Our New Friend – Nick Vujicic

Being the mom of several “involved” special needs treasures I often pray that I can discern what they are feeling.  Life is tricky, no doubt. But when your struggles seem apparent to everyone, it might just feel a little trickier.   So I pray a lot.  And we talk.  A lot.  Then we pray.  And we always encourage.

But sometimes even after all the talking, praying, thinking and talking some more, it just might seem hard to grasp (especially if you’ve been told things like, “You’ll ever be able to do anything”…or things like that) just how good God’s plan for you is.

As parents we want our kids to understand that God’s plans are always good for each of us and that with the power of our mighty and loving God we really, truly can do anything!!   

Not long after Vern came home I went on Amazon and looked to see what books might be available in Mandarin for him to read.  I found several, including Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic!!  I was giddy!!  Of all books to be available in Mandarin – too cool!!  So I ordered it and seriously couldn’t wait for it to arrive.

Just in case some have not heard of Nick, he is an Australian man who was born with Phocomelia – the absence of legs and arms.  His story is powerful besides having a crazy-fun sense of humor and being passionately in love with Jesus. He travels the world telling others about Jesus and always, always, always ministering to those with physical needs as well.

Well imagine my surprise when the book arrived and I found that Vern had already read Life Without Limits in China!!


Yup.  He told me some parts of the book and I was blown away.

Of course, now that Vern has his own copy he has re-read it again a few times since getting his own copy.  But I still felt it would be better-than-amazing if our handsome son Vern and all our other treasures met Nick in person.

I certainly don’t know Nick, but God does. *smile*

And so I began to pray that God, in His deep love for my treasures, would provide the opportunity to meet Nick in person.  I couldn’t wait to see how and when this would happen!! He’s just so powerful and He loves to orchestrate situations to accomplish His beautiful plan!!

To make a very long, involved story short…the Lord opened the door just this morning (through my brother Neil) for all of us to go meet Nick in a hotel suite in Buffalo before he speaks tonight.

When we told Vern he was going to meet Nick, he beamed from ear to ear (even bigger than you guys have seen him do) and said, “I so excited!”   I then asked Vern what he was going to say to Nick.  He didn’t even hesitate, “I love you so much!”

I laughed.  He has surely told us many times that he loves us, but never the “so much” part!!  Nick wins!!  (Obvi!!)

Once at the hotel and up in a suite, as Nick was wheeled in, Vern sat in disbelief, wide-eyed quietly saying, “Wooooooow!”

Nick loves.  He just does.  He has not allowed his physical struggles to steal his joy.  He loves wherever he goes.

Our time with him was amazing, beyond words.  You guys know I write and use lots of words every day, but I’m at a total beautiful loss.

I’m humbled that this precious man of God would take time to meet with our children.  He said to each of us, “Come on, come give me a hug.”  One by one, each of us hugged him. Ruby was in the back of our pile sitting in her wheelchair and Nick questioned, “Hey can you bring her over?  I want to hug her too!”  He honestly didn’t have to do that…but to this mama and her sweet little chica it meant so much.  Ruby was animated and excited!


Nick was impressed with our Mandarin to English translator app!!  Vern and Nick went back and forth in conversation.  Nick thought it was way-cool!!  He laughed and said, “Hey!! I speak Mandarin!!”

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IMG_5095IMG_8822 IMG_8823IMG_8829Vern’s holding Nick’s book written in Mandarin.  How cool is that??

You know friends, our God is faithful and good.  He loves to love and He loves to have broken-bodied people encouraged.   I am so thankful that I have pictures…cause today was just almost too-good-to-be-true!!

I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,
and I will glorify your name forever.

Psalm 86:12 esv

16 thoughts on “Our New Friend – Nick Vujicic

  1. I have seen some of Nick’s speeches and he is just an amazing man! I have seen him move a congregation of high school kids. But I am sure he felt just as honored to meet your wonderful kids as you did to meet him. So amazing that Vern read his book in China!

  2. What a joy! Thanks for sharing, again, how God orchestrates life for His glory and our good, all of our good. The first photo, with Nick leaning his head to the side as he listens to Vernon, is powerful. It’s obvious that Nick is all-in. He wants to understand Vernon and he genuinely cares for him with the sincere love of Christ Jesus. It’s a beautiful image. Christ cares for each of us like that and far beyond. Jesus is ALL-in with you, and you, and you…

  3. Praise God!!! What a blessing Nick was to your children and I’m sure God used you and your children to bless Nick too!

  4. Did he hear him speak ? Did he pray for healing for anyone? He has that gift you know. I saw him in Florida in a packed college football stadium. At the end of his AMAZING testimony, a huge crowd answered the call and came down from their seats. While they were coming down Nick prayed for healing. My back was out of alignment and I had a horrible migraine because of it. Something that happened every couple of months and I would have to see a chiropractor. At that moment, I asked Jesus to heal my lower back and I felt fingers (no heat) align my back. My migraine was immediately gone. The next day my weak back felt so strong and after almost a year now, I have never had any problems. I thank God for all the gifts he has given Nick and for the grace he showed me.

    1. Wow Carmen!! Totally our Jehovah Rapha God!! I LOVE it!! Praise His name! We didn’t get to hear him speak. It would have been wonderful, but it was not possible. We do watch YouTube videos of him!! So thankful for those and the privilege of spending about 25 minutes with him.

  5. This is just too cool BEYOND words 🙂 I too am a fan of Nick’s and have meeting him on my BUCKET LIST! I am thrilled for your family! GOD IS AWESOME! LOVE the way He answers prayers and gives us the DESIRES of our heart 🙂
    May God continue to bless your precious family!

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