Our “Social Butterfly”

Our littlest princess continues to amaze everyone who knows her story…

Listen to this:

The other day we were able to head to our state fair…{Dw found on the AZ Fair website that one specific day they allowed anyone coming in between noon and 1:00pm to enter for free, how cool is that?  So off to the fair we went!}

We were barely inside the gates when the smells and sounds hit us….

Thousands of people everywhere, talking, calling to each other, laughing, giggling….

I looked down and instantly Ruby started doing {her version} of the sign for “friend”.

I could not believe my eyes.

She was surely asking me,
“Who are these people mom?  Are they our friends?  Where are we, Mom?”

Every Sunday I tell Ruby we are going to church I tell Ruby that “we are going to worship and we will see our friends too!”  Clearly Ruby knew that we were not at church, but was, no doubt, wondering, “Who are these people?”

We were amazed!

Ruby’s version of “friend”

I explained to Ruby that we were at the fair, and although there were many people and many would be friends, I really didn’t know anyone to introduce her to.  I began to pray that we would see someone who would be able to talk to Ruby.  She continued to sign “friend”.  

As though she was saying,
“Come on Mom!  Grab some friends and tell them to talk to me!”

Within about 15 minutes of praying that prayer, I looked up and saw a woman from our church.  The minute I saw her, I was thrilled and asked, “Sarah, would you mind saying ‘hello’ to Ruby?”

Sarah was more than happy to do so and so I helped Ruby do the sign for “friend” and officially introduced Ruby to Sarah…and Ruby began to wiggle and smile and giggle….It was such a wonderful treat for all of us to see Ruby talking to her ‘friend’!   And this mama’s heart was rejoicing at the faithfulness of God – I mean, think about it, we barely know anyone in the entire state of Arizona – so to run into any one at the fair who could speak to Ruby – truly miraculous!

Awhile later I was sitting on a bench and struck up a conversation with a sweet lady, who happened to have a son who also has Cerebral Palsy…and I was able to introduce her to Ruby…and little Miss Ruby was tickled to meet her as well.

There is no doubt that our Ruby loves people.

When we head out to the van, and she hears the door slide open to enter, she wiggles and wiggles and wiggles….so excited to ‘get out of Dodge’ {almost making us think that she feels our home is rather dull and perhaps even ‘boring’ to her – like Ruby needs a little people fix!  Ha!}.

Since Ruby’s arrival we have become even more cognizant of those around us with handicaps.   Some with bodies twisted and distorted in seemingly painful positions.   How often we have overlooked these precious treasures because it just seems “easier”?

How easy to become so ‘busy’ that we miss the beautiful opportunity to value each person placed in our path.  Yet each of these precious treasures were  made in the image of an Almighty God…and He definitely loves each of us, no matter our capabilities, without measure.

Please, if you happen to see someone wheelchair bound, spend time investing in them….reassuring them that you are so thankful that your paths have crossed…you will be blessed and, assuredly, it will make their day!

Ruby would thank you, if she could…

A few more pictures from the fair….

22 thoughts on “Our “Social Butterfly”

  1. I always try to stop and talk to babies that have obvious deformities as I am sure that most people do not talk to them or coo at them like they do at normal babies. It is amazing how some of their parents react, I had one mom actually have tears in her eyes as she said thanks. So little effort and so much reward.

    1. Thank you AfterGirl for ministering to little ones. If we should ever meet in person, Ruby would love to be your friend – and for sure, you would love her as well. Thank you. And as I read your comment, my eyes welled with tears. It really does minister to mama to have people love their kids.

  2. Ruby, you are a beautiful little miracle through and through!!! You go girly!!! Your friend Molly misses you a whole bunch!!! I know you remember me because I told you never to forget me! It may be a long, long while, but I can't wait to see you again precious little princess <3

    1. Miss Molly, Precious Ruby loves you and no doubt, she misses you too. Phoenix is not that far…remember? You don't *have to* have your parents with you to come visit {ooops, don't tell them I said that}. *giggle*

    1. You are so sweet Kati Mendez…and yes, their faces have such joy – they know they are loved and wanted and belong – and that it is FOREVER…it radiates because of what JEsus has done for each of them! xo

    1. Doesn't she look so good in her pictures? Such miraculous changes since we saw you in Indianapolis and Knoxville…imagine what another few months will do! Miss you and love you!!

    1. Oh.my.gracious!! It does look like a giant rat!! It's actually a kangaroo…but you are so right! hahahaha. When I read your comment I went back to look. Sooo creepy, but I guess it was a kangaroo…although Ruby and I stayed outside the petting zoo.

  3. I just love that Ruby loves people and learned how to sign 'friend.' Her little fingers are SOOOO cute! Love the pics of your kiddos at the fair! The smell of the food at our local fair is priceless! Always look forward to the smell and noise of the hustle and bustle of the crowd! I'm glad Ruby enjoys it too!

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