Tag: Life
Morning Glow
Happy Snowy Sunday
The Towel Dilemna
Living in our little log home with seven kids can present its problems…one of them is the towel situation. Am I the only woman out there who has wanted to solve the towel dilemna? Ya’ know, everyone takes a new towel each day because no one remembers exactly which towel they used yesterday. ugh. So…
Elijah Muller’s FIRST Kiss
Pausing to Pray….
Settling In….
Time Zone Challenges
Christmas Tree Hunting – Always Better With Friends
We’re off!!Poor little guy needs a belt….he keeps pulling his britches up…Emma and Destini Tanner, Graham, Isaiah and Brody He thought he was so funny, I was trying to take that top picture while turned around and he gently started up and I still banged backwards into the dashboard….look at just how funny he thought…
Pausing for a stretch at the Mojave Desert….Abby and Ryan’s bungalow….. Stop taking stupid pictures for your stupid blog mom – or we will make stupid faces…. We left on Monday afternoon to head out here to California to spend Thanksgiving at Abby and Ryan’s home. Because of Dw’s shoulder I did most of the…