Mountainous Miracles – the Judge rules YES to both – at the same hearing!! Yippee Jesus!!

Finally!! It drives me buggy not having access to a computer, so I am learning patience (again!) with each step of this journey….
I have to tell you all, I have gotten such a kick out of Dw posting to my blog. He is getting so into it is almost scary. Let’s just say he hasn’t always understood my love for my bloggy friends and their support. He has hassled me (sweetly) from time to time and so have the kids! I just think God has such a sense of humor how this has all unfolded.
I had no idea that he was going to ask you guys to pray for me while I was sleeping just before getting up and going to court. No idea at all. When I awoke I had to hurry
to pack the room and get 9 pieces of luggage moved (we brought lots of stuff to give away that we have not been able to do until this court stuff was done). Anyway, Dw phoned to see how I had slept. At that point he read to me what he had posted and then he started reading many of your precious comments to me over the phone. He was bawling his eyes out and I was crying….they were so encouraging, uplifting and compassionate….we have been so humbled by them all…you guys so totally rock!!
I just somehow have this strong suspicion that Almighty God just gets such a stinkin’ kick out of the body being the body – lovin’, prayin’ and supporting each other that that is probably one of the utmost reasons we face difficulties. I think the Lord says, “Hmmmm, gonna’ act like you have it all together? Okay, I’ll allow the screws to tighten a bit more!” Before long we are screaming, “Okay! Okay!!! I will ask for prayer, I will make myself vulnerable! I will let you know that I am human and struggle with fear or worry” ….and He just loves that!! No doubt!!
As I started to say, although I had no idea that he had asked for prayer, I awoke with such peace yesteday morning. I thought, “WOW! God you are so good!” I had only slept about four hours and when I awoke I just wanted to bathe my mind in His word and spend some time in prayer. There is no doubt that you guys had been praying – thank you so much!! How faithful He is to hear the prayers of His people and move!
While waiting for the Judge the attorney’s assistant, Rebecca, said, “Don’t be surprised if she says she’s not ready and you need to come back in a few days.” Hmmm, that wasn’t all too cheery sounding to me. We waited and waited and waited some more. A marching band randomly walked down the street. No one seemed to have a clue why,
but they were fun to listen to.
Eventually the court door opened and bunch of people went in. She was obviously going to hand out all kinds of decisions. BUT she started with us!! =) She had an extremely heavy accent and spoke very quietly and even though I was only about 8 feet from her I was straining to hear her. She handed out the decision first for Elijah. I thought, “But he was supposed to be at 2:30?” At the end of her statement about Elijah she said she felt it was in his best interest to be in our custody. OH YIPPEE JESUS!! She glanced up at me and I said softly, “Thank you Your Lordship” (That’s what they call them instead of “your honor”.) She nodded. Then she went into reading Elizabeth’s. I have to say, I had such peace – because of your prayers! When she finished with Elizabeth’s I could hardly wait to run out of the somber room and squeal YIPPEEE JESUS!! And yes, I lifted my hands to heaven and started praising. Hey, multiple times a day the Muslim mosque screams stuff about “Allah and Africa” for the entire city to hear….so me lifting my hands and praising the ONLY true God – was definitely more than appropriate!
We needed something to celebrate so Tony took us to a place that had REAL coffee (and absolutely delightful chocolate cookies)- – – – ahhhh – talk about celebrating – it was so yummy!! Our oldest Abigail Skyped me with her hubby Ryan. I asked her if she had seen the pictures of the babies on my blog?? She said, “Mommy, I have been refreshing the page about every 10 minutes!” Sweet big sister she, too, is smitten! I could tell by their voices that they were just as elated as me. Abby told me that if the courts had said, “no” to either
she and RyRy were going to take the other.
*tears welling* -Ah yes, we family do stick together!!
kids thought I was smiling so much at the coffee placethat there should be a picture (told ya’ my face might just freeze like this!)

telling Elijah Muller that I really am going to be his mama!!
Elijah and Elizabeth celebrating…

Elizabeth Mercy – our precious miracle baby girl….(I always wanted a thumbsucker – how cute is that?? – with FINALLY 9 kids in the bunch – its about time I got one!!!!)…Even the workers have been commenting…..there is NO DOUBT that Elijah and Elizabeth know that I am their mama…they pretty much ignore everyone else – they only want me. I snuck in just after 7am this morning and I was looking for Elijah. They were giving baths and there were dozens of little brown bodies in the dimly lit room, and all of a sudden there were little arms wrapped around my legs – he had found me!! =) I scooped him up and soon Elizabeth was wrapped around my legs…….I have been telling them both “I love you!” and she finally said, “I love you!” back to me….she has such a precious little voice. Elijah is saying several English words and today at the party for the Baby Orphanage that was hosted by British Airways and the Sheraton Hotel he saw some balloons and immediately said, “alloons”…I was pretty impressed!! By the way, Babe, we need “alloons” in the house when we get there – he will be so tickled!! There are so many things I want to tell all of you….I am going to try to get someone to escort us back from the computer down to the orphanage later tonight. I have taken several pictures of kids here at the baby home….many, many, many need homes and I am praying over them that God would send families that love Jesus to take them. I am praying with furor, so brace yourself!! =) Infact, last night I only slept again about four hours and then was awake. I was praying for many of you by name. I was praying for the needs I know of: Gracie’s healing, Sydney’s healing, Phoebe being set free, “Grace’s” adoption, Rett’s twins (and future kids – hint-hint), etc., etc., and I was praying that some of you would come to Uganda with Dw and find your treasures. Anyway, I have to run down and see my sweet babies and help them eat dinner and then bathe them and help get all the other little ones ready for bed. Much love to all of you from Uganda, Africa….xo

20 thoughts on “Mountainous Miracles – the Judge rules YES to both – at the same hearing!! Yippee Jesus!!

  1. Rach and I are so happy for you and your family..and I gotta say that I am totally happy that DW has gotten the bug for blogging:o) My testosterone totin Redneckness was being seriously challenged by my enjoyment of posting on Rach’s blog. Welcome to the brotherhood, ERrrr (sisterhood)??? DW. would this be considered gettin in touch with our feminine side???LOL

  2. i am so happy for you and all of your blessings.
    and i want to thank you and dwight for your blog. i’ve been a Christian for 8 years and have recently been lacking that fire for the Lord. Reading your blogs (and many of the blogs of your blogging buddies) has helped reignite my passion for Him. I long for people to see Him when people look at me.
    Thank you for your faith and your passion and your trust; it’s contagious and uplifting. Most of my free time has been spend in prayer since you’ve been in Africa and it has greatly impacted my relationship with Him and with others. I know many of us were praying that you would impact the people their and show them God, you have also acheived that stateside. Thanks again.

  3. AWESOME….Okay, I’m bawling into my coffee again! I am speechless, which doesn’t happen that often. So thrilled for you all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, for the updates, I was seriously stalking you guys last night just waiting for an update! DW, I love your idea about the book, my hubby even thought that was hilarious and so true. We both commented how we would love to be sitting in your congregation to hear your message tomorrow. I am sure you will even more inspired than before! Linn, as always, YOU ARE MY HERO! You know you probably have every woman following your blog wanting to move to Durango!

    Blessings my friends,


  4. Hey my dearest most awesome friend and amazing inspiration. It's so good to hear your story telling again. We were all thrilled to hear the news Miss Linn. I keep telling my husband to read your blog and he did. I am preparing him daily… someday miss Linn.. someday. You have inspired me… encouraged me.. showed me that God will do anything to bring orphans home to the families who love them. It's a big deal. The plight of the orphan is HUGE… and at the very heart of our Lord. I am blown away by you girl. Give those babies a hug from me. Don't worry… we'll make sure we have plenty of "alloons" for E & E. Love you can't wait to give you a big hug and to my "happy dance" for you. 🙂 lv, jen k

  5. YAY GOD!

    I am so stinkin’ excited for you and your family! God has blessed you with so much! Thank you for sharing your helping with us!

    I warned my husband (he read your post too) that when Linny prays for you by name that big things happen! Thank you so much for praying for our girls and our future kiddos. It means so much. We are praying as a family about the pictures you’re going to bring home for us to see. We’re also praying about the trip in June. God united us across the miles for a reason, Linny. I can’t wait to see how He is going to use this friendship!

    Sending you hugs and prayers from corn country!

  6. I am over the top excited for you! Robert asked me last night, “how long does it take to adopt form Uganda?” Maybe another seed is planted here too! he is ready to start for number 9. We need to talk when you get home and settled!

    Loving you from California!

  7. See Linny, already people are starting to answer your prayers. These children are lucky to have you as their advocate. God so knows what he is doing!!! I run to my computer every chance I get… when I’m not getting ready for our trip to China!!!!!

  8. Oh Linn, to see a post on my blog from you in UGANDA…to “hear” your excited voice about your babies…what a way to wake up today! I keep finding myself saying, “Thank you, Jesus! Those precious babies have just become a part of the most loving family!” Chris and the kids and I keep saying to each other, “This is SUCH a Yippee Jesus day!” Big Big smiles all around. The prayers continue…with much love, Amy

  9. Through the tears I type.. Praise the one and only one true God. I love you from afar. Prayers continue for journeys mercies home! Enjoy each moment across the globe! Next stop….. CHINA BABY!

  10. Yay! Just wanted to chime in and say congratulations once again! We are so happy for you here in Ohio (where it is 20 degrees and snowing)! You are amazing and a true treasure; I can tell even though I have never met you. I hope that you write a post (when you are back and somewhat settled) about the adoption process and requirements and such from Uganda. We know China, but nothing else. My husband even asked about Ugandan adoption today, as he read your post over my shoulder. Anyway, have a truly amazing experience as you preach tomorrow; we’re excited to hear all about it! God bless you and your babies (all of them!), and Dw, too!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in Ohio

  11. Oh my goodness, tears of JOY! how can anyone doubt that the LIVING GOD exists???? I just don’t get it! He is ALIVE and WELL and just longing to spoil His children. The thing that stands out the MOST for me after reading and following your journey over the last few days is how much God LOVES orphans—how many mountains He will move to see them in a family. Unbelievable. All He waits for is the “YES LORD-SEND ME!” Your lives are just a beautiful testimony to the lengths that God will go to to get each and every child in a family. Thank you for reminding me of that—that obedience is the key! Your children are absolutely precious. Thank you for allowing me to follow your journey, it has been such a privilege.
    Praying that Linn’s message to the Ugandan people is straight from the heart of God—delivered with grace and love. I have a feeling she’ll have the best time 🙂 I am South African and know that the hearts of the African people are so open to TRUTH!
    PS Sorry so long 🙂

  12. What an amazing journey Linn!!! I am blessed to read your words, see your photos and anticipate the next step! May God continue to be with you and I will be praying for you! God bless you all, Lisa C.

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