamed of!}….
And if you are stressed about the post coming….come back to this post and listen to the song again…and if you still are stressed about it all….
listen again….
and again….
and again….
hello! I commented for the first time on your "kneeling together" post (on Sept 17th) a few weeks ago. I asked for prayers that I would find a job & resolve some financial issues ….. well, I just thought you'd like to know…. I got a job TODAY! Applied Sept 20 (had such a good feeling about it too), short phone interview Sept 28, real interview Oct 1, offer today! I'm so excited – and grateful. As my gramma put it (and she didn't know about this prayer request): "you can't tell me prayer doesn't work!" I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who added me to their prayer list – it worked! 🙂
That is awesome, wonderful, stupendous news!! Prayer works! Totally works! Because HE is faithful! Yippee jesus!
I did pray for you and I'm so incredibly thankful to God on your behalf. Thx for sharing!
Hi Linny,
We are in the midst of an international adoption (our second). And with two children already in college, you are right, the financial strain is tremendous. However, I was not at all disappointed by your post. I was relieved and encouraged. I have often felt overwhelmed thinking I should be making some cute something to sell on line, or planning some event, or I don't know what!! Instead, financial support has come in rather unexpected ways. Currently, we have only about a third of it paid for and your post gave me peace and perspective. In fact all of them have been extremely helpful. I am grateful that the Lord God Almighty is whispering in your ear and thankful for the reminder that He wants to speak to us all.
Blessings to your Houseful,
Barbara, the coming post is for you {and others}. Hang on.
Loving the series…can't wait to read what you have up your sleeve.;-)..thank you for caring for all of us that are in the process..
You will love the coming post. Bless you. He is faithful.
Yes I totally agree! Thank you so very much as I needed this! 🙂
So true. We are visiting the Grand Canyon for fall break and we passed through Phoenix and I thought of y'all! 🙂
Awwww. Isn't Phoenix wonderful? You passed the exit for our house on the way to GC…I know you did. But if I post it, that probably wouldn't be a great idea. Oh well. You passed us. xo
Thank you for your encouraging words during your "He's Not a Dead Beat Dad" series. I also want to thank you for listening to the Lord and sharing what's on your heart.
Thank you Alicia. He is, indeed, always faithful.
Oh, that is a favorite song of mine. Kristian Stanfill is part of the Passion Conferences (Chris Tomlin, Christ Nockels, Louie Giglio, Francis Chan, John Piper and others are also a part of it!) and they make some AMAZING music.
It IS amazing, isn't it? Such a gift from the Lord!
I loved your post yesterday! And I needed it — your words applied to more than adoption finances.
This evening our family has been deeply impacted by an adoption-related issue with far-reaching consequences for our family. I desperately need to remind myself over and over again that God is not a dead-beat dad in ANY area of our life.
It applies to everything, you are so right. Everything.
I am loving your posts. Thank you for sharing. I'm curious about how homeschool looks for you guys. Could you share about that sometime?
Yes, I can share about home schooling. I think we are in our 25th year…but not sure. I lost count. One day I will share about it.
We are in the process of an international adoption and our first adoption. We started with a need of $34K and are down to a need of $13K and we travel in 4-5 weeks, Lord willing. Your last post spoke to me and gave me such a peace to "Let go and Let God". Not that I haven't been in prayer (because I definitely have); however, I am most definitely guilty of "oh, that worked for them, surely that'll work for us" and then it fails miserably. Our last three fundraisers (over the past two weeks) brought in less than $600….combined. After the third fundraiser this past weekend, I just sobbed…..thinking, "I can't do this anymore". Then, three days later, I read your last post and realize that I just have it all wrong. It really made me realize that I really and truly need to be seeking what the Lord will have us to do and how He will provide for us to bring home two treasures….ages 11 and 13. Thanks for your encouragement!
Thank you for sharing so vulnerably about being distressed and the fundraisers not really doing what they are supposed…… He had a plan all along…and I tell you, although I don't want to share publicly, we have done the exact same thing, {rush ahead, forgetting to consult the God of the universe and wait for His direction and now we are so ticked at ourselves. Yes, we have asked Him for forgive us…but ugh. ugh. ugh. Such a difficult lesson to learn.} And stay tuned for the post that is to come…pray I can get it done quickly. xo
We are in the process of an international adoption and our first adoption. We started with a need of $34K and are down to a need of $13K and we travel in 4-5 weeks, Lord willing. Your last post spoke to me and gave me such a peace to "Let go and Let God". Not that I haven't been in prayer (because I definitely have); however, I am most definitely guilty of "oh, that worked for them, surely that'll work for us" and then it fails miserably. Our last three fundraisers (over the past two weeks) brought in less than $600….combined. After the third fundraiser this past weekend, I just sobbed…..thinking, "I can't do this anymore". Then, three days later, I read your last post and realize that I just have it all wrong. It really made me realize that I really and truly need to be seeking what the Lord will have us to do and how He will provide for us to bring home two treasures….ages 11 and 13. Thanks for your encouragement!
Linny, I loved your last post. It truly spoke to me. We are blessed that we do not have a financial worry (at least in the short term) for our adoption, but I worry a lot about my husband's fears of a big family and that his heart is not in it. I worry that the stress of a larger family will burden my marriage.
Yet, I place that fear in Gods arms and talk to my husband about it. We are stepping forward in faith that it will work out because we have to, first and foremost, obey.
I will be in Phoenix in November ( my best friend lives there) and would love to watch the kids while you write your blog that ministers to us al!!! LoL…or at least meet you and let our kids play together.
Thanks for sharing your insights with us,
Message me when you are coming…and we will see if it would work for a bit of a visit.
I love what you have been sharing…..such truth. My adoptions really increased my faith so much. My treasures are such a blessing and privilege and what I learned in the process was rich and faith building. I need this reminder because now my need at the moment is different, yet it still is about providing for these sweeties. I know he is our sustainer and I am standing on that. Love you lady and praying.
The truths are applicable across the board. He is faithful. Period. I pray that He continues to minister to your soul…and to your treasures. Love to you!
We are waiting for travel approval to go pick our son up from China (prayerfully soon). I have always loved your blog. That song was just what I needed tonight. Thanks!
I am so glad that the song ministered to you. It makes me so weepy….He's never let us walk alone…the words are so powerful.
Your post plus DW's sermon are just what Kevin and I needed to get us going again. We are struggling so with "fear" over this possible new adoption, and your post ministered to us. Love you guys.
janet and gang
janet, janet, janet….has HE ever let you down when you brought Philip, Eli or Sophia home? He didn't run out of resources since then. He WILL provide for everything that's needed. YOu know you know that, BUT I will remind you anytime you feel faint of heart! Love you IVO China connection!! xo
Thanks Linny, My prayer today was for God to whisper to me His plans for our life regarding adoption. We are ready and willing, but discouraged at the moment. Our heart is for another Hispanic child as we have a 9 year old from Guatemala and we speak Spanish. We are in the early stages of a Honduran adoption and up for the challenge to raise the steep 32000 required. I have trouble getting pregnant, but was blessed with a son the same time we brought home Juan Pablo. We have continued to try with a pregnancy and were just informed from our agency that both Honduras and our agency will put the adoption on hold if I become pregnant again. The wait is already 2-4 years. I couldn't imagine adding any more time to that. Is God closing a door? Does He have a different plan? Your post was perfect for my discouraged heart.
Fast and Pray. If it's Him, He will provide all that's needed. Promise. Fasting is key though.
What a beautiful song! So encouraging…thanks for sharing!
Isn't it wonderful? It ministers to my soul.
I so appreciate your blog. My husband and I are in the process of adopting a 5.5 y/o little girl from china who has brittle bone disease. While the financial details are difficult to deal with, those of who have experienced the disdain of family towards our adoption face a secondary level of discouragement. We are taking the financial obligations step by step and thus far have been able to scrape together what we have needed when we need it. The bigger financial pieces are coming though and its scary. It is so hard to want to be able to share our excitement with family and not be able too. To be yelled at by my social worker sister in law put us in a near stupor for a week. We were asked last night if "we have given up yet." So so hurtful.
You would probably appreciate a post I did a while back. It was titled something like, "What if my family isn't in to it?" FYI, we have had some family be very kind and supportive, but not all. We have pastored large churches and there is no giant crowd cheering us on. Most people just don't get God's heart for the orphan. Oh well. Just do what He's called you to do. It's not about them anyway. It would be way more fun if they were cheering, but oh well. That's why the blog world is so important. We cheer each other on!!
It's never a disappointment to be reminded to seek God, even in the details. Some of us jsut have a hard time hearing him speak. We are either out of practice, or have never listened. It's nice to hear from someone who knows not only his voice, but also his accent. 🙂 Thanks for the reminders.
Actually your comment made me well with tears.
I am so humbled about hearing His voice because I remember all too well the heartache and abuse growing up…and all the long, desperately painful through-the-nights-laying awake… when the only one I had to cry out to was Him and He heard and He began to answer me as a young girl…I can't remember exactly, but I probably first heard His voice when I was about 8. As I look back, I clearly marvel that the God of the universe would care about me, broken. In my youthful mind, I had nothing of value to "offer" to the King of Kings. {Of course we know He only wants a willing life, but you know what I mean?}
Before too long I read in my quiet time about fasting and decided to put that into practice so I could know Him better…..and He has faithfully spoken since that time. Yes, I even know "His accent"…but trust me, it comes out of years of practice…and I am always reminded of what He says, "Draw near to Him and He WILL draw near to us." He speak to each one who will press into knowing Him. Isn't that amazing?
I am in awe every single time He speaks.
Yesterday I was driving down the road. I needed to get home from a doctor's appt with one of the kids. But there was also something that I truly needed. I needed it to be a deal as well. All of a sudden He reminded me that a Goodwill was on the way {I never take this road}…but I said, "I know there is a Goodwill there, but will I find what I need?" {And yes, it was a true need.}
I felt Him say, "Yes"…But again, I said, "Really? It's really there? {This is not something that would be easy to find, anywhere.} Again He said, "You will find it there." I dashed in. And sure enough, sitting there, perfectly made for us. I was beside myself. Dw couldn't believe it.
He is such a miraculous God!! xo
I don't know about others, but your post was actually perfect for what my husband and I needed to hear. When others around us seem to be having success by doing "this thing" or "that thing" and encouraging us to do the same, we sometimes feel like we're the odd man out. God hasn't given us someone else's story. He works with each of us differently. It was such an encouraging reminder to stop and ask Him. At lunch today we were talking about Part 3, and I said it was kind of like the whole "Stop, drop, and roll" advice they tell you if your clothes catch fire. When faced with trying to figure out which way to go, we were so encouraged by the admonition to "stop, ask, wait". We tend to worry or get discouraged. But being reminded to first look to the One who loves us most and go straight to Him was exactly what we needed to hear.
I am glad it ministered to your souls. Yes, it was kind of a stop, drop and roll kind of post. But I did sense that some were disappointed…it is much more fun to have someone quickly say, "Do 'xyz' and you will have a windfall of money"…haha. Life just hasn't worked like that – at least not mine! But this adventure is so much more exciting. IMagine, the master of the Universe wants to speak to each of us, personally, knowing our deepest longings, fears, heartache, joys, so His 'word' for each of us is as individual as our need. LOVE THAT!! xo
We are adopting two boys from China with cleft issues, they will be our 11 and 12th children. We thought we had the money but then everything went wrong with the house (and still is not all fixed). Now we are looking at travel in January and no money. I am prayerful and feeling so helpless to change this. Like so many others, I dont see the thousands needed coming from a yard sale of our old junk. Would appreciate prayer. Also, we are older than you and Dw by about a decade, sometimes we think we must be crazy…tapping all our resources to bring kids home. Thank you for this wonderful inspiring blog…it keeps me going.
So excited that you are 10 years older and still doing it. We will be too, Lord willing. We both feel that there are at least 5 more kiddos in our future…we'll see…I think 6. =)
We are adopting two boys from China with cleft issues, they will be our 11 and 12th children. We thought we had the money but then everything went wrong with the house (and still is not all fixed). Now we are looking at travel in January and no money. I am prayerful and feeling so helpless to change this. Like so many others, I dont see the thousands needed coming from a yard sale of our old junk. Would appreciate prayer. Also, we are older than you and Dw by about a decade, sometimes we think we must be crazy…tapping all our resources to bring kids home. Thank you for this wonderful inspiring blog…it keeps me going.
Linny…God is using you in big ways for me right now. Big ones; I often do not want to wait, even though we have been waiting. 🙂 We were in process for a year and half to adopt from Ethiopia again,and the Lord steered us elsewhere. We are "ready" in so many ways for our next adoption but we have to raise 28k before we can apply to agencies here in the states, and well so many other life changing things we are doing. My arms ache for more, and I am so glad you are writing these posts at this time.
Carrie, my sweet friend, Rest. Pray. Fast. Listen. Wait. He will provide. He will. He always does. Sometimes at the last second…that's why we named Him many years ago: Jehovah of the Last Second. Then in 2008 we thought the last second had expired…but He still showed up, so we named Him, "Jehovah of Over-Time"…He is faithful. He can be trusted. Rest. Pray. Fast. Listen. Wait. He.Will.Answer.
Not gonna lie. Your post filled me with sadness and remorse as I realized the possibility that we failed on this one. We stepped out to adopt our latest in faith, recognizing that we didn't have the funds. We marveled and rejoiced and praised God each time money was found, earned or given. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of others. Our process was expedited because of our child's special need. Suddenly our travel approval was here and we were still short the funds, so we just borrowed the money and went. I didn't feel that God had let us down, I didn't really stop to think about it much at all – we just hurried and left, figuring we would sort everyone out when we came home. But after reading your post I am seeing that we didn't follow through on our end – our approval came, and I don't think I stopped for one second to ask God when He wanted us to travel or otherwise gave Him an opportunity to show Himself to us. We just packed up and went without any real contemplation. And now our finances are complicated, and I am sad about that. Perhaps at this point the best thing is just to ask for forgiveness and mercy, and pray that He will help us find a way to rectify our mistake . . .Of course, the one really big bright spot is that we will get to do this while holding our precious treasure in our arms 🙂
Listen girlfriend, He is faithful. He is merciful. Get together with your hubby, talk. Then get on your knees and ask Him to forgive you and show you the way out of the debt. He IS trustworthy and He will help you get out. There are always consequences…and sometimes the worst consequence is our remorse and heartache {at least that's what we've found}.
I eluded to something we did recently that seriously, we are kicking ourselves. We've knelt and asked Him to forgive us for rushing ahead…but we have are dealing with our hastiness and failure to ASK Him.
So don't think for a second that it can't happen to Dw and I. It has nothing to do with adoption, but none-the-less so stinkin' stupid. I said to Dw, "Look at this silver hair {while grabbing a chunk on the side of my head}…how is it that with this color hair we are still learnin' this lesson?" UGH. UGH. UGH.
He will take care of you and He will take care of us. But in the meantime, recognizing our stupidity makes us sympathetic to others, right?
A big hug from Phoenix heading your way! xo
Just a quick note to say your post wasn't a disappointment to me. I love to hear what God has to say to us through you. Thank you for being willing to be used! And for being so obedient. And please, remember God has forgiven you for your mistake – so don't beat yourself up over this. We're all a "work-in-progress".
God Bless you and Dw for all you do!