Be The Voice

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves”
 Proverbs 31:8a  niv

Every night, without exception, my little ones come to me….
and the question is always the same:

“Mommy are you going to tuck us in tonight?”

I never thought much about it, but more recently I curiously stopped to wonder aloud,

“Hey guys, please tell me, why do you always ask me that each night?  I tuck you in every single night that I am home.  Of course, I am coming to tuck you in.  I always do.  I never miss, unless I am not home {which is seldom}.  Why do you always ask me when you know my answer will be the same as it was yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that?”

But no one had an explanation.  

My question was just met with five blank stares.

And then one day it dawned on me.

I could not believe I had been so slow to figure it all out.

I felt foolish not realizing sooner…..

For years each of them had lay alone in the darkness waiting for someone to care.

Waiting for a someone to call their own.

Waiting for someone to reassure them that they belong.

 Waiting for someone to take them in their arms.

Waiting for someone to whisper how much they are loved.

Watching others go.

Waiting for their turn.


And waiting.

And waiting.

Looking for someone to come just for them…

Waiting for their very own Mom.

And no matter how long they have been home, 
they want to be certain that that is not going to change.


Their mom is coming.  
She loves them.  
She calls them by name.  
She will respond to their needs. 
She will hug them when they are lonely.  
She will comfort them when they are scared.  
Their very own mom.



Belonging: Together.

Today is Orphan Awareness Sunday.

Please join International Voice of the Orphan
Be the Voice
for those who have cannot speak for themselves….

Anywhere between 150,000,000 and 165,000,000 waiting.
Will someone come for me?
Will I have someone to tuck me in at night?

Be the Voice

Together we can make a difference.

Because everyone deserves a family.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.”
Proverbs 31:8a  niv

22 thoughts on “Be The Voice

  1. I was at church today talking with someone when her daughter realized that Sarah was MY daughter. She said, "Oh, is she yours?" I said, "Yes, she's mine," as I hugged Sarah. Then Sarah said, "I'm yours." It made my heart smile–she's only been here for seven months, but she has the assurance that she belongs to us. How appropriate that this sweet moment happened on Orphan Sunday. 🙂 Thank you again, Linny, for keeping precious orphans before our eyes and reminding us of all the ways we can love them.

  2. What a BEAUTIFUL POST! On face book I am posting children who need a home. Available through an agency. Thank You Jesus for people who love the orphan. Janet

  3. Thank God for people who care enough to be their voice!!! Thank you God for people who step out in faith and make the leap to adoption. Thank you for teaching others to encourage others to do the same! I want to be the voice of the orphan more each and every day!!!

  4. I love you and I love your Blogs I hope your hospital stay went OK last week. Still praying. Loved your POST. I cant wait till Adam get to go on MISSION trip with your family I know his life will be forever changed. SO EXCITED for him one day. Blessings Anne

  5. I hear the same thing daily, too! LOVE IT!!
    Our blog is soley dedicated to National Adoption Month this year. Check it out…make a comment & we'll make a donation to our agency in hopes of helping other children BELONG to their OWN family!

  6. Orphan Sunday this year was extra special for our church body. A small group of us introduced our Orphan Ministry Hope 1:17 ( Isaiah 1:17) as we are all called to care. We shared with our church body our hearts and our entire service was dedicated to Adoption and orphan care. The Spirit was moving!! Strangely ( or maybe not so strangely) I lost my voice over the weekend, had absolutley no voice!! And my dear friend had a horrible stomach virus and could not eat for days! And then it hit us on Orphan Sunday…. the orphan has no voice, every day, and many of their days they go with out food. The Lord had us in the middle of this experience for a couple reasons I think. One, to remind us that HE can do all this(launch an orphan ministry) with out us, as it's not about what we came up with, it's all about HIM. And two, our weekend physical expereince was only a small taste of what is happening to countless precious ones! What a day! God be glorified! And we can't wait to see what HE has planned!!

  7. Just wanted to say I hear my Mom say the same thing about my adopted brothers. They want to know about being tucked in every night. And every day they ask what they're doing the next day.

    Thursday DH and I attended our first class for the adoption/foster program. We filled out our applications and initial back-ground check paperwork. We're so excited to start this journey.

  8. Ohhh… catching up here after missing several days, and I just have to say the picture of Ruby's smile at the end…. beautiful, simply beautiful! That alone really says it all!!

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