Deemed Impossible???

Well little Miss Ruby was partying for 3.5 hours in the night and so I seized the very real opportunity to   spend some time praying and pondering about sharing today. And in the dark of night, with our little miracle squealing and shrieking so flamboyantly that I had to close the window concerned that our…


Okay, so I don’t do parties well. Actually throwing a party makes me nervous.   I’m not a Pinteresty kind of gal and the whole thing intimidates me. But, a few months ago I began to think about Dw’s  upcoming birthday – his  60th!! And it’s not every day  my hunka hunka burnin’ love  has…

Rock Solid

Well the Bossman and Liberty have returned home Liberty was gone just about 3 months… the beauty of online schooling!! The kids were thrilled to see her. I mean. They have barely let her out of their sight as evidenced by what it looked like as I sat down to do Bible with them yesterday…