Jubilee’s Good News

I love how some of you have an extra special spot  in your hearts for  one or another of our treasures. This post is for all the  “Jubilee Fan Club”  groupies. haha.   Jubilee definitely has a difficult time  understanding many abstract concepts {like a club of groupies who adore her}  but if she did, …

Whew. That *was* Close

Moms are usually the ones with “eyes in the back  of their head” or so it’s said. No doubt, over and over the old saying  has been proven true in our home. But what happens when Mom is out of the country? Good Question. {haha} So the word coming to us over here in Africa is …

Farmer Girl Meets City Life

I have to laugh to myself… The Lord is completely amazing. I grew up in the city,  but every single day longed for the country. After closing Dw’s law practice and heading to seminary, we eventually pastored our first church and had a beautiful rolling hilled property on 21 acres complete with vast woods, gorgeous…

20 Years Ago Today…

Twenty years ago today started out to be an average Thursday in  August.  We were pastoring in Virginia, living on 21 acres of rolling countryside in a home we had just built.  Abi was 10, Tyler was 7, Autumn nearly 4 and Emma was just 5-1/2 weeks old. I remember as I showered that morning,…

Has it Really Been a Year, Mr. Nehemiah?

There’s this crazy thing about how God works…. Ask almost anyone who has brought home a treasure through disruption and they will confirm this truth… The treasure that arrived broken, grieving, fearful, and often angry….. whose anxious eyes peered from an expressionless face… those pensive eyes, the terrified heart  and the fearful face – they…

“Mom Said.”

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the prayers for our sweet Jubilee. There has been a significant change. {I should have asked you all for prayer weeks ago.} This morning our Chin*se princess was sitting at the counter and I had given some instructions to one of her younger siblings….

Our Little Chin*se Princess

Some days it just feels too overwhelming to share  *all*  of our lives with the blog world,  not sure why,  but it just does. So I hadn’t shared that our little Chin*se Princess has been very sick. For a couple of weeks now. High fevers. The ER. Meds. Even higher fevers. Doctor visits. More high…


I was thinking about the words “well rounded”  lately. Over the years I’ve often heard people say, “We want our children to be ‘well-rounded’.”  But what in the world does that even really mean?   So glad you asked…   The definition of  “well-rounded”:   someone who is skilled, capable or knowledgeable  in a lot of…