Friday Fun…

Seems to me that every now and then Fridays out to be a celebration of sorts…. Even a time for a bit of extra joy… Or perhaps for a few giggles.. So here we are, sharing some joy, celebration and giggles  from our home this week to yours… First for the celebrating…. Nehemiah Judson  is…


Photo credit: edududas Finally. After a little more than three years I have finished  Rescuing Ruby. There are 16 chapters presently. Even the Dedication page is done. Now I just hope to read it through to Dw and see what he thinks. Funny how that thought makes me kind of queasy. No one has read…

A Money Back Guarantee

Here’s the deal of the day….. That comes with a money back guarantee… If you can look at her pictures and not smile… I mean, seriously. Knowing what this sweet chica has been through… and look at her now! She even smirks! And when she smirks –  You KNOW she’s up to something… Sooooooo was…

Over Here in Phoenix….

For many years, while living in Colorado, I would watch my bloggy friend, Martha, who lives in South Carolina, post gorgeous pictures of a myriad of flowers growing in her yard in the dead of winter. Mesmerized by her spectacular flower pictures, I would stare out my window at the snow piled acres and long…

Guess and Win!

It’s Veteran’s Day week-end and our family will be spending some time praying for our men and women serving around the world. I will also be busy working all week-end on a “special project”. I haven’t been able to say anything about this special project [yet]. However, it looks like I will be able to…

The Virus

The last few days I have noticed my computer running so unbearably slow.  It was weird, because it had been fine.  Finally I texted Graham and asked him what he thought.  He asked me to send him the link to the new search engine that was coming up each time I wanted to search something. …

Happy Monday Giggles!!

This morning, in need of a bit of lightheartedness I was remembering a story that I shared a some two and a half years ago.  It was one of my favorites ever and it still makes me giggle. I love when life just gives some unexpected joy. Real life.  Unedited. If you need something to…

Cinderella’s Bathroom

Since that handsome man o’ mine is in Africa  and  in anticipation of the upcoming wedding next month….  this chica,  who happens to be a not-so-good painter, {okay, so quite honestly “not-so-good” is a stretch  and I’m actually a horrible painter} is ready for a new look in the bathroom upstairs. Can you blame me?…

Sorry Babe….

Dw’s been in a Africa for a few weeks  and since the yard desperately needed some weeding, the kids and I teamed up and started working with true determination. Dw has a saying he does with the kids. He will say,  “Team work…  then they finish in unison, “Makes the dream work.” Always kind of…