Not One Person

Ever thought about loving on some little treasures? Like this little guy? Or maybe this one? Or some of these little treasures? Or these two sweet little girls? Or maybe this little one with penetrating eyes? or how about her? Or this sweet treasure? Or how about serving alongside  our family’s favorite {and not ashamed…

This Girl

As the time here is drawing to a close, it is with a true pain in my heart  that I think of leaving. After the team left there was a night I  just couldn’t sleep, much was on my mind. Maybe I was groggy,  but every few minutes I would count  how many days remained…


While the team was here a few days ago, one of the woman had a very clear word.  It wasn’t necessarily something that would be considered a “normal” word.  Yet, it resonated in my heart in a huge way.  I knew God was whispering something.  It kept ringing in my ears…. Within days Almighty God…

This Sunday I Am…

thanking the Lord for the privilege of  turning on my water faucet for a drink or for a shower or to do the dishes or to do laundry…. And I am also repenting for not realizing  I need to do it everyday… This trip my heart has been broken over and over… I don’t think…

He Asked Us Just One Thing….

Personally speaking, today was, without a doubt,  one of my most favorite days in my entire life. I admit, I cried buckets of tears. Literally, my eyes had a steady stream flowing non-stop, as though someone had turned on a water spicket… such an honor and joy mixed with  incredible heartache.  I am still processing…

Back on the Home Front

I appreciate all of you who have been praying for things on the home front, as well as here,  while I have the privilege of spending time with some of the sweetest treasures on earth over here on the other side of  the world. Sincerely, thank you. Graham wrote me this morning and sent along…

Only God Could Do This…

This GO Team trip had something happen  that has left us giggling from the absurdity of it all. The other day we were out in the village ministering  that International Voice of the Orphan  has served. So this particular day we had helped do wash, later playing games, had lunch,  then had a sweet time of sharing…