Sort of a Cinderella Story…But Looking for the Prince

Recently I was telling one of my little ones that once upon a time
Mommy and Daddy would be driving down the street and find something
set out for the garbage that was screaming our name.

I explained a bit how back in the old days everyone used small
metal containers to set their trash out.  The lids were lost in no time
and so everything stuck out, not to mention things were allowed to
be set beside the cans, because sanitation workers would walk the streets
 picking up the cans and hand carrying them to the truck.

Nowadays the giant square plastic receptacles put a real crimp in
 those sweet ol’ garbage pickin’ days…




Unless the can is peeking open because someone stuffed too many
white garbage bags in it…

And as the Lord, who saw a need on the other side of the world had
yours truly riding her bicycle {and vowing to no longer text and ride}
notices out of the corner of the eye a flash of red.

Bright red.


What in the world was that?

After debating for a bit in my head which was the better idea:
Turn around and take a second peek or go home and get the car,
I opted to turn my bike around I cruise slowly by.

And there I saw it, a bright red sneaker
that looked to be in perfectly brand new shape.

Cruising down a bit, I began to wonder….
was there even a second shoe?

Should I cruise by again?

Maybe I should just go get the car.

At that point I heard the garbage trucks in the distance.
Time was running out.

I confess I was a bit embarrassed.  After all, I was just laying on the sidewalk/curb 
in a heap a week earlier and I am really shy down deep, 
not to mention it was broad daylight, 
a bit cooler weather translating into 
everyone and their dog were out walking the streets.
{Of course they were.}  


I was beginning to feel like I was stalking a gargantuan
green garbage can.

After the third time by I spotted the match on the opposite side of
 the can under a bunch of stuff.  {Don’t people understand the importance of
 making it convenient to garbage pick?}

Fourth trip by I stopped and lifting the lid I snagged the one and quickly moved the contents on the right to get the second shoe out.

Then I actually smelled them both.

Awwww, come on…don’t harass me….who would want to drag them home when perhaps a feline critter had used them for a potty spot? 

But they smelled delightful {all things considered}.

On a humorous note, with my right foot on the curb as I was attempting
to balance my cell phone in my one hand and balance the weight of these
size 14 big boys…and balance my own self…all of a sudden I heard the familiar


The sound of their garage door opener lifting their garage door……

About that time my face was matching the shoes so maybe I blended
right into the shoes….as I took off at lightening speed….giggling
and having a small hot-flash for full effect….

{On another note, as most of you know, Liberty is my riding buddy.  She happened not to have come along this particular day.  As I told her the story, she was thoroughly mortified at the thought, until I told her about the garage door opening to which she replied:
“I would have been whispering: Let’s just go!!!  Leave ’em, leave ’em, leave ’em!!”}  

A jolly green giant size 14 made them heavy, cumbersome, bulky and
the last thing I wanted to do was to fall again, I prayed as I rode,
“Please help me not to fall again.”

I was giddy with thankfulness as I rode toward home, getting to be the conduit to taking these extra special shoes to someone extra special.  

They are perfect.


“One of a kind” type…{on Ebay they are anywhere from $150 on up}

After a few streets I whispered the most important question of all to the Lord,

“Who are they for?”

I think He whispered “who” but we will see as the team I am
leading gets to Africa in a few days.

I guess we could say it’s kind of like a reverse Cinderella story…

Trying to find an African Prince who perfectly fits into the
snazzy, bright red size 14…..cause I’m pretty certain this young prince is
going to be tickled to pieces with his sweet ‘new’ walkin’ “slippers”.

One thing I am certain of:

They aren’t for Emma.

Cause ummm, she wears a size 6.


8 thoughts on “Sort of a Cinderella Story…But Looking for the Prince

  1. Someone just threw them out? Wow…so glad you were able to rescue them!

    I might just suggest wiping the inside soles with disinfectant, you never know if someone might have some yucky toe fungus…

  2. That's funny you're sharing your story about picking up shoes from a trash can… a few days ago, the same day that Chuck slipped and fell, hurting his arm… we had to cancel our walk and go back home… on the way home we passed by this dumpster in our home area and there was a nice futon frame, we decied to take it and put it on Craigs list, and it ended up that we got $25 for it 🙂

    I hope the African prince's feet will delight in the soft spongy Nikes shoes, a real treat from going barefeet. May the Lord direct you to the guy! 😀

  3. What a great haul! As the saying goes " one's trash is another's treasure". During college days, I used to "dumpster-dive" when the rich kiddos graduate and depart forever from campus. Among the many significant treasures, was a complete wooden bed frame bed with an attached book case. It was in excellent shape. Best, Jennie

  4. Linny, one day when you're flying via London I would love to meet you at the airport and buy the team a coffee. Its the only way I can think that I'll ever get to give you a hug in real life!

  5. Sweet Linny! What a wonderful, precious story! Thanks for sharing!!!! I'm praying for the African prince who will get the shoes because of your bravery! Love you! Annalisa

  6. Oh Linny, You had me laughing to tears again. Almost as much as the wrong door in the gym . . . need I say more? lol
    What a perfect find for the big guy in Africa. I will not be surprised if they are a perfect fit!

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