Pixilated Joy

That Ruby girlfriend woke me up a few hours ago.  I always try to guess what time it might be.  I thought it was probably around 5:30am.  She was pretty restless and feverish so I got up to get her a bottle of ice water {her favorite – brrrr!}. It turns out it was 2:50am……

When There Are No Words

When we were moving to Phoenix, Emma prayed earnestly that God would bring her a deaf friend.  She  wanted very much to use the sign language she already knew and improve it drastically.  She was convinced that  God was going to bring her children who couldn’t hear and she wanted to be much more experienced…

A True Love Story

When Emma, Graham and I were in Africa to bring Elizabeth and Elijah home we would go to use the computers lined up at the guest house we were staying at. I would look over and see Emma typing away, smiling as she tipped her head to one side and then the other. “Who are…

The Gem Shower!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you sweet bloggy friends! The Gem Foundation Shower was such a joy! The anticipation was in the air from Gems to Nannies….the  kids loved their presents. Those who gave backpacks awhile back will be happy to know that some left from back then were used to bless these precious Gems…

A Poem: Two Little Fellas…

 Walking through The Gem Foundation one day…. A little fella was a’screaming away.   Nap time should be kinda quiet ya’ know, But Caleb had something he desperately needed though…. Both legs in casts and unable to move, twist or bend, Oh me.  His head by-golly needed to get to the other end, Scream, scream…

Oh Our Hearts

No one had any idea when we planned the GO team to come at this time that this would happen…. Minutes before Jason met Jesus.   Emma shares…. I know so many of you love, and pray for The Gem Foundation and would want to know.  Thank you in advance for your prayers. The burial will…

Where’d Ya Go?

When I began writing our Place Called Simplicity, I meant it to be a journal to my family.  Just a place to share my thoughts about the people I love, the miracles we have seen God work and the things I am most passionate about.   Never would I have dreamed, not even in a…