Has it Really Been a Year, Mr. Nehemiah?

There’s this crazy thing about how God works….
Ask almost anyone who has brought home a treasure
through disruption and they will confirm this truth…
The treasure that arrived
and often angry…..
whose anxious eyes
peered from an expressionless face…

those pensive eyes, the terrified heart 
and the fearful face – they all melt slowly over time, 
as they begin to understand 
that they are deeply loved 
fiercely wanted

And suddenly, without warning, each treasure begins to believe
the words whispered over and over and over….
We want you no matter what, 
we love you forever
we’re in this for the long haul 
we really, truly, can’t imagine life without you.
And actually, quite honestly, we can’t 
even remember
a time when you weren’t part of us.
We would never, 
want to go back 
to pre-you in our family.  
Because you were made for us and
we were made for you.
Although your journey to home was long and painful, 
it was a necessary road,
to get you to where God intended you to be…

And together forever we will praise 
the name of the Lord  – –

eternally grateful that in His mighty plan
we got to be do life, 
as family.”

Breakfast in bed on a pretend birthday to make up for so many missing birthdays…


Nehemiah Judson 

It is unanimous that your


and more brothers….
and even a precious sis-in-love…
A bunch of sweet sisters thrown in the pile…
{who each adore you to pieces}
{and miss you like crazy}

And, oh yeah, more brothers.

And another [faraway] sister with a miracle husband…

We all need you Nehemiah.

No doubt, your smile evidences 
that your name is prophetic.
Nehemiah:  God comforts
It’s a privilege we didn’t deserve…
That we wouldn’t trade for anything….
Home one year today.

We celebrate the goodness of Almighty God that He would
allow this precious son to be ours.
Easy going.
Tender hearted.
Great sense of humor.
Almost daily Nehemiah will call to me
in his roughly pieced together English…
“You the best mom!”
My heart leaps each time he says it
and I will never, ever take his precious words for granted.
Nehemiah’s ours and he fits like a glove.
He’s exactly where he was intended by the Lord to be:
*Home Forever* 

26 thoughts on “Has it Really Been a Year, Mr. Nehemiah?

    1. Doesn't he just look sooo sweet? Truly, we couldn't imagine him without us. He's a little lovey. Totally. I think some times some are hoping it's a horrible time and rough and miserable….yes, there was a rough day…but that was it…and he's just genuine…and he talks about his abandonment {which he remembers well as he was older} and still LOVES. He's amazing.

  1. What a beautiful post! I haven't adopted through disruption, but I almost did disrupt one of my adoptions this past year. He wasn't attaching with me, he didn't even attach to my husband when my hubby was alive. He'd been with us two years and his behavior was becoming nearly unmanageable and down-right scary. I had no husband here to help me. However, what I did have was the absolute, 100% knowledge that this child was supposed to be mine. God showed me before we adopted him in a very, very clear way. So I tenaciously hung on for dear life. Then we traveled to Colorado to an attachment treatment therapy program and after just two sessions of addressing the pain and trauma of his past, he was a different child. Unlike some attachment therapy books I had read which were more about behavior modification, I learned that the behavior would change when the trauma began to be healed. I am SO very thankful to God for the miracle that took place this spring. I am so glad that I held on to the belief he was meant to be my son.

    Doesn't it just make you so excited to anticipate what these treasures are going to do for the Lord and the world? It's like they have been brought out of Egypt and the Lord has a plan to use them to change the world and I get a front row seat in the action.

    1. Oh Kimberlie. I bet I know which one and I bet I remember the journey to him…and look what love did? Stuck it out…got some help…and look what happened. I would love to do a post about it all one day…email me…would you? APlaceCalledSimplicity@yahoo.com You would be the perfect one for sticking it out and from the vantage point that it's not always easy-peasy, but it is possible and God *is* able.

    1. susan,
      I don't know that Nehemiah really can understand the concept of 'around the world" yet…BUT I do know that he will understand the concept of people loving him and praying for him. And truly, you have no idea how comforting it is to know that people pray for our family. Seriously. I *know* the power of prayer and I am so grateful for you and others who love our family enough to pray for us. Some day I *will* hug your neck.

  2. Hey Nehemiah,
    I was praying for a bunch of kids last night and then I started praying for you..I know that you are not one of the sick kids I was praying for, but the Lord must nave laid you on my heart for a reason….And today I read the blog and it has been a year since you became part of your family…Oh how sweet you must be…that fantastic smile and those sparkling eyes….You are loved a ton…
    Just wanted you to know that I was praying for you last night…
    Love from NC

    1. Wow Sandy, that's amazing. Yes, indeed. It's his one year anniversary. Please pray that he will understand the Love of God and the idea that the God of the universe desires a personal relationship with him. He is such a love. I wish all my bloggy friends could hang out with my kids…they are amazing…so thankful I get to be their mama.

  3. Wow happy , happy day. I don't even think words can do this justice. This place continues to bless me and I am praying for your sweet boy and all those cute brothers and sisters. Love it is all that is needed. Hey sweet lady if you would be kind enough to email me I will get this special blessing to you….I really want to get it to you soon. Love

    1. UGH. I was going to totally try to call you before I left. I'm currently at 38,000 feet somewhere over the pacific northwest…but every stinkin' time I think of calling, it's 9ish PM here and that means midnight where you are. UGH. UGH. UGH. Maybe I can call tomorrow morning? I will try. Promise. Love to you!! xoxoxo

    2. Oh no worries if we miss each other lets try to set up a time and I will stay up so the 9 thing won't be a big deal. Otherwise I am going to have to plan a visit to you haha. Actually that would be the best thing ever. Hope this week is amazing, writing and spending time with your crazy talented son. Tell him I bought his cover song and I have been playing it in my classes I teach.

  4. That was a beautiful post, Linny, I can't help but wonder, why is it that some adoptions were disrupted in the first place, but ended up happily with another family like yours? Is it the plan of the Lord that the disruption happens in the first place so that the first grieving family should not feel they are to be blamed? Is it ok to disrupt an adoption in the first place? I can't help but read Kimberlie and your comment and wonder about this. Loved how Nehemiah has transformed, was it due to counselling or just plain love at home with lots of praying, inviting God to be a part of the transformation? Just wondering. 🙂 Hope Emma is doing alright in Uganda with angels all around protecting her and the Lord leading her every step 😀

  5. Those are life changing, heart softening words which he will love to hear forever. What a joyful addition you are, Nehemiah! We, also, are so thankful to see your delight in being a Saunders. Love to each of you!

  6. I don't know how I found you (this blog) but I am sure glad I did!
    Tears of joy are running down my face. The love you have for Nehemiah and ALL your children has touched me.

    I am celebrating with all of you, too!

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