Our Little Valentine

Our little valentine would like to wish  every one of her peeps a very beautiful Valentine’s Day filled  with tender love as together  we celebrate the lavishing love of God…  Ruby rolled over and gave me this greeting yesterday morning. Look at our girl… Could we ever get tired of her joy? {Not a chance!!!!!!!!!!}  Almighty God has done …

Jubilee Can Hear {Finally!}

Joy of joys! Jubilee can finally{!} hear! We praise the name of the Lord that He gave man the idea for bone induction  hearing… and wisdom for the technology behind it… because now our precious girl can hear. Jubilee waited 12 years  and  her smile says it all. She was so excited she could hardly…

This Mimi is Tickled….

So many of you prayed for our Karl back in July 2011. Those new to our Place Called Simplicity,  our precious [now] son-in-love Karl  {who was dating our daughter at the time}  was in a horrific motorcycle accident on  July 17, 2011.   A traumatic brain injury left Karl in a coma for 15 days. I will…

Steady and Celebrating

Today is the anniversary of  a very important day in my life, personally. I don’t know about you, but rarely do I  know what the date is or at least, rarely do I pay attention to it.   However, each January,  for the last 8 years I have watched the calendar in anticipation of the  10th coming…

Selah With Us This Christmas

No doubt, just like everyone else, our “to do” list can seem endless this time of year…. After many years of wondering how Christmas came speeding upon us with little thought to Christmas and the reason we celebrate it, we’ve come to understand that if  we don’t Selah {rest} and allow God’s peace to  bring us…

Has it Really Been a Year, Mr. Nehemiah?

There’s this crazy thing about how God works…. Ask almost anyone who has brought home a treasure through disruption and they will confirm this truth… The treasure that arrived broken, grieving, fearful, and often angry….. whose anxious eyes peered from an expressionless face… those pensive eyes, the terrified heart  and the fearful face – they…

“Is She MY Friend?”

 Something miraculous happened last week.   It was so beautiful that I cannot stop tearing up and giggling  all at the same time. When we say, “Yes” to the Lord, we open up the doors of heaven and  have a front row seat,  watching His spectacular plans unfold. And there is absolutely no doubt that His…