We Could Use Your Help

There’s about to be a gathering together  of a sweet pile of precious gems…. and these little gems are going to be  in need of some very fun therapy tools… Mind you, this is definitely not my area of expertise,  however, being Ruby’s mommy I am learning a few terms from her therapies  and some…

There’s a Party Going On…

I’ll never forget where I was standing the first time  I heard her pray that prayer.  Tucking her into bed,  in her darkened room, that she shared with her sisters,  my little six and a half year old girl quietly spoke, “Dear Lord, Please let me be a missionary to the  orphans of Uganda when…

From Uganda….

What a joy to be back serving beside our favorite missionary. The team is amazing…only God could have orchestrated and brought together exactly the group of ladies that were needed for this particular time in history! We have laughed together, loved together and cried together – and it’s only the second day! The days are…

The Disclaimer…

Well it sounds like many of you, after reading  your comments here and on FB have been in  the same boat and are waiting for answers. I’m so very grateful that my situation encouraged  your heart and ministered to your souls.  God’s word is clear that we comfort or encourage each other by the same way…

There Are No Words

Every now and then there is an adoption rumbling – or at least that’s what I call it – when several bloggy friends meet their children all on the same day, most often in Ch*na. I know of at least three treasures who met their family today… I could hardly get my eyes open fast …

That Awkward Moment

Recently Ruby and I spent some time  in a waiting room with a bunch of other moms. It was not a place we had been before and the group was made up almost all young women  and their babies. I smiled to myself when we entered and  saw them all  sitting holding their little ones…

The Wee Hour Call…

I woke in the wee hours this morning to the sound  of my cell ringing beside me.   Caller ID said was Dw’s African number. Attempting to shake my groggy stupor and orient myself, I immediately questioned, “Is everything okay?” It was Dw’s voice that I heard on the other end of the line, “I’m so…