Gettin’ Ready

Yesterday was such a wonderfully fun day. The kind you just hate to see end. But today, promises to be the best yet! I kept starting to cry yesterday when I would have a flash of Autumn’s hysterical phone call, the medflight chopper landing as Emma and I pulled in to the hospital parking lot…Autumn’s…

Their Shop

Isn’t it crazy how no matter the age, life repeats itself? Your kids and mine, the big ones once little, the present littles and any future littles at one time or other, go through a season of “sales”. In fact we have been laughing reminiscing with the bride-to-be and Molly about  some of the things…

Your Ideas

Ugh. Well, we can’t live feed the wedding as they are getting married in the mountains.  From what I hear the location is about 2,457 miles from civilization.  {Just kidding on the 2, 457 miles, but you get the drift…it’s in Nowhereville and there isn’t even cell service for miles.} We ARE going to try…

Do You Have An Idea?

Just nine days now till the big event of our personal world – when Autumn and Karl become officially Mr. and Mrs. One year ago we did not know if a day like this would ever be possible…. except for Faithful God. Our hearts are screaming with joy, no doubt. But I have been doing…

Speaking of Weddings….

Speaking of weddings… Last week when we were in Colorado for Autumn’s bridal shower,  Dw had the privilege of doing a wedding for a sweet young orphan loving couple named Jessie and Courtney. They had been to Uganda on a GO Team with Emmy and Dw and Jessie  actually proposed on that trip!  He got…

Her Dream Is Coming True

All Autumn ever wanted, from the time she was bite-sized was to be married and have babies.  I remember living in Virginia Beach {while Dw was in seminary} and she had just turned two years old and would ask me daily if we could go to the mall to look at the pregnant ladies.  Daily….

The Final Chapter

Yesterday Dw, the kids, the dogs and I packed up to head to Colorado. We barely stopped and had a lot of fun laughing and reminiscing.   A sweet trip over all. Little Miss Ruby did wonderful and was awake  {with the exception of a 20 minute nap} the entire trip. We are checking her…