“It” Is Back

I’m often asked,  “How do you do it?” Or the most often heard comment I get, “I could never do what you do.” I think what they might be really saying is, “You are silver-haired and  should be empty-nesting it, but ummmm, you have lots and lots of kids even really little kids.” To which…

2:00pm EST Today

It has been a difficult week since hearing the news of Alicia Halpenny’s passing.  No doubt, many of you have been impacted by her life after reading her blog and hearing more about her.   {The very same day we heard about Alicia, we also heard of the passing of a sweet young girl who…

The Email

Clearly from the response after yesterday’s post, there are a bunch of bloggy friends in the same boat –  needing to hear and be encouraged {again!}:  “Those who hope in the Lord will *not* be disappointed.” Well as I mentioned the Lord’s clearing the path on the Freeway {again!} was His whispers that  He cares, He…

Abandonment – Part 2

After the response to the post last month on abandonment, several wrote and asked for some help and also asked if we would share some of our life experiences. As always, this is our personal story.   It’s okay if you don’t agree with how we choose to handle this life God has  graciously granted us.  It…

The Load

The picture above is common in Uganda. Large items balanced on skinny bike tires  that were certainly never meant for carrying  such heavy, bulky and gangly loads.  No doubt, the carrier of the goods must work  tediously to balance  with precision the weight of each load. I have marveled for years at the industrious internal…


Last night as I was tucking my treasures into bed, one asked a question that  opened the door to a very long and very tender discussion about abandonment. It’s never an easy discussion, in fact it’s the one discussion I dread. As an adoptive mom, my heart wrenches about inside my chest.  The most powerful…