Tag: Prophetic Words
From This to This
Three years ago Christmas Eve Emma and I drove down our long lane home. Finally. After 2 weeks in Ch*na we were finally home with our precious and long-awaited treasure Jubilee Promise Her middle name is Promise because she was the fulfillment of a Promise from Almighty God that He had whispered many years before….”your…
He’s Not a Deadbeat Dad {Part 4}
He’s NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 3 }
He’s NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 2}
He is NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 1}
Over the years I have had literally hundreds of emails from families who want to adopt, but find themselves worried, fearful and immobilized by the financial end of it all. Friends, listen up! In the last 28+ years {since we began adopting}, we have NOT met one person/couple/family who found a treasure, began that treasure’s…
In Less Than 24 Hours
Although His timing doesn’t always work like this….it sure is exciting when it does! We were invited to dinner at some new friends on Sunday after church. It was an especially sweet time together. They shared how they had always longed to adopt, but due to some unexpected and overwhelming circumstances they had not yet…