That Miraculous Moment

Raising medically fragile treasures has moments that, once upon a time,  were not even imagined.

But our miraculous God is always at work and even when time passes, He shows up with a long-prayed for miracle and it is just the giggliest-joy ever!!

For years we have prayed that Ruby could talk.  I mean – talk!

She does say about 6 or 7 words.  But our prayer has been that she can really converse!

And so, yesterday Ruby had been up super early.  She’d eaten her breakfast and hung around as one by one her brothers and sisters came to the kitchen.  She watched as they ate their breakfast and was happy to nibble a bit more herself.

But eventually she started seeming kinda’ grumpy and I guessed that she wanted out of her wheelchair and to lay down on the floor.  Questioning her I asked, “Did you want to lay down Ruby?”

Elijah rolled Ruby about 20 feet to the family and proceeded to get a blanket out for Ruby to lay down on.

Most of us were around and I was heading over to actually lift her out…when all of a sudden, perfectly clear she said,

“Get me out!”

We all shrieked with delight as she grinned from ear to ear!

Her first sentence!!

Three words put together appropriately spoken.

Need a miracle?

We have a big God who is absolutely, positively full of miracles!!

He doesn’t just have a few, nor does He only do them for extraordinary people  – He has an endless supply!!


I texted Ruby’s neurosurgeon to tell him.  His text back started with, “You just gave me goosebumps!!….”

Faithful God.

Moving so beautifully on behalf of our sweet little jewel.

May Ruby’s continued miracles give you hope!!

[Cause some said she would never do anything.]

35 thoughts on “That Miraculous Moment

  1. So, so awesome – thanks so much for sharing your answered prayers and miracles along the way. It is so incredibly life-giving and fortifying for others in this journey.

  2. Woohooo! Go God and go Ruby!!! LOVE to see Him working through your family, Linny!! Thank you for sharing so faithfully! All praise, honor and glory to our Risen King!! Hugs to sweet Ruby!!

  3. Wow! Praise God! What an amazing testimony to God’s faithfulness! And thank you for sharing all of the amazing things that God is doing! It builds up my faith to read all that He is doing!

  4. I can’t wait to read the post someday where Ruby gets up in front of a crowd and tells her inspirational story all on her own!!! Hope to be there to see that one. Go God! Go Ruby! And Go to the Saunders who weren’t afraid to say Yes!

    1. Oh man! Carrie – that would be incredible. I am sure Ruby’s fan club would be the first to jump to their feet screaming wildly!! Thank you for cheering us on!! God is so good!!

  5. I am sure mama’s prayers have been answered and I am so excited to see all that God has for her ! World get ready for Ruby girl ! 😉😊

  6. As a speech pathologist this is extra special and super encouraging news for me! Praise God! He is doing mighty things through little miss Ruby. He must have known she’d have the strength to carry through.

    1. Awww Cassie – so *you* know how miraculous this is!! She hasn’t said it since, but it’s there!! I’m telling you, it was crystal clear and we stand in awe of God’s working power!

  7. Oh my goodness!! How wonderful to read this!! G-d working wonders through Ruby, again. 🙂
    Hmm….”not going to do anything”? As my teenager would say, that prediction was an epic fail, wasn’t it? 🙂

  8. Wow!! Go Ruby!! You’re spectacular! Not only a sentence, but a sentence containing a PRONOUN used correctly! Those take most kiddos awhile to get; they confuse the me/you thing.
    Thanks for sharing this, Linny. I needed to read about a miracle. It was exactly one year ago tonight that we (crash)landed back home with our two new Gems. They’ve made so much progress but I have to look far back to compare in order to see it. Trying to focus on the progress and the positives, and not how much further we have to go.

    1. Riiiiight? It was astounding!! Only GOD!!

      As for your two new treasures…adoption is hard work and there are so many variables…I pray for continued progress and joy in the process. He is faithfully at work. Promise.

  9. Woohoo! Bravo, Ruby! — Thank you, Linny, for sharing this — and for sharing it not only to celebrate Ruby’s milestone but also to give other parents hope. I love your heart. I will continue to pray that someday my little one will also speak.

    1. Well Jennifer, I pray that God will give your little one the words…Ruby’s 3 words have not been repeated [yet!] but we know God is continuing to make her new inside! It gave us such hope! I’m telling you, if only I’d had it recorded. I really was squealing and jumping up and down…

  10. Oh precious Ruby! What a miracle you are and what hope you give to others if only they believe. I would like to ask you to pray for my niece and her unborn baby. The doctors have found a heart defect and some other issues. I am firm in my faith that God can heal this sweet baby and the all the doctors will be in disbelief. Thank you for always sharing such stories as this. It only increases my belief. Much to you all from Arkansas!

  11. It’s a good thing nobody told Ruby she wasn’t supposed to be able to do all of this! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear what her next milestone is!

  12. Just catching up after being on holiday. And what an amazing thing to read about!
    I have prayed that Ruby would make progress in amazing ways and our Amazing God knows how to do that!
    Big hugs,
    Sandy in the UK
    PS now, let’s see when are we starting to work on the attitude? 😉

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