Tag: MIssionary

You Love Big
I sure wish I could spend my days traveling the country, hugging and thanking each of you for your generous showering of love and provision for Emma and Josh! You guys are completely incredible! You all shower so well! You have loved them lavishly and Dw and I personally cannot thank you enough. For this…

The First Week

Rock Solid
I Understand Completely….
Having stared into their beautiful faces, Having held their broken bodies in my arms, completely captivated by their God-given beauty…. Having prayed over their broken bodies… Having whispered gentle words into their sweet ears…. Having heard their squeals of joy over the ordinary…. and having a little one of my own whose fragile body struggles…
Unwrapping My Secret Gift
And Her Answer Was?
Over the years of sharing my heart here, there is no doubt that those who’ve been hanging around have gotten to know our family. You’ve walked along with us through joyous seasons, days of sweet triumph and victory but also some very painful seasons. We’ve welcomed you into our lives and freely most…
Home – Just in Time
Always incredibly difficult for any of us to leave that favorite missionary of ours. The other side of the world is just so very stinkin’ far away. But then I come through the security doors and see this face…. and her sheer glee interspersed with shrieks of utter delight just melts my heart away…. {and…
From Uganda….
What a joy to be back serving beside our favorite missionary. The team is amazing…only God could have orchestrated and brought together exactly the group of ladies that were needed for this particular time in history! We have laughed together, loved together and cried together – and it’s only the second day! The days are…