My Last Known Fear

As I had prayed about leading the GO Team I knew the Lord had whispered that I needed to head there early, ahead of the team.   That sounded like a great idea, except for one thing.   My heart squirmed as He whispered the “early” part. Because friends, I have faced many fears and…

Oh Our Hearts

No one had any idea when we planned the GO team to come at this time that this would happen…. Minutes before Jason met Jesus.   Emma shares…. I know so many of you love, and pray for The Gem Foundation and would want to know.  Thank you in advance for your prayers. The burial will…


This is called a gem. This is known as an antique necklace full of gems. But this is the true definition of An Authentic Gem. And this is also the definition of an authentic gem. I am leading a team of women to love on the  precious hidden gems of Uganda. Would you like to…