Where’d Ya Go?

When I began writing our Place Called Simplicity, I meant it to be a journal to my family.  Just a place to share my thoughts about the people I love, the miracles we have seen God work and the things I am most passionate about.   Never would I have dreamed, not even in a…

Yup, I’m Wrecked….

So I was sitting here looking over the faces. Each with a little blurb written about them. Most faces with a smile. Some looking a bit scared. Others laughing till their eyes are squinting shut. And suddenly I spot her. I gasp! I know that face!! I can’t believe it!! I would know her anywhere….

Unwrapping My Secret Gift

Friends, friends, friends… I’m not really sure how to begin this post. All I can say is that it’s been a long time comin’. Let’s see if I can start briefly, somewhere near the beginning, in an effort to make the most sense of it all. But first let me say…. I have requested this…

And Her Answer Was?

Over the years of sharing my heart here, there is no doubt that those who’ve been hanging around have  gotten to know our family.   You’ve walked along with us through joyous seasons, days of sweet triumph and victory  but also some very painful seasons.   We’ve welcomed you into our lives and freely most…

What Will Happen?

No surprise to anyone who has  been stopping by  Our Place Called Simplicity  that we are a family that happens to be  crazy-passionate about the orphan and always desperately desiring that each have a forever family  Our hearts grieve for treasures around the world waiting. When I hear of a little one longing for a…

The Little Enormous Things

True confession: Telling Ruby stories are some of my favorite stories ever to tell. To think that some medical professionals really, truly thought that her  life would amount to sitting propped in a corner, unable to interact in  any way, no facial expressions, no progress of any kind…just sit. Seems pretty incredulous to the rest of us,…

Taking the Plunge

I wonder how many people wait until the last possible minute to do something? What is it about that? Time is running out and people seem to be dilly-dallying and suddenly, just at the last possible second they swoop in and swoosh{!} do what needs to be done! I confess I am not an early…

Crazy Love in Action

Some days doesn’t the simple love of a child put into action just steal your heart away? Yesterday a precious letter arrived from an orphan-loving young girl named Ariana. Inside the letter was a check for $22.50. The letter said, “Dear Linny, My friend Faith and I did a face painting  fundraiser to raise money…